Student fighting a teacher.

1. It doesn't help anything.

2. It isn't right.

Maybe you and I are having two different conversations.

This is what I am saying.

It is EASY to say what someone should/shouldn't do from the sidelines.

Most people can have NO CLUE as to how they WOULD respond to a situation, until they ARE in that situation.
Can we apply this logic to police officers in instances of police brutality?
Can we apply this logic to police officers in instances of police brutality?
Sure you can. I have already used this logic many times in that thread.

Any white person that says, "These white cops need to stop killing black men" might do the SAME thing in those situations.

It is so easy to talk from the sidelines.
I think you're missing the undertone of what I'm saying. Of course anyone CAN talk from the sidelines, but your mileage may vary based upon context and experience with the subject/profession.

I hate Monday morning quarterbacking as much as the next person, but there are instances you can't excuse away.

The idea of a teacher putting their hands on a student in a situation where they don't have legitimate concerns for their own safety is one of them. Lots of jobs are stressful, more stressful than being a teacher, but they can't just lose their cool and explain it away with "hey...I'm human." That's part of the responsibility of accepting such a position.
Define "excusing" the behavior though?

Simply put I personally don't blame any adult that decides to get physical with a student AFTER they have already gotten physical with them. (Of course depending on age/size matchup of the child/adult).

I just don't believe in the, "If you can't stay composed in an EXTREME situation, you aren't fit for the job."

I disagree with that point.
Ding ding ding.

The "teachers are human too" narrative is such bull****. I'm an RN--we get violated/abused in a lot of different ways by patients and family members. That doesn't give me or my colleagues an excuse to lose our composure.

Had a situation like this a few years back when I worked in management. An aide was showering a patient and either the water was too cold/the aide was too rough/whatever, but the aide got slapped and decided slapping the patient back was the best way to handle the situation. It was witnessed and immediately reported to me. I had to walk the aide out of the building and tell her not to come back until we could have a meeting with the director and a union rep on Monday. There was no sympathy, no leeway, and no understanding from me. The only bit of advocacy I gave her was to tell her to find a good attorney, because her certification was in jeopardy (at the very least).

The day my thoughts start heading in that direction is the day I start looking for indirect care positions or a new career altogether.
dont give me this
see plenty of rn's lose their cool
and composure so dont give me that
u may not have done it
but not everyone is the same
so spare me
dont give me this
see plenty of rn's lose their cool
and composure so dont give me that
u may not have done it
but not everyone is the same
so spare me
I'm sorry
that you work in such an unprofessional environment
RNs may lose their cool at times
everyone does at some point
but we're talking about getting physical
not throwing a temper tantrum
so spare me
I'm sorry
that you work in such an unprofessional environment
RNs may lose their cool at times
everyone does at some point
but we're talking about getting physical
not throwing a temper tantrum
so spare me
whether its physical
or temper tantrum
both are loosing ur cool
are there levels???
but still loosing ur cool non the less
i love how on the internet
EVERYONE likes to pretend
they are holier than thou
if that was the case
whole world would be at peace

EDIT: on a side note
isnt it a lil easier typing like that???
unless u actually typed it out normally
then went back to adjust it like that
teachers fighting children is not a normal thing
You don’t have to be holier than thou

DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican aren’t you a teacher? How many kids have you fought?
I have never FOUGHT a child.

I don't THINK I would fight a child, but as I said before, I never know what I WOULD do in an extreme situation.

In an ideal state of mind, I would hope I would make the right decision.
Schools aren’t set up to protect the adults, just the kids. For sure with how he handled it. I would of just left. Here’s the thing, that kid will be there again tomorrow, the day after that, etc. what do you do? They WONT kick the kid out for you. If anything they’ll give you the option to leave and work somewhere else.

It’s a lose lose LOSE situation :lol:
Requoting for Truth.

What is the new SN?
I think you're missing the undertone of what I'm saying. Of course anyone CAN talk from the sidelines, but your mileage may vary based upon context and experience with the subject/profession.

I hate Monday morning quarterbacking as much as the next person, but there are instances you can't excuse away.

The idea of a teacher putting their hands on a student in a situation where they don't have legitimate concerns for their own safety is one of them. Lots of jobs are stressful, more stressful than being a teacher, but they can't just lose their cool and explain it away with "hey...I'm human." That's part of the responsibility of accepting such a position.

Disagree wholeheartedly - there are few jobs that are as stressful as being a teacher. Most people that are teachers become really close with their students. And i don’t mean that in the they become friends but they develop that level of comfort with each that an argument or something can easily ignite. It’s why most cases of violence are domestic violence. People don’t get heated with strangers unless you’re on Jersey Shore.

As someone that has had many jobs from retail through upper management executive in corporate I can tell you nothing was as draining as the few years I was a teacher. And i had amazing students for the most part. But I can easily see how someone that’s already not predisposed for the job can easily snap and have a moment of doing something in the heat of the moment they wouldn’t ever think they’d do objectively.

Quarterbacking stress responses people have is a lose lose situation. It’s why we have (and should have) really serious penalties for it. It’s got to be severe enough that maybe the thought of consequences at least enters the minds of someone when they get caught up in the moment.
Disagree wholeheartedly - there are few jobs that are as stressful as being a teacher. Most people that are teachers become really close with their students. And i don’t mean that in the they become friends but they develop that level of comfort with each that an argument or something can easily ignite. It’s why most cases of violence are domestic violence. People don’t get heated with strangers unless you’re on Jersey Shore.

As someone that has had many jobs from retail through upper management executive in corporate I can tell you nothing was as draining as the few years I was a teacher. And i had amazing students for the most part. But I can easily see how someone that’s already not predisposed for the job can easily snap and have a moment of doing something in the heat of the moment they wouldn’t ever think they’d do objectively.

Quarterbacking stress responses people have is a lose lose situation. It’s why we have (and should have) really serious penalties for it. It’s got to be severe enough that maybe the thought of consequences at least enters the minds of someone when they get caught up in the moment.
You're free to disagree, but teacher doesn't even crack the top 10 in terms of most stressful jobs (neither does RN, so don't misconstrue this as a "my job is so much harder than yours" situation). There are sources that support this.

I'm sorry...but if you're not "predisposed" (******** term in this context, by the way) to be a teacher, then don't teach. If you don't have the aptitude to be a nurse, don't be a nurse. Life is full of choices.
What exactly do you disagree with?

@marikomorose I had one situation where one tried his hand. I restrained him until security came.
Which is exactly how an adult deals with a child.

A child is gonna act up because..... it’s a child. They can’t control their emotions so they throw tantrums, they lack accountability, they use absurd rationale. That’s what children do.

You’re an adult with all these responsibilities and you completely lose your mind like that? :lol: What do you accomplish beating up a teenager in a classroom? :lol: Your life will always be hard if you can’t control your emotions
What exactly do you disagree with?

@marikomorose I had one situation where one tried his hand. I restrained him until security came.

The premise of both posts are ignorant and nonsensical but specifically, I disagree that the student deserved to be assaulted, I disagree that the teacher's assault on the student was warranted, and I disagree that the student should be arrested for "assaulting" the teacher.
The premise of both posts are ignorant and nonsensical but specifically, I disagree that the student deserved to be assaulted, I disagree that the teacher's assault on the student was warranted, and I disagree that the student should be arrested for "assaulting" the teacher.
Students that strike adults should face what consequence(s)?

You also oversimplified what both of those posts actually said.
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I'm sorry...but if you're not "predisposed" (bull**** term in this context, by the way) to be a teacher, then don't teach. If you don't have the aptitude to be a nurse, don't be a nurse. Life is full of choices.

Most people don't realize they don't have what it takes in these professions until after they start them.
Which is exactly how an adult deals with a child.

A child is gonna act up because..... it’s a child. They can’t control their emotions so they throw tantrums, they lack accountability, they use absurd rationale. That’s what children do.

You’re an adult with all these responsibilities and you completely lose your mind like that? :lol: What do you accomplish beating up a teenager in a classroom? :lol: Your life will always be hard if you can’t control your emotions

Well if I was attacked and some blows landed, I doubt a chicken wing would have been enough.

My situation was mild compared to the abuse some adults get.
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