Steve McNair found shot to death. Murder-Suicide by 20 year old GF

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by x1xJIGSAWx1x

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

unless it was still in her hand as she fell and she wasnt killed instantly
So she shot him 4 times (2 in the head/chest), then turn the gun on herself and missed her head (well it would explain the 4 shots
)....... the gun falls to the ground, she falls to the ground and rolls over onto the gun?

Theres just tooooo many "dumb" things for this M-S theory to be correct.

I think its more likely that the gunner just didnt have an idea about physics and thought that placing the gun under her would seem more like a M-S.
why would she have to miss? You dont die right away when ur shot in the head every time. Hell some ppl survice gun shots to the head. I think there have to be more what ifs for the double murder to be true than the m-s. But i wanna know about the resadue on her hands.

So afer she shot herself in the head she still had the capacity in her nervous system to move on top of the gun? Isnt it more likely that when someone shoots themself in the head and they miss they simply lie on the floor until they bleed to death?

IF she did shoot herself and missed, wouldnt there have been blood spots/marks around her which showed that she was moving/tossing around?

Um why would she have to move on top of the gun. She just falls on top of it. the gun would fall instantly. Her body wouldnt if she didnt die instantly. And idont get the thing about missing? obviously she didnt miss . And about the blood spots for all we know there are blood spots all over the damn condo.
Originally Posted by x1xJIGSAWx1x

Originally Posted by theone2401

I think there have to be more what ifs for the double murder to be true than the m-s.
He tells her hes not getting a divorce and staying with his wife....

So he tells her this while hes sitting on the couch in the apt? This news sets her off so much she blasts him AND herself??
Originally Posted by x1xJIGSAWx1x

Originally Posted by theone2401

I think there have to be more what ifs for the double murder to be true than the m-s.
He tells her hes not getting a divorce and staying with his wife....

After a short time dating? I mean some broads are crazy, but...

I mean a 20 year old girl with a sugar daddy, an Escalade, a condo, and you thinking shes going to kill McNair cause he is not leaving his wife? I mean it ispossible, but how likely? She was 20 and living the life.
Also, I dont know if this has been mentioned but I just don't see a young girl shooting another man in the head twice and 2 times in the body. I mean thatis basically unloading on McNair. I can see a girl shooting another man in the body, but twice in the head?
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

unless it was still in her hand as she fell and she wasnt killed instantly

But how do you shoot yourself in the head and not die instantly? Doesn't it cut off all electrical impulses?
there have been people who have survived after being shot in the head.

But isn't that from someone else shooting them in the head?
fam, My uncle got shot in the head point blank range and is still living.
It happens

Is he incapacitated though?
Originally Posted by x1xJIGSAWx1x

Originally Posted by theone2401

I think there have to be more what ifs for the double murder to be true than the m-s.
He tells her hes not getting a divorce and staying with his wife....

So she's a cold blooded killer and planned this?
Or if he just told her that night how;d she get a hold of a gun that quick?

I could believe this if it was some 50 yr old women who had kids with her husband and found it he was leaving her after 20 years.

Police love murder suicides because it closes the case quickly.
The problem is too many cases that are labeled murder suicide turn out to be just straight multiple homicides.
Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

unless it was still in her hand as she fell and she wasnt killed instantly

But how do you shoot yourself in the head and not die instantly? Doesn't it cut off all electrical impulses?
there have been people who have survived after being shot in the head.

But isn't that from someone else shooting them in the head?
fam, My uncle got shot in the head point blank range and is still living.
It happens

Is he incapacitated though?

no, he is not.

I find it hard to believe she did this esp after that myspace crap, Im just givin yall theres a possibility she ended up on top of the pistiol.
so the two myspacce was the ex-bf of the JO and who was the other one?.....his boy?

i think its the JO's ex...

im not buying this murder suicide and i doubt the ex and the wife were in cahoots. im sayin its prolly the ex cuz he young and was 'in love' andprobably hadnt been hurt that hard by a female. think about it........she was probably the prettiest girl in the world to him and yet she was all sprung out bythis wealthy famous black athlete and the ex simply couldnt compete. if he couldnt have her no one would and she would then 'learn her lesson' fortreating him so bad....i dont see the wife playing a part in this cuz she probably knew going into the marriage that Steve would have JO's and instead ofgetting mad she got even and did the same thing. her being in Mississippi was a coincidence cuz she was off with her own JO.

thats my guess. it is what it is. RIP son
I agree...if the Police can wrap this up in a bow with Murder Suicide, I am sure they will be more than happy...

However, if people start sending in all sorts of stuff like ole boys MySpace and so forth, they wont be able to just shut it down.

Alot doesn't makes sense.

Also.. for whoever asked about dying if you get shot in the head.. No.. you dont always die... A kid shot himself in the head point blank at our Bus stopmessing around in High School.... it was a .22 but he was at school the next week.

The Hole closed up around the temple and the shell traveled to the back of his neck. If they removed it he could have been paralyzed. Happens in our area morethan one might think too.
Originally Posted by celtixhalfshell

so the two myspacce was the ex-bf of the JO and who was the other one?.....his boy?

i think its the JO's ex...

im not buying this murder suicide and i doubt the ex and the wife were in cahoots. im sayin its prolly the ex cuz he young and was 'in love' and probably hadnt been hurt that hard by a female. think about it........she was probably the prettiest girl in the world to him and yet she was all sprung out by this wealthy famous black athlete and the ex simply couldnt compete. if he couldnt have her no one would and she would then 'learn her lesson' for treating him so bad....i dont see the wife playing a part in this cuz she probably knew going into the marriage that Steve would have JO's and instead of getting mad she got even and did the same thing. her being in Mississippi was a coincidence cuz she was off with her own JO.

thats my guess. it is what it is. RIP son
idk but tidbit about her ex having keys to the Escalade is important. Must've meant that they weren't on bad terms.

Maybe her and the ex were hustling Mcnair for his money and the things he bought her. She might've been trying to part ways for good with the ex? Maybe atfirst it was supposed to be a hustle and then the chick really started to like McNair? idk obviously but if that was the case dude would've def beensteaming.

Persian chicks are all about the $. I've been around enough of them here ( there's a lot of them where I live
) to know that. Of course eachindividual is different "she thought McNair was leaving his wife for her". 20 yr old chick mooching off of a wealthy dude. You think she's in arush to settle down?
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

unless it was still in her hand as she fell and she wasnt killed instantly

But how do you shoot yourself in the head and not die instantly? Doesn't it cut off all electrical impulses?
there have been people who have survived after being shot in the head.

But isn't that from someone else shooting them in the head?
fam, My uncle got shot in the head point blank range and is still living.
It happens

Is he incapacitated though?

no, he is not.

I find it hard to believe she did this esp after that myspace crap, Im just givin yall theres a possibility she ended up on top of the pistiol.

a kid in my high school tried to kill himself - shot himself in the head, and lived... he's not somewhat mentally and physically handicapped, but youwouldn't know just by looking at him that he put a hole in his head.
Originally Posted by theone2401

Originally Posted by x1xJIGSAWx1x

Originally Posted by theone2401

I think there have to be more what ifs for the double murder to be true than the m-s.
He tells her hes not getting a divorce and staying with his wife....

After a short time dating? I mean some broads are crazy, but...

I mean a 20 year old girl with a sugar daddy, an Escalade, a condo, and you thinking shes going to kill McNair cause he is not leaving his wife? I mean it is possible, but how likely? She was 20 and living the life.

that's what i'm sayin.
There was an article posted on pg. 19 by P MAC ONE where the ex-bf was saying he banged on the door Saturday morning but didn't get there fast enough.
If this is true then this case has the ex-bf of the dead chick placing himself at the scene of the crime the day the bodies were discovered.
He most definitely will be brought in for questioning if the Nashville PD are trying to solve this case.

Now if they want to get rid of it because its too high profile, then murder-suicide is the quickest route to go.
But that wont hold up because there are too many media outlets and info will slowly leak to the public,
and they will have to aggressively pursue the realities of this case.

In my opinion with all info we now know, I believe the ex-bf did it along with an accomplice.
Originally Posted by 22 Rather Unique 22

Originally Posted by Mr S J King

There was an article posted on pg. 19 by P MAC ONE where the ex-bf was saying he banged on the door Saturday morning but didn't get there fast enough.
If this is true then this case has the ex-bf of the dead chick placing himself at the scene of the crime the day the bodies were discovered.
He most definitely will be brought in for questioning if the Nashville PD are trying to solve this case.

Now if they want to get rid of it because its too high profile, then murder-suicide is the quickest route to go.
But that wont hold up because there are too many media outlets and info will slowly leak to the public,
and they will have to aggressively pursue the realities of this case.

In my opinion with all info we now know, I believe the ex-bf did it along with an accomplice.

Man you read that wrong. He (ex-bf) was saying that SHE (dead woman) came and knocked on his place, but he didn't get to the door in time. That's BS of course, but you read that story wrong.

it is interesting though in terms of the timeline of events... if the police are saying they believe they died early Saturday morning, and this guy is sayingshe banged on his door - and the neighbors say her car was at her place the night before... i mean, all of the above can't be true.
a extended version of what Q46totheE posted earlier

By all accounts it was a whirlwind romance.

It started about six months ago when former Titans quarterback Steve McNair exchanged phone numbers with Sahel Kazemi, a then-19-year waitress working at Dave& Buster's Restaurant at Opry Mills. Saturday, the relationship ended in tragedy, as the couple was found shot to death Saturday in a downtowncondominium.

Police continue to investigate the circumstances of the events leading up to the deaths, but according to friends of Kazemi, she was smitten and so was McNair.

For her 20th birthday in late May, McNair got her a black Cadillac Escalade. Her family met him over sushi dinner that same weekend. Before that, Kazemi zippedaround in his Bentley, telling family and friends about the generosity of her new beau - a former professional athlete.

"We met him because I don't watch football and didn't know who he was," said Farzin Abdi, Kazemi's nephew, who was in town fromJacksonville, Fla. to retrieve the body. "We went out to dinner and she was so happy and was having fun. Were we happy about the relationship? No."

Kazemi's family and friends pieced together a portrait of their relationship - one they were leery of because of her age - as police confirmed on Sundaythat McNair was shot four times. Police have stopped just shy of calling it a murder-suicide at the Second Avenue condominium where both of them died.

"It's hard right now to imagine what people are saying," Abdi said. "I can't believe it because she was a sweet girl. This is hard onus."

There were trips, dinners, a promise of living together and ultimately marriage, according to Abdi, 27.

"I don't know if he had filed for divorce but I thought it wouldn't happen," Abdi said, adding that Kazemi was a child when adopted into thefamily after her mother died in Iran. Abdi's mother is Kazemi's sister.

McNair took Kazemi, known as Jenny to friends, on trips to Key West, Las Vegas, California, Hawaii and McNair's farm in Mississippi with the couple seeingeach other often, Abdi said. Pictures of the smiling couple parasailing were posted Sunday afternoon on the celebrity gossip site

Kazemi told Abdi they would take a break when McNair would go away on his own with his children. McNair and the children recently returned from Mexico, Abdisaid.

"I was under the impression that his family knew about her," Abdi said. "That he took the children alone with him on vacation is a sign thatthey were separated."

Kazemi told her sister, Sepideh Salmani, that McNair was in the process of divorcing.

Kazemi, though younger than Abdi and Salmani, was actually their aunt but they were raised as siblings. Salmani's mother adopted her when she was 9, afterKazemi's mother was killed in their native Iran.

Salmani talked to her sister every day, and said she was very happy in her relationship with Steve McNair.

"That's why she was like, 'OK, now you're divorcing. We can date,'" Salmani said. "He told her, it was going to be finished, thewhole divorce was going to be done, two weeks from yesterday."

Although a check of Davidson County's court records shows there is no divorce pending - at least in Nashville - McNair's house is for sale. His wife,Mechelle McNair, hasn't spoken to the media. Police said she is distraught over his death.

Kazemi was a young woman who wanted to have fun and couldn't have hurt anyone - not herself or someone else, Salmani said.

McNair and Kazemi met earlier this year in January or February at Dave & Buster's at Opry Mills, where Kazemi worked as a waitress. She was attractiveand approachable, family and friends say. McNair was a regular, often coming in with family, friends or alone.

"He was one of the nice guys who would talk to you, not like the other athletes," said Brandon Millichamp, who worked with Kazemi at the restaurant."And she was a super sweet girl. I was surprised to hear about their dating and this was so out of the blue."

When Kazemi was moving to a Hermitage apartment McNair was also there, prompting neighbors to wonder who was moving in. But Kazemi had a roommate who quicklymoved out as she had moved in, neighbors said.

Kazemi also didn't like living alone, Abdi said. One of the conversations turned to talk about Abdi going to a shooting range in Florida. He told Kazemithat since she didn't like being alone - or if she felt unsafe - getting a gun carry permit would be an option.

"She told me she didn't have to because Steve had lots of guns," Abdi said.

As her birthday approached in May, Abdi said, Kazemi wanted the family to visit Nashville.

"Don't buy me any gifts, just come and spend my birthday with me," she told Abdi and her sister.

Abdi said they met and partied with McNair at local clubs. Still, the family was hoping she'd reconsider moving back to Florida.

The family was worried about the rapid relationship and the extravagance that came with it.

"She was in a Bentley and I don't think it was right because there are jealous people," Abdi said. "People were telling her that theydidn't have anyone to pay their bills or buy them things."

Kazemi first came to Nashville nearly four years ago with her then-boyfriend, Keith Norfleet. They broke up about six months ago, and she started seeing McNairsoon after. The family says the ex-boyfriend was not happy about her seeing the former quarterback and wanted to rekindle their relationship.

But Kazemi had moved on and remained friends with Norfleet.

Neighbors said they overheard arguments come from her Hermitage apartment periodically, and occasionally saw Kazemi dropped off by a limo service. Abdi saidthey were minor arguments, often immaturity from both side without giving details of the spats.

Neighbor Regan Howard thought things were fine between the couple when Kazemi arrived in the Escalade - her birthday gift from McNair. Howard recalls Kazeminot knowing how to use some of the vehicle's accessories, like the remote keys and other buttons.

"She was a nice, pretty girl, who acted like any other 19 or 20-year-old," Howard said.

Kazemi and her family moved to the U.S. in 2002, fleeing Iran to Turkey before settling in Florida. As members of the Baháií Faith, they were in danger inIran. They quickly got acclimated. Kazemi worked hard and like earning her own money, the family said.

Her greatest dream, Salmani said, was to be famous.

"I think she is now," Salmani said. "She is everywhere."
Originally Posted by NY Denim Seller

Steve McNair wasn't even that good of a quarterback. No disrespect.

Donovan McNabb > Steve McNair

Michael Vick > Steve McNair
*@$! outta here.

I was on the beach when I got the text of what happened

Later that night I already saw a guy with an RIP Mcnair T

The details of this story and relationship between McNair/Kazemi keep getting sketchier and sketchier as the days go on....

I would like to give McNair the benefit of the doubt in that he SHOULD have known what to do around groupies/gold diggers seeing he played in the NFL for over10+ years. I mean there isn't a doubt in my mind that tells me that he didn't have women throwing themselves at him over the years.

I just don't get WHY McNair fell this hard for a 19 year old??? I'm not blind to athletes cheating, but @%!+....
Something just don't add up.

Also about Kazemi....I don't know the type of person she was, but if my daughter or any of my female relatives at 15 said they were going to move to Tennand live with their boyfriend, I would have put my foot down. I don't know the inner-workings of their family, but you don't see many 15 year-oldsliving with their boyfriends....
Originally Posted by NY Denim Seller

Steve McNair wasn't even that good of a quarterback. No disrespect.

Donovan McNabb > Steve McNair

Michael Vick > Steve McNair

That's funny. This was a joke....right?
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