Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

You cannot gain muscle mass and reduce fat at the same time effectively unless you dedicate your life to it!!!

especially without ph/ds/steroids

that's why you go thru bulking and cutting cycles.

Yeah you can but itll take much longer. Most people dont need to go through bulking/cutting cycles. Thats a bodybuilding thing, and most people arent into that clique. The whole bulk/cut thing is being used by too many people that dont even need to do it.

Yes you can. You can't spot reduce, as in lose fat in certain areas, but you bet your %%! if I put in work on my biceps, my biceps will grow.
I think you misunderstood what he was trying to say. He worded it in a unique way.

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by thekryptonite

if i can't deadlift due to a lower weak back, will that really be detrimental to my overall development?

some guy is telling me that deadlifts are the most important exercise..
I've been TELLing people. Strengthen your GLUTES. Stretch out your tight hip flexors, ham strings, and calves because they're all knotted up.

Once your posture is correct, and you activate your glutes a little more, begin glute raises and bodyweight/lightweight lunges. Also warm up with glute bridges every day, every workout.

Then you can progress to deadlifts again, without the pain in your lower back.
So DL's are all down to the legs? I just hate to aggravate this injury again because I play basketball and can't really miss any of theseason.
First off... don't do anything based of what anyone in here says if you're recovering from a serious injury.

Secondly, I found the article I was looking for last time we had the deadlift/posterior chain discussion.
Glute Training for Dudes
by Mark Young

Next Page | Pages 1 2 3 4

It seems every time you pass a newsstand, all the women's fitness mags are having a "special glute edition," but very rarely do you see an article dedicated to glute training for men.

However, the truth is that dedicated glute training can not only do unsexy things like injury prevention, but it can also increase strength and it might just land you a date with the girl you hit on every day by the water cooler.

Injury Prevention

In my personal experience I've found that glute weakness is related to three types of training related injuries. If you're not interested in all the anatomy geek details I've included a non-geek summary at the end of each section to give you a quick breakdown without all of the scientific mumbo jumbo.

1) Knee Pain

The main issue here is that most people have excessively tight hip flexors, particularly the tensor fascia latae (TFL). They also tend to have weak glutes, causing an imbalance at the hip that leads to excessive medial rotation of the femur, lateral tracking of the patella and, most importantly, knee pain.

By strengthening the glutes (particularly the gluteus maximus and the posterior portion of the glute medius), the medial rotation of the hip is corrected and the knee pain will start to disappear. Combine this with some foam rolling of the TFL, IT band, and some stretching of the tight hip flexors and you have a recipe for healthy knees.


Ultimately, complete knee rehab is beyond the scope of this article, but Mike Robertson's Bulletproof Knees program is an excellent resource for those who want more information on this topic.

Non Geek Summary: Foam rolling and stretching of the hip flexors along with strengthening of the glutes leads to healthy, pain-free knees.

2) Lower Back Injury

Technically the glutes and hamstrings are hip extensors and the erector spinae have no direct influence on hip extension. However, when performing a deadlift, all three muscles must act to fully complete the movement. When one muscle (typically the glutes) doesn't function properly the other muscles have to take up the slack.

This is very much like when you were a kid getting assigned to do a group project at school. Invariably there was one guy in the group named Mikey who was too busy picking his nose and eating paste to be bothered so the rest of the group had to do all the work. Fortunately, you could just dunk Mikey's head in a toilet at recess to resolve the issue.

In the case of the deadlift, when the glutes are weak the "locked out" position never truly happens because the hips are never completely extended and the body only reaches the upright position by contraction of the erector spinae and hyperextension of the lower back. In this position the discs of the lower lumbar spine are particularly susceptible to injury.

Non Geek Summary: Strengthening the glutes causes less force to be put on the lower spine during exercises like the deadlift making back injury less likely. If your glutes are weak the next snap, crackle, pop you hear may not be from your child's breakfast cereal.

3) Pulled Hamstrings

By now you should know that sprint type training is superior to endurance type training for fat loss. This is great news for everyone who finds spending an hour on the treadmill as boring as watching Terms of Endearment on a Friday night. Unfortunately, many people trying to take advantage of this type of training experience hamstring pulls from sprinting as a result of having weak glutes.

During a sprinting stride both the glutes and hamstrings assist in propelling the body forward with an explosive extension of the hip joint. However, as mentioned above, when the glutes are weak other muscles have to compensate. In the case of sprinting, the hamstrings are often pulled as a result of trying to make up for the force not being produced by the gluteals.

Non Geek Summary: Weak glutes can lead to hamstring pulls which means your lower body training and interval training will have to take a back seat until you're healed. Strengthen the glutes and this issue can be easily avoided.

entire article is an excellent read for anyone and everyone.
I'm gaining weight like crazy, which is a good thing cause I'm bulking but I'm getting a stomach...

Is this normal? Or do I have to do some cardio, or abs excercises along with bulking?
Originally Posted by MF Doomer

I'm gaining weight like crazy, which is a good thing cause I'm bulking but I'm getting a stomach...

Is this normal? Or do I have to do some cardio, or abs excercises along with bulking?
Ab exercises won't shed belly fat. Sorry to say but body fat comes with the bulking dude. You can keep in in control by controlling your carbintake, and light amounts of moderate/low intensity cardio. Anything high intensity (heart rate above 140) will burn more muscle than you want, and iscounterproductive.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

You cannot gain muscle mass and reduce fat at the same time effectively unless you dedicate your life to it!!!

especially without ph/ds/steroids

that's why you go thru bulking and cutting cycles.

Yeah you can but itll take much longer. Most people dont need to go through bulking/cutting cycles. Thats a bodybuilding thing, and most people arent into that clique. The whole bulk/cut thing is being used by too many people that dont even need to do it.

key word = effectively.

and why shouldn't people bulk and cut? if you want to get bigger, bulk. if you want to cut fat, cut. doing both at the same time is usuallycounterproductive and slow, especially without chemical help.
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by MF Doomer

I'm gaining weight like crazy, which is a good thing cause I'm bulking but I'm getting a stomach...

Is this normal? Or do I have to do some cardio, or abs excercises along with bulking?
Ab exercises won't shed belly fat. Sorry to say but body fat comes with the bulking dude. You can keep in in control by controlling your carb intake, and light amounts of moderate/low intensity cardio. Anything high intensity (heart rate above 140) will burn more muscle than you want, and is counterproductive.

Ok, that makes sense. I guess il'l be cutting soon...
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

You cannot gain muscle mass and reduce fat at the same time effectively unless you dedicate your life to it!!!

especially without ph/ds/steroids

that's why you go thru bulking and cutting cycles.

Yeah you can but itll take much longer. Most people dont need to go through bulking/cutting cycles. Thats a bodybuilding thing, and most people arent into that clique. The whole bulk/cut thing is being used by too many people that dont even need to do it.

key word = effectively.

and why shouldn't people bulk and cut? if you want to get bigger, bulk. if you want to cut fat, cut. doing both at the same time is usually counterproductive and slow, especially without chemical help.
All I know, is this rule doesn't apply to beginners. I don't care how bad of shape you're in.

The first month in a gym working out properly, you will lose fat and gain muscle faster than any other time in your life.
Originally Posted by MF Doomer

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by MF Doomer

I'm gaining weight like crazy, which is a good thing cause I'm bulking but I'm getting a stomach...

Is this normal? Or do I have to do some cardio, or abs excercises along with bulking?
Ab exercises won't shed belly fat. Sorry to say but body fat comes with the bulking dude. You can keep in in control by controlling your carb intake, and light amounts of moderate/low intensity cardio. Anything high intensity (heart rate above 140) will burn more muscle than you want, and is counterproductive.

Ok, that makes sense. I guess il'l be cutting soon...
Ya, the whole idea is you can't gain muscle without fat, and you can lose fat without losing muscle.

In between lies a balance for everyone that is manipulated through diet, cardio, and the type of program that works best for you.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by Durden7

key word = effectively.

and why shouldn't people bulk and cut? if you want to get bigger, bulk. if you want to cut fat, cut. doing both at the same time is usually counterproductive and slow, especially without chemical help.
Look up "Carb Cycling"

It's the manipulation of your macronutrients ensuring a cutting phase while maintaining and even increasing strength.

Advanced stuff.
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by Durden7

key word = effectively.

and why shouldn't people bulk and cut? if you want to get bigger, bulk. if you want to cut fat, cut. doing both at the same time is usually counterproductive and slow, especially without chemical help.
Look up "Carb Cycling"

It's the manipulation of your macronutrients ensuring a cutting phase while maintaining and even increasing strength.

Advanced stuff.
nah i know what that is

i'll be doing that when i finally get around to cutting

but the fact is you don't gain much if any muscle mass during cutting, even using carb cycling. the best you can do is keep the mass/strength you have andmake minor gains if you do cc. you're not building any significant amount of muscle when in caloric deficit.
Been eating less and drinking water. Motivation is fitting back into a couple of suits I have lying around: D
No lie I drink about 15 - 20 cups of water a day. Im naturally a sweaty guy. Are there any drawbacks of drinkin that much water? I literally never piss yellowsince I started eating better and drinkin only water.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Ah, yes. An intelligent response.

key word = effectively.

and why shouldn't people bulk and cut? if you want to get bigger, bulk. if you want to cut fat, cut. doing both at the same time is usually counterproductive and slow, especially without chemical help.

The average person who is into working out doesnt want or even need to bulk up. Look at almost all the questions in here, theyre about losing weight andshedding fat. Trying to tell someone to bulk then cut is just asking for them to screw it up. Any person who just wants to be in getter shape, look betterand feel better the idea of bulking/cutting is nonsense to them. Cut/Bulk is a bodybuilding niche and too many people that arent aiming for that goal arethinking that they need to bulk up/cut.
Originally Posted by Rompe Toto

No lie I drink about 15 - 20 cups of water a day. Im naturally a sweaty guy. Are there any drawbacks of drinkin that much water? I literally never piss yellow since I started eating better and drinkin only water.
No such thing as too much water if you're doing it responsibly. Start thinking in terms of gallons, or liters, instead of cups. You'lldrink more.
What kind of water are you drinking?

Ahhh... okay I googled it

From wiki

Nearly all deaths related to water intoxication in normal individuals have resulted either from water drinking contests, in which individuals attempt to consume high amounts of water, or long bouts of intensive exercise during which electrolytes are not properly replenished, yet massive amounts of fluid are still consumed.
Don't do that. Drink it responsibly and as often as possible. You'll know if you're doing it wrong waaaaaay before anything badhappens to you. If you're working out and sweating, you're body will crave the water and allow itself to consumer more. Then you'll pee more. Thenyou'll be thirsty some more. It's a cycle that kicks in when you're physically active, that not a lot of people can identify with.
I went to iraq twice Ive seen dudes go down from overhydration before. I just dont know if theres any long term negative effects of it
Just a random guys think athletes go through the cut/bulk up process? Given that most aren't fat to start out already.

The only folks who even know about the bulk/cut process is the more knowledgeable lifters and body builders from my experience.
wj4 wrote:
Just a random guys think athletes go through the cut/bulk up process? Given that most aren't fat to start out already.

The only folks who even know about the bulk/cut process is the more knowledgeable lifters and body builders from my experience.

Athletes have no need to bulk or cut. They train differently than other people do.

I also dont think its that people who bulk/cut are more knowledgeable. Their knowledge shouldnt be coming into question. Athletes simply have different goalsand mindsets about what they want to accomplish. An athlete would gain nothing from a bulk/cut process.
Agreed, I think athletes doesn't bulk/cut on purpose since they usually focus on what will help them improve their game.
Most athletes probably isn't too knowledgeable other than what trainers tell them to do or eat.

The question brings Lamar Odom to mind right away. The man eat probably 3k-4k worth of calories a day from candies alone yet he is pretty damn fit.
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