Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Damn, give me a freakin 6'4 frame id look like Dwayne Johnson..

sik you been skinny since forever dude, why now?
sup fellas

been real busy w work so i havent been able 2 get on NT that much , but im glad to see this thread is still going on strong

i saw that a few of yall have tried and ab workout and are liking it . thats great news
Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

This may be alot to ask, but could someone recommend me a good 4 or 5 day work out routine?
stats and goals??

there has been more than a few workouts posted throughout the pages of this thread
haha bc ive graduated from Firefighter School last year, and im taking the hiring tests and all that...

i always just thought my metabolism would slow down as i got older, but im 25 and the thing hasnt budged.

i just been doin alot of reading on it, and getting intrested in it, mix taht with alot of free time and there it is...

so we'll see

my 17 year old brother is 6'4 195, and my dad is 6'9 270.....i got the short end of the stick when it comes to weight lol, gotta do somethin.
Originally Posted by lilpro4u

Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks
stats and goals??

there has been more than a few workouts posted throughout the pages of this thread
Im sure there has but im on some lazy shh right now


I'm 5'7 140lbs and basically I just want to get bigger. Plain and simple
Wouldn't mind putting on 15 pounds.(It'll take time i know, but its worth it)

Oh, and being a picky eater doesn't help either
Originally Posted by Sik Wit It

haha bc ive graduated from Firefighter School last year, and im taking the hiring tests and all that...

i always just thought my metabolism would slow down as i got older, but im 25 and the thing hasnt budged.

i just been doin alot of reading on it, and getting intrested in it, mix taht with alot of free time and there it is...

so we'll see

my 17 year old brother is 6'4 195, and my dad is 6'9 270.....i got the short end of the stick when it comes to weight lol, gotta do somethin.
Try to write down everything you eat for a week, or for a few days. See how many calories you're consuming

Lets say you're getting around 3500/ day....up it to 4000 - 4500 and see what that does for you.

Because that's all the NLarge2 is gonna do for you. Except with food you're getting quality nutrients, weight gainers are just maltodextrin + low-endwhey protein.

If you can't get that extra 500-1000 calories in, then yeah, go for the weight gainer. I know people who have taken them and gotten good results. But theyusually do so because work/school interferes with them being able to get enough calories through food.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by aaronj

what exactly is team fitness?
Individuals who are committed to living a better lifestyle, which includes eating better and exercising on a regular basis.

can you be on the team if you're just starting to do those things?
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by Sik Wit It

haha bc ive graduated from Firefighter School last year, and im taking the hiring tests and all that...

i always just thought my metabolism would slow down as i got older, but im 25 and the thing hasnt budged.

i just been doin alot of reading on it, and getting intrested in it, mix taht with alot of free time and there it is...

so we'll see

my 17 year old brother is 6'4 195, and my dad is 6'9 270.....i got the short end of the stick when it comes to weight lol, gotta do somethin.
Try to write down everything you eat for a week, or for a few days. See how many calories you're consuming

Lets say you're getting around 3500/ day....up it to 4000 - 4500 and see what that does for you.

Because that's all the NLarge2 is gonna do for you. Except with food you're getting quality nutrients, weight gainers are just maltodextrin + low-end whey protein.

If you can't get that extra 500-1000 calories in, then yeah, go for the weight gainer. I know people who have taken them and gotten good results. But they usually do so because work/school interferes with them being able to get enough calories through food.
thats my situation righ tthere....

on my days off i can get all the food i need, but i work at this breakfast/lunch restaurant, and the shifts are like 6am-3pm (no break), and i get likesporadic food in there, whenever its slow and its nothing substantial.....

so basically, i do need something, to get me those extra calories/grams of protein..... i just wanted to see if anyoone had antyhing negative to say about thatspecific product.

but good lookin, appreciate it...
nah, im open to all suggestions, nothing TOO crazy expensive but im just lookin for a quality product thats gonna be worth it...

what do you suggest.
You guys need to realize that all weight gainers are essentially sugar and a complete waste of money. You're never going to put on any lean muscle usingthe stuff.
Yesterday had a pound of cajun shrimp with extra garlic butter and a side of cajun fries. Today I ate 2 McChickens. I'm heading to the gym tonight
Originally Posted by djkaos23

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by djkaos23

my meal plan but the times varies within a hour of the ones i posted.

4am gym on empty stomach 5 min warm up, lifting, cardio 30 mins

5:45 Post workout protein shake

6:30M Oatmeal, apple or banana, or a bowl of special K with fat free milk

10:30am 1 slice of whole wheat bread with all natural pnut butter, apple, orange or pear

2:30pm Grilled chick, or pork chop grilled, or tuna, with salad or steamed veggies

5:30pm 25 almonds (yep i count em out) nonfat yogurt

7:30pm Grilled chik, salmon or pork chop, steamed veggies,

10:00pm Casein shake made with nonfat yogurt

all day im drinking water with the meals, i may add a crystal light at lunch or drink green tea.

Why would you lift on an empty stomach?
Not everyday i lift. i have lifted on a empty stomach b4 but i dont do it normally maybe once or twice a week. I dont do it purposley either it just happens cuz i wake up so early to hit the gym b4 work. so sometimes i oversleep a lil and i rush to the gym to still make it b4 work.

Ohhh no doubt.

Hey, what do you guys think about pretzels made of wheat flour and grits?
Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

Originally Posted by 5thGearidah

Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks
What you want to do, is post up your workout routine and diet and let some people take a look at it.
fam this sounds like a workout routine from the 70's
Help me out then +@*++

Starting Strength:

Starting Strength (SS) is both a book by Mark Rippetoe and Lon Kilgore and a routine that was spawned by the principles expounded in the book. This is not meant to be a substitute for the book, which is an invaluable resource for form descriptions and troubleshooting. I highly recommend that your purchase a copy of Starting Strength for your personal library. A Starting Strength DVD illustrating proper form is also available.

The SS routine is designed for novice weightlifters. Whether you are a novice has nothing to do with how long you've been lifting or how much you can lift. A novice is simply someone who can continue to make linear progress from workout to workout. Linear progress is the fastest way to get strong, so it is best to milk this method as long as you can.

The Routine:

There are many variations of SS floating around out there, but all of them focus on making linear progress on five of the most important barbell lifts. The following is the routine most people refer to as Starting Strength:

Workout A (sets x reps):
Squat 3x5
Bench Press 3x5
Deadlift 1x5

Workout B (sets x reps):
Squat 3x5
Standing Barbell Overhead Press 3x5
Powerclean 5x3

**This does not include warm up sets, which are an important part of any workout.

The routine has you in the gym three times a week, alternating workouts every other day. For instance, your first two weeks could look like this:

Week 1:
Monday: Workout A
Tuesday: Off
Wednesday: Workout B
Thursday: Off
Friday: Workout A
Saturday: Off
Sunday: Off

Week 2:
Monday: Workout B
Tuesday: Off
Wednesday: Workout A
Thursday: Off
Friday: Workout B
Saturday: Off
Sunday: Off

The pattern would simply repeat thereafter.

How to progress:

You progress by adding weight to the bar every single time you are in the gym. The amount of weight you add to the bar will vary depending on a number of things including: sex, age, weight, diet, experience, etc. General guidelines for a healthy man would be to add:

• 5-20lbs to the deadlift
• 5-15lbs to the squat
• 2.5-5lbs to the bench press, overhead press and powerclean (Most gyms do not have weights that allow you to progress in 2.5lbs increments, so you will have to experiment with microloading. Visit you local hardware store and get creative with chains or washers in order to make smaller weights.)

Big jumps will be easiest for complete beginners. As you progress on the routine your progress will slow and it will be necessary to make smaller jumps. It is better to be overly conservative than overly aggressive with your increases.

Once you are unable complete the prescribed reps for a couple of workouts in a row you will benefit from a deload. Decrease the weight of your work sets by approximately 20lbs and work your way back up, restarting your progress.

Depending on your experience, you should be able to progress on this routine for several months. Once you are no longer able to complete the prescribed reps and increase the weight from workout to workout, even after a couple of deloads, the routine has run its course and you are no longer considered a novice weight lifter.

How do I know what weights to use when starting SS?
It is best to start conservatively. Start with a weight that is challenging but allows you to complete your prescribed sets and reps with good form.

I'm a bodybuilder/powerlifter/competitive hockey player/etc. Is Starting Strength right for me?
If you can continue to make progress from workout to workout, yes. As a novice, a generalized routine such as SS will help to develop a strong foundation andgive you some valuable experience under the iron. Once you advance past the novice stage, it will be appropriate for you to specialize your training based onyour goals.

I've been lifting for six months/a year/five years/etc. Is SS right for me?
If you can continue to make progress from workout to workout, yes. Linear progress is the fastest way to get strong so you should milk it for as long as youcan.

I bench/squat/deadlift/curl/etc. 225lbs. Is SS right for me?
If you can continue to make progress from workout to workout, yes. Linear progress is the fastest way to get strong so you should milk it for as long as youcan.

I don't care about getting strong; I just want to get big. Is SS right for me?
If you can continue to make progress from workout to workout, yes. If you eat enough, you will get big using SS. You need to get stronger to get bigger.

I don't know how to squat/deadlift/overhead press/powerclean/bench press, how can I learn?
The best way to learn any lift is to have an experienced coach (and no, most personal trainers don't count). Failing that, Starting Strength the book hasvery detailed instructions about how to perform the lifts.

I don't know how to powerclean, can I replace them with rows?
Many iterations of SS have rows in place of powercleans. If you do not have a very good reason not to (ie: injury), you should learn how to powerclean. Thatsaid, it will not be hugely detrimental if you replace powercleans with rows.

SS doesn't look like very much. Can I add reps/sets?
If you are going hard on every exercise, SS is more than enough and is very challenging. If you find things are too easy, add weight, not sets or reps. Theexception to this is the powerclean, where you can add further sets across since the limiting factor is usually technique and not strength.

SS doesn't look like very much. Can I add exercises?
If you are going hard on every exercise, SS is more than enough and is very challenging. That said, it would be acceptable to add a small amount of exercisesat the end of a workout as long as it doesn't interfere with your ability to recover in time for the next workout. If you are going to add exercises, dipsand pull ups should be at the top of the list; curls and tricep extensions should be at the bottom. If in doubt, err on the side of fewer exercises.

I have the first edition of Starting Strength. Should I buy the second edition?
The second edition of Starting Strength includes more pictures and a chapter on accessory lifts. Buying the second edition is not strictly necessary, but ithas more info.

Should I buy the first or second edition of Starting Strength?
The second edition of Starting Strength includes more pictures and a chapter on accessory lifts. Buying the second edition is not strictly necessary, but ithas more info.

What should my diet be like while I'm following SS?
You will be able to make the best progress while bulking (eating more calories than you burn) on SS. A popular recommendation, particularly for skinny guys, isto drink a gallon of whole milk a day on top of your regular diet. You can maintain or cut (eat fewer calories than you burn) while on SS, but your progresswill suffer.

Can I do cardio while I'm following SS?
Yes. Be sure that any exercise you do outside of the gym doesn't interfere with your ability to recover in time for your workouts. Also, if you are tryingto gain weight, be sure to eat more to make up for any calories you burn while doing cardio.

I've finished SS. What next?
You'll need to progress to a more complex and specialized routine. It is important to determine what your goals are and how best to achieve them. Some goodintermediate routines include the Texas Method, Madcow's 5x5 and a Westside template, just to name a few.

How quickly should I perform the lifts?
As fast as you can without sacrificing form.

How long should I rest between sets?
As long as it takes to recover from your previous set. The goal of this routine is to lift more weight and complete all your reps/sets, not finish the routinein a set amount of time.
Originally Posted by aaronj

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by aaronj

what exactly is team fitness?
Individuals who are committed to living a better lifestyle, which includes eating better and exercising on a regular basis.

can you be on the team if you're just starting to do those things?
Yes. It's an attitude thing, doesn't really matter what stage you're in physically.

Vancity is right. I read the stats on one brand of gainer and cholesterol level was pretty high too.
dang i saw those pics of you WJ4. thought you would be the slightest bit buff. but good job on losing the weight kid
Originally Posted by gberdin

dang i saw those pics of you WJ4. thought you would be the slightest bit buff. but good job on losing the weight kid
I haven't started lifting for a full 6 months yet.
I went from barely able to do 10 push ups last year and 0 pull ups to being able tocrank sets of 50 push ups out with ease and I do sets of 80 pull ups a week. I can see changes in lat, chest, arms, legs, etc.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by gberdin

dang i saw those pics of you WJ4. thought you would be the slightest bit buff. but good job on losing the weight kid
I haven't started lifting for a full 6 months yet.
I went from barely able to do 10 push ups last year and 0 pull ups to being able to crank sets of 50 push ups out with ease and I do sets of 80 pull ups a week. I can see changes in lat, chest, arms, legs, etc.

80 pull ups?
Originally Posted by TrueshotAura

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by gberdin

dang i saw those pics of you WJ4. thought you would be the slightest bit buff. but good job on losing the weight kid
I haven't started lifting for a full 6 months yet.
I went from barely able to do 10 push ups last year and 0 pull ups to being able to crank sets of 50 push ups out with ease and I do sets of 80 pull ups a week. I can see changes in lat, chest, arms, legs, etc.

80 pull ups?
So all you do is come in and pollute the thread, right?

You noticed I said in a week and I said SETS, not set?

I work out my back and biceps on Monday and Thursday. On each day, I do 5 sets of 8 pull ups, variety of grips. That's 40 pull ups a day, twice a week. Unless my math is off, that's 80.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by TrueshotAura

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by gberdin

dang i saw those pics of you WJ4. thought you would be the slightest bit buff. but good job on losing the weight kid
I haven't started lifting for a full 6 months yet.
I went from barely able to do 10 push ups last year and 0 pull ups to being able to crank sets of 50 push ups out with ease and I do sets of 80 pull ups a week. I can see changes in lat, chest, arms, legs, etc.

80 pull ups?
So all you do is come in and pollute the thread, right?

You noticed I said in a week and I said SETS, not set?

I work out my back and biceps on Monday and Thursday. On each day, I do 5 sets of 8 pull ups, variety of grips. That's 40 pull ups a day, twice a week. Unless my math is off, that's 80.

Actually I am very active in all the fitness threads and including the ones in S&T and P90x thread so fall back with your polluting nonsense.
Originally Posted by TrueshotAura

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by TrueshotAura

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by gberdin

dang i saw those pics of you WJ4. thought you would be the slightest bit buff. but good job on losing the weight kid
I haven't started lifting for a full 6 months yet.
I went from barely able to do 10 push ups last year and 0 pull ups to being able to crank sets of 50 push ups out with ease and I do sets of 80 pull ups a week. I can see changes in lat, chest, arms, legs, etc.

80 pull ups?
So all you do is come in and pollute the thread, right?

You noticed I said in a week and I said SETS, not set?

I work out my back and biceps on Monday and Thursday. On each day, I do 5 sets of 8 pull ups, variety of grips. That's 40 pull ups a day, twice a week. Unless my math is off, that's 80.

Actually I am very active in all the fitness threads and including the ones in S&T and P90x thread so fall back with your polluting nonsense.
So how was that post regarding 80 pull ups?
contributinganything positive to the thread? Post as you wish. I'll just ignore the nonsense from now on.
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