Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Been running last couple of days.
How you feeling, man? I know when I first started, I felt like my nasal tract was on fire...hard to catch air and all.

Joe-besides being a carb source, any other reason why white rice is looked down upon? As oppose to brown rice, which is praised.
it's not the fact that it contains carbs so much as the fact that it's a refined carbohydrate, which has a relatively high glycemix index.brown rice is a whole grain, so it has a lower GI and is a healthier alternative.

same reason you want to avoid white flour, white bread, etc.
Originally Posted by Vancity74

How can I join the team?
You need to either 1. go slash one of the tires on Dirty's car or 2. help Cam finish working on his Saturn.

Just rock the sig, man. Copy/paste any of the sigs you see or make your own colorway.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

Originally Posted by bigjohn46581

hey guys heres my story...

about two years ago...i was 5'9" 305...way unhealthy. all fat no muscle. i was ok with it though because i was known as the funny fat guy in high school so it worked out ok socially.

getting into sucked not having confidence to talk to girls, but i never did anything about it. in the summer of 2007 i decided to start working out.

i had an old bench press and some plates that my cousin gave me. so i set that up and got to work just doing anything to make me break a sweat. i never really read up on anything about proper technique or different workout plans.

i also changed my eating habits. no more soda. tried to stop eating out as much. but i never really went hardcore into the diet. i never calculated macros and micros.

its been about two years...i weighed myself this morning and i was at 240 lbs. does not seem like much for two years. but im happy with the loss.

i have still been able to eat what i want (specifically white rice...hell yes im asian!). i look and feel a lot different from how i did a couple of years ago. im not the skinniest or most defined guy. but my self esteem is wayyyy higher than it ever was.

i have actually lost 10 pounds this summer so everything is still working out great. all i need to do now is prolly pay a little more attention to my diet and add in cardio. ive done most of this weight loss strictly through lifting regularly, changing my eating habits to eating cleaner foods, and one or two heavy bag sessions.

it feels great knowing i am still losing weight. and im also getting sick of unhealthy food. i really want my diet to be cleaner but its hard when the rest of my family still wants to eat fatty foods. its all a part of sacrifice though....hopefully by the end of this year...i can hit at least 225 lbs after more diet and cardio. wish me luck guys!


No way white rice is ever going out of my diet either, ha!
Yeah, I eat white rice every day for lunch. Just go look at the average dude in Asia, the average dude weighs 140 lbs.
It's the Americans who are overweight, 6 out of 10 are.

%@% u talking about? the average asian american weighs 140lbs

I've been goin pretty strong for about 3 weeks now and it feels GREAT. i have more energy throughout the day & i generally feel good about myself.people are starting to notice & everything. it's awesome.

I usually go for about an hour a day, 5 days a week. im too broke to buy weights, so i stick to hard exercises (alligator walks, bicycle thingies, etc)

i'm also eating a lot better... i dont use protein and it's actually cheaper for me than my old diet.

i know you don't usually see huge results til about 6 weeks later... im hyped!

plus my ex just got me free gym membership for the rest of the summer!!??!!!? time to start LIFTING.

i'm gonna earn my TEAM FITNESS sig. believe it. thanks guys
Good looks on the tip Joe. My mom bought a pack of brown rice from Costco since we were running low on white rice and she didn't feel like going to ThaiTown to get a bag. I'll just finish it off and go brown rice from now.
Originally Posted by aaronj

what exactly is team fitness?
Individuals who are committed to living a better lifestyle, which includes eating better and exercising on a regular basis.
I started working out with the p90x training program four days ago. I want to join Team Fitness, it will give me that much more motivation. Can I get a sig?

30 min elliptical.. (im creeping up to 45mins give me a week or so)

Ate a few sweets today.. Chocolate chip waffles (1) at 8am and a few 1sq. inch cookies.. Been snacking on peanuts since 8am also.. That's it.
having 3 scoops of protein ('Amplified' watever from GNC) right now...
Anyone remember what page Prez T (i think it was) abs workout was on? or if you saved it please post it again..
Originally Posted by Vancity74

Originally Posted by courtking01

anybody use dymatize??

What does this mean? This is like asking someone if they eat Kraft... Kraft what?
Do u use any dymatize products?? Their oatmeal, their cereal, or their nutrition elite gourmet protein??
superset 5 exercises x 2 sets (superset means no rest in between the exercises in each set)

superset exercise 1 - two-part crunch w/ a twist (this is basically a normal crunch , but once you bring ur upper body to ur knees and briefly PAUSE (part 1) , you twist ur upper body to either ur left or right side (part 2). one rep consists of completing the two part crunch to ONE side , coming back down , and then completing it to the other side)
- 10 reps

superset exercise 2 - seated ab twist ( you should have your feet in the air though . only your butt should be touching the ground)
- 10 reps (each rep consists of twisting to the left AND the right)
- for beginners you dont need to use any weight , just move your hands from side to side

superset exercise 3 - bicycles
- 10 reps (each rep consists of twisting to the left AND the right)

superset exercise 4 - side crunches ()
- 15 reps each side

superset exercise 5 - not sure of the technical term for this last one (lay flat on your back with your legs straight . bring both ur upper body and legs up to meet , bending your legs at the knees as u bring them up so that when ur upper body and lower body touch , u are in the same position u are in when u do a normal crunch . then bring both ur upper and lower body back down)
- 10 reps
try to take about 2 -3 min in between the two supersets . at first , you might wanna just do a single superset , because if you arent used to doing a lot of ab exercises your abs might start cramping up from doing so many in a row . you can also incorporate another ab exercise when you are resting that works your transversus abdominis (the ab muscles behind the '6 pack') . working them definitely helps with definition :

transversus abdominis exercise (done during rest and after the 2nd superst is done) :
1. stick your chest out somewhat , and breath in a large amount of air (allowing your stomach to expand)
2. while still keeping your chest sticking out , breath out the air for abour 3 secs . when breathing out the air , suck and hold your stomach in WITHOUT flexing your rectus abdominis (where the front abs or '6 pack' is)
3. do 15 reps of this

for me , i do abs at the end of every workout (i lift 2 days in a row and then take a day off) . i do exercises 2 and 5 with a 35lb plate , but at first i did everything without weights . hope this helps !

BTW, this thread jumped 25+ pages in 4 days.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by djkaos23

my meal plan but the times varies within a hour of the ones i posted.

4am gym on empty stomach 5 min warm up, lifting, cardio 30 mins

5:45 Post workout protein shake

6:30M Oatmeal, apple or banana, or a bowl of special K with fat free milk

10:30am 1 slice of whole wheat bread with all natural pnut butter, apple, orange or pear

2:30pm Grilled chick, or pork chop grilled, or tuna, with salad or steamed veggies

5:30pm 25 almonds (yep i count em out) nonfat yogurt

7:30pm Grilled chik, salmon or pork chop, steamed veggies,

10:00pm Casein shake made with nonfat yogurt

all day im drinking water with the meals, i may add a crystal light at lunch or drink green tea.

Why would you lift on an empty stomach?
Not everyday i lift. i have lifted on a empty stomach b4 but i dont do it normally maybe once or twice a week. I dont do it purposley either itjust happens cuz i wake up so early to hit the gym b4 work. so sometimes i oversleep a lil and i rush to the gym to still make it b4 work.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by Vancity74

How can I join the team?
You need to either 1. go slash one of the tires on Dirty's car or 2. help Cam finish working on his Saturn.

Just rock the sig, man. Copy/paste any of the sigs you see or make your own colorway.
on the real, I heard it was done and he doesnt want to show pix
Did chest/bi/tri/forearms today felt really great. I have a lotttt to learn when it comes to the nutrition side of things though.
has anyone tried the supplement

N Large 2 ?

my boys been telling me good things about it, and im thinking of giving it a shot.

im hitting the gym abour 4 times a week with a partner getting it in, im trying to put on a good amount of weight though (20+ lbs)

im a real skinny dude (6'4 165-168lbs) ive been told that this is pretty good supplement for throwin some pounds on....

lemme hear any feedback/suggestions.

thanks NT.
Originally Posted by Sik Wit It

has anyone tried the supplement

N Large 2 ?

my boys been telling me good things about it, and im thinking of giving it a shot.

im hitting the gym abour 4 times a week with a partner getting it in, im trying to put on a good amount of weight though (20+ lbs)

im a real skinny dude (6'4 165-168lbs) ive been told that this is pretty good supplement for throwin some pounds on....

lemme hear any feedback/suggestions.

thanks NT.
Honestly don't buy weight gainers unless you really can't get the cals from real food. It's never gonna replace real meals.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Been running last couple of days.
How you feeling, man? I know when I first started, I felt like my nasal tract was on fire...hard to catch air and all.

Joe-besides being a carb source, any other reason why white rice is looked down upon? As oppose to brown rice, which is praised.
feels cool, i mean i know how to run. cuz i ran track, so it's just bein able to run longer.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by Sik Wit It

has anyone tried the supplement

N Large 2 ?

my boys been telling me good things about it, and im thinking of giving it a shot.

im hitting the gym abour 4 times a week with a partner getting it in, im trying to put on a good amount of weight though (20+ lbs)

im a real skinny dude (6'4 165-168lbs) ive been told that this is pretty good supplement for throwin some pounds on....

lemme hear any feedback/suggestions.

thanks NT.
Honestly don't buy weight gainers unless you really can't get the cals from real food. It's never gonna replace real meals.
nah im not getting it to replace meals, im getting it to add.

i eat a good amount of food, hell ive eaten real sloppy in past years but i dont pack on a pound.

ive been eating much better lately but i still dont put on weight, never have...
Originally Posted by djkaos23

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by djkaos23

my meal plan but the times varies within a hour of the ones i posted.

4am gym on empty stomach 5 min warm up, lifting, cardio 30 mins

5:45 Post workout protein shake

6:30M Oatmeal, apple or banana, or a bowl of special K with fat free milk

10:30am 1 slice of whole wheat bread with all natural pnut butter, apple, orange or pear

2:30pm Grilled chick, or pork chop grilled, or tuna, with salad or steamed veggies

5:30pm 25 almonds (yep i count em out) nonfat yogurt

7:30pm Grilled chik, salmon or pork chop, steamed veggies,

10:00pm Casein shake made with nonfat yogurt

all day im drinking water with the meals, i may add a crystal light at lunch or drink green tea.

Why would you lift on an empty stomach?
Not everyday i lift. i have lifted on a empty stomach b4 but i dont do it normally maybe once or twice a week. I dont do it purposley either it just happens cuz i wake up so early to hit the gym b4 work. so sometimes i oversleep a lil and i rush to the gym to still make it b4 work.
what is casein?

and how old are u and whats ur height weight?
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