Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by verynecessary

Originally Posted by JDB1523

JDB1523 wrote:
A bit of a sticky situation here if someone can help me out: been doing a lot of cardio lately and I've had some occasional lock-ups and soreness in my knee. Today I got through 45 minutes (planned on doing an hour) and had to stop because of it. My dad is a surgeon and my mom is a nurse, and they both said to keep off it for a few days, which I obviously agree with. However, I do cardio every day no questions asked, so what I was wondering was what might be a good alternative workout since I'll be doing other things the next few days. I'm still going to lift, but I was wondering: should I do circuit training? core exercises? just a regular lifting routine? I'm obviously planning no cardio, no plyometrics, no jump rope, etc.

Thanks in advance guys, let's just hope my knee gets better quickly and I don't have to have fluid taken out or a bigger surgery.

"what kind of cardio do you normally do? there are all sorts of things that can cause knee problems. try self-myofascial release (foam rolling) on the outer part of your thigh to loosen up your IT band. many people's knee problems are due to this. you could also have a strength imbalance in your quads (stronger on one side of your thigh than the other) or between your quads and hamstrings. you'd have to do lifts to target the weaker muscles. also, if you do a lot of running, try chi running. even if you have the "best" running shoes for your stride, heel strike and weak feet/ankles can cause problems all the way up your legs, spine, back, and neck.

one more thing you might want to do is get your legs accurately measured by a doctor. even a difference of a 1/4" can be murder on your joints if do a lot of long distance type exercise.

in the meantime, you can do boxing like was mentioned, or complexes/circuit training with some light-weight squats. you can also do tabata protocol."

Ok thanks a lot. I had been doing 40-60 minutes of cardio, but cut it back to 35 with HIIT, and always on the stationary bike or the elliptical. I tried running about 2 weeks ago, not even at a fast pace, and my right knee literally just LOCKED UP, felt like a bear trap came down on it. I know you mentioned it, but I don't think I'll be doing squats. I'm probably going to see an orthopedic doctor regardless just to be safe, but I'll Google what you've mentioned to see what I can come up with. And how do I quote using Safari?
Still haven't figured that out. Edited w/Firefox...
yea, definitely let your orthopedist check that out. see if you can get measured too.

one thing about stationary bike is you're more prone to develop muscular imbalances, medially/laterally on the same thigh, and between your quads and hamstrings on the same side. elliptical is a little better, but it's still possible.

if you do HIIT, you should be done after 20 minutes. generally, you go for higher intensity, shorter rest for the greater cardio and fat loss effects. this also minimizes the time spend doing it.

what about those 4 min. tabata training sessions? how many times a week for a noob?

tabata is good too. it can be more intense than HIIT, since the rest periods are so short, and it's harder to judge your effort if youdon't do "measured" exercises like sprints. so ppl do it once a week, if you're advanced, you can do 4 sets (16 min) in a day. it alldepends on your current conditioning/strength and what other workouts you do.

if you're a complete noob, and you're doing nothing else, you could probably do it 5 times a week if you're willing to push yourself and choose avariety of exercises (lifts, calisthenics, sprints, etc) so you don't wail on one muscle group too hard. for example, alternate upper and lower body.

Originally Posted by nealraj006

I don't see anything wrong with HIIT 3 times a week, as long as it's your main leg training. Sprinters could use it, but if you want mass, then stick to weights. I train legs with weights once a week at most, the rest is just sprints and calisthenics.
i don't either, but at the same time, too much conditioning work is counterproductive for sports/athletics. once your conditioning level isup, you should be focused more on training for speed. if your goal is to burn off some fat, then by all means, 3x a week will get you there quick.

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by wj4

Doing HIIT 3-4 times a week is way too much. If you're doing it right, it can take up to 48 hours for a full recovery. I wouldn't do HIIT more than 3 times a week. If you're just starting out, I would go with one and work my way up to three.
I guess the reason I don't perceive 1-2x a week as sufficient was because of my old tennis days in High school. We were running for about 2 hours 5 days a week, sometimes even on the weekend. This running is by far the most intense I've done as well, first 30 min was a warm up right with 1 min of sprinting at the end, then we would sprint across 4 tennis courts and back ...good days only about 6 times...bad days....I've counted up to 12 once with 45 sec breaks.

It was intense for sure, but some of the fatter kids on my team went down 2 pant sizes in a month and I remember losing 10 lbs easily in just 3 weeks. Plus I would eat like a beast after I got home.
yea, when you're in a sport, training 5 or 6 days a week, your conditioning has to be there, so the sprints/intervals aren't so bad. doing 3x a week after a long period off (even a month) is masochistic
. i burned off a lot of fat when i did track in high school, even though i ate as much as i could (though i could have eaten a lot more if i was around foodmore often).
What Do U Guys Think Of His Lil HIIT Procedure I Think The Rock Might Drop On Me After All Those Pull Ups
Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

What Do U Guys Think Of His Lil HIIT Procedure I Think The Rock Might Drop On Me After All Those Pull Ups
it's a pretty decent routine, but as HIIT goes, it's kind of leisurely, especially the extra light jogging between the rock throws.�i'd say this is more interval complexes.� the longer the intervals go, the less intensity you can sustain, so it's a trade off.� personally, i'dsplit that interval into 2 or 3 and go for 80% effort all the way through.� as a conditioning routine, it's got great variety of functional movement(although a little light on leg work).� if you were going for more fat loss, you'd want to increase the speed/intensity more towards something liketabata... 20 sec work, 10 sec rest... or something inbetween (break it into 2 or 3 parts).

i like the situps into the jumps.� i gotta use that sometime.
I do burpees (30secs on 30secs off) and some tabata thrusters on my days off - really gets your heart rate up and burns heaps of calories. I try to do 3-4 setsof each.

Those thrusters really #!%% you up, I picked a light weight and by my last set I could barely do 2-3 reps..
So basically just do everything he is doing but 20 sec 10rest and do this for 20 minutes straight SMH I'm likely to throw up
after all that
Originally Posted by Prince Of Shoes HEAD

anyone here know if eating too much oyster in your diet is a bad thing? by too much is about once a week i eat 10 shell or so. i love oyster, it helps my performance.
The eating of an oyster is a tale of seduction. Crack open its rocklike shell at its most fragile point and it gives easily, revealing the delicate tissue at its heart. Eat it raw and it tastes of the soul of the ocean that made it. To many, it's food pornography. An aphrodisiac.
But oysters don't make you a sex machine. It's a just a myth. There is simply no scientific evidence that these tender sea dumplings help maintain erections, improve stamina, or enhance arousal. They may make you think about sex. Which is as good an aphrodisiac as any.

Despite the sexual innuendo inherent in these mollusks, there is a lack of scientific support that oysters are sexual performance boosters. Oysters do support a healthy body, and so a healthy sex drive. Along with being a protein source, they are rich in zinc, a deficiency of which can cause impotence. Zinc is also a necessary building block for testosterone, so it supports a healthy libido and sperm production. But zinc is common enough in other foods, such as chicken and turkey, and no one considers poultry an aphrodisiac. In rat studies, oyster extracts lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure, but changes in mating patterns have not been investigated. And at least one human clinical trial reports an improvement in cholesterol in healthy men with an oyster-rich diet. However, like in the rat study, sexual activity and performance were not examined.

That said, oysters contain something that can't be scientifically quantified. Romance. And that's a vitamin for the soul as well as the body.

if you want improvement in cholesterol........there is hawthorn berry and garlic btw
So I just got done with my workout (leg day) and I had my first dose of White Flood. First Impressions: as I opened the container, the powder gave off a fruitysmell, so I'm thinking this is probably gonna taste pretty good. So I mix my 2 scoops with 24 oz of water and I take my first gulp, "mmmm notbad". On my 2nd gulp the after taste kicked in and it made me cringe a bit. So after drinking 1/4 of it, I had to add more water because the #@$!* was madstrong. It took me a good 15 mins to finish it all.

By the the time I was half way done I started to feel it kick in. The feeling I got was like my focus was heightened. Like, whether it be lifting or taking outthe trash I was gonna do it with great effort, if that makes sense lol. So after I down the rest I get to the gym and it's like I have Quarter Back visionlol, whatever I set my sights on I was focused.

Like I said it was leg day for me, so I look at the squat rack and I get pumped like I'm about to "squat the F outta this weight!". Now, theprevious week I squated 270, but with this WF pumping through me, I'm feelin like I can throw up more weight. So I'm like F it, I'm hittin 300today. So I proceed to get under the bar and bang it out. I don't know if that first set triggered something, but the rest of my workout I breezed through.This schid had me so pumped I was two steppin after sets and what not, needless to say, it worked lol.

This was my first time taking a pre-workout supp, so I didn't know what to expect , but the overall, the boost it gave was great! It also lasted mad long,an hour after my workout and I still feel a bit pumped.
Originally Posted by aceofjays

"squat the F outta this weight!". Now, the previous week I squated 270, but with this WF pumping through me, I'm feelin like I can throw up more weight. So I'm like F it, I'm hittin 300 today. So I proceed to get under the bar and bang it out. I don't know if that first set triggered something, but the rest of my workout I breezed through. This schid had me so pumped I was two steppin after sets and what not, needless to say, it worked lol.

I got to to try that!

Anyone know of a decent supplement online store that takes paypal?
Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

So basically just do everything he is doing but 20 sec 10rest and do this for 20 minutes straight SMH I'm likely to throw up
after all that
nah, if you do 20/10 (tabata protocol) the standard is 4 minutes. after that 4 minutes take however long you need until your breathing and heartrate come back down. most people who do tabata do one 4 minute "set" in a day, but some go for up to four in one day. try 2 "sets" togauge whether or not it's too much.

like i said before, you don't have to make it tabata, but i wouldn't call a 5 1/2+ minute work interval like the video showed HIIT. i believe HIIT isgeared towards work intervals in the range of 10 sec to 1 min (for example a 100m to 400m range). you also get much longer rest periods than tabata, so youspend more time doing HIIT... something like 10-20 minutes.
Originally Posted by JCASH DA KID

Any supplements to help maintain focus. I have like add type mindset like real bad.

white flood is great for focus imo

it even contains huperzine A for those who are familiar with nootropics

[h1]Huperzine A[/h1][h3]From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/h3]
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[table][tr][th=""]Huperzine A[/th] [/tr][tr][td] [/td] [/tr][tr][td] [/td] [/tr][tr][td]IUPAC name[/td] [td]

(1R,9S,13E)- 1-Amino- 13-ethylidene- 11-methyl- 6-azatricyclo[[sup]2,7[/sup]] trideca- 2(7),3,10- trien- 5-one
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Other names[/td] [td]HupA[/td] [/tr][tr][th=""]Identifiers[/th] [/tr][tr][td]CAS number[/td] [td]102518-79-6[/td] [/tr][tr][td]SMILES[/td] [td]

[/td] [/tr][tr][th=""]Properties[/th] [/tr][tr][td]Molecular formula[/td] [td]C[sub]15[/sub]H[sub]18[/sub]N[sub]2[/sub]O[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Molar mass[/td] [td]242.32 g/mol[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Melting point[/td] [td]
217-219 °C
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Except where noted otherwise, data are given for materials in their standard state (at 25 °C, 100 kPa)[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Infobox references[/td] [/tr][/table]
Huperzine A, is a naturally occurring sesquiterpene alkaloid compoundfound in the plant firmoss Huperzia serrata.[sup][1][/sup]

Huperzine A is an Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor similar to other compounds donepezil, rivastigmine, and galantamine.

In the US Huperzine A is sold as a dietary supplement for memory support. The botanical has been used in China for centuries for the treatment of swelling,fever and blood disorders. Clinical trials in China has shown it to be effective in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease,[sup][2][/sup] and has been shown to enhance memory inhealthy young students in one study. [sup][3][/sup]
Vitargo is actually pretty good. I got the same test packets a few weeks ago and I really liked it. My post-workout drink doesn't have any carbs now so Imight get some Vitargo and have that as well.
for all you vegetarians/vegans:

A placebo-controlled experiment found that vegetarians who took 5 grams of creatine per day for six weeks showed a significant improvement on two separatetests of fluid intelligence, Raven's Progressive Matrices and the backward digit span test from the WAIS. The treatment group was able to repeat backlonger sequences of numbers from memory and had higher overall IQ scores than the control group. The researchers concluded that "supplementation withcreatine significantly increased intelligence compared with placebo." A subsequent study found that creatine supplements improved cognitive ability in theelderly. A study on young adults (0.03 g/kg/day for six weeks; only 2 g/day for 150lb individual) failed however to find any improvements.
I have been lurking this thread for a while and im 16 and i barley was into lifting.
Started out this year a 135 5'9 in Sept. and can barley do 90 pounds Bench Press.
A month later i weigh 150 and i can do Bench 140 5 times. I'm proud of myself. I'm eating right and doing like 150 push-ups a night.
it helps a lot.
From personal experience, WHITE FLOOD absolutely sucked.

I've used a handful of pre-workout supplements over the years, and SP250 and JACK3D are easily the best. JCASH, give jack3d a try (very good pre-workoutand very affordable).
Originally Posted by patent leather

From personal experience, WHITE FLOOD absolutely sucked.

I've used a handful of pre-workout supplements over the years, and SP250 and JACK3D are easily the best. JCASH, give jack3d a try (very good pre-workout and very affordable).
What was so bad about White Flood?
Why do you guys need pre-workout supplements so badly? What ever happened to sleeping well, eating some complex carbs and protein and then going and liftinghard? I see no use in these do not know what you are putting in your body, your body may become dependent on it, you're making your heartbeat at a faster rate even while you aren't working out and these supplements cost a lot of money (which isnt as big of an issue as your health).

If you are feeling tired, there is nothing cheaper than coffee pre-workout.

Sometimes when I look at the diets at I kind of shake my head. Being a healthy person is absolutely dependent on eating well. Consuming 3protein shakes a day along with a pre-workout supplement and 20 other pills daily is not healthy in the long run. You can still look amazing without consumingany of these supplements. Eating real food > consuming supplements.

Its unfortunate that this bodybuilding subculture has prioritized looks over long term health.
^ yea the thing with taking all these supplements on a daily basis is that you're making your liver work over time and in the long run your liver is gonnabe shot without the proper care. Even worse if you drink casually on top of taking supplements.
Not to mention the crazy amount of strain you're putting on your kidneys.

There's is a reason why they tell older people to eat protein restricted diets. The kidneys have trouble digesting protein when one consumes too much.
Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Originally Posted by patent leather

From personal experience, WHITE FLOOD absolutely sucked.

I've used a handful of pre-workout supplements over the years, and SP250 and JACK3D are easily the best. JCASH, give jack3d a try (very good pre-workout and very affordable).
What was so bad about White Flood?
White Flood really didn't do anything, but give me tingles (due to the Beta-Alanine). The primary factor I use pre-workout supps for is forthe focus, and the focus i got from other supplements greatly supasses White Flood.

But then again, everybody is different. If anyone is in the market for a pre-workout supplement though, I truely recommend JACKED (less than $25).
Originally Posted by patent leather

Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Originally Posted by patent leather

From personal experience, WHITE FLOOD absolutely sucked.

I've used a handful of pre-workout supplements over the years, and SP250 and JACK3D are easily the best. JCASH, give jack3d a try (very good pre-workout and very affordable).
What was so bad about White Flood?
White Flood really didn't do anything, but give me tingles (due to the Beta-Alanine). The primary factor I use pre-workout supps for is for the focus, and the focus i got from other supplements greatly supasses White Flood.

But then again, everybody is different. If anyone is in the market for a pre-workout supplement though, I truely recommend JACKED (less than $25).
Jack3d has creatine in it right? So is Jack3ed ok to use even if it makes you test for amphetamines?
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