Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Today had to be the worst workout I've ever had in my life.

I didn't even finish. I just stopped and skipped my last 2 exercises.

I really need a pre-workout supp for a boost for days like today. I think I'm gonna give Jack3d a shot. Anything negative about it?
when doing cardio w/ fat loss in mind, what should i be aiming for as far as heart rate goes? i usually do 30 min cardio sessions and average a heart ratebetween 165-180.
Originally Posted by akf0dy7

when doing cardio w/ fat loss in mind, what should i be aiming for as far as heart rate goes? i usually do 30 min cardio sessions and average a heart rate between 165-180.
How are you monitoring the heart rate? I personally don't bother to monitor my heart rate even though I now have the chest strap to do so,just to bothersome for me.

Look into HIIT if you wanna go this route. Your heart will be beating extremely fast from it and a session won't last more than 20 mins.
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Today had to be the worst workout I've ever had in my life.

I didn't even finish. I just stopped and skipped my last 2 exercises.

I really need a pre-workout supp for a boost for days like today. I think I'm gonna give Jack3d a shot. Anything negative about it?
The only thing I've noticed after the last two days (first two days on it, finished a bottle of NO-XPLODE last week) is that I'm DEADtired an hour after my workout.

Mind you, I have much more energy and endurance from Jack3d, so I think I might be working harder, near my full potential.

But on the positive side, it works quicker than noxplode, it doesn't give you ANY upset stomach at all
and I don't get jitters... I just feel... well energetic.
I've been suffering from the flu for the past two days. It really hits hard when you haven't been sick for 3 years...

Today though I ran (only) a mile (my head started bumpinnnn' yo)

Before that I was on the bike and after I stepped on the eliptical followed by some swimming and running in the pool...

arrggggh this flu is hella bothersome.

Just for clarification, when y'all "eat" egg white (without the yolk) y'all just drink it right? And are boiled eggs alright? (without theyolk that is)...

I know I'm kind of answering my own questions but I just don't really want to end up sick again from salmonela....
Originally Posted by NiPxD

Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

Originally Posted by NiPxD

Originally Posted by bxbadboy90

What are some good workouts to abs. Ive been doing crunches and sit-ups for the past three weeks and no results
Crunches and sit ups put tons of pressure on your spine. In addition, after 10-15 reps your ab muscles become null to the work out. Lately researches recommend to eliminate these 2 exercises from your routine.

You should do:

Side Plank
Leg raise
Bicycle kick
V kick
Grab bag

And other exercises that require your abs to work as secondary support, you know, those that make you brace your abs really hard for better result like lunge, dead lifts

You cannot spot reduce in the attempt to see your abs. Doing crunches or any other exercise until the cows come home, won't make any difference unless you reduce your overall body fat. Simply put if you want to see your abs, eat well, eat clean, do cardio. I know many marathoners who don't do any ab work at all, yet have wicked definition in most places that many wished they had.

He asked for work outs, so i gave him some moves he could use. Everyone know the 2 other major factors besides training your abs, is cardio and a proper diet.

Gotcha, and I am happy to see that you know that! However many do not know! Thus the stupid commercials that feature vibrating belts/heated sweatsuits andcellulite creams!
im curious to know

since we were talking about white flood..

did anyone try purple wraath?

now THAT was nasty
A bit of a sticky situation here if someone can help me out: been doing a lot of cardio lately and I've had some occasional lock-ups and soreness in myknee. Today I got through 45 minutes (planned on doing an hour) and had to stop because of it. My dad is a surgeon and my mom is a nurse, and they both said tokeep off it for a few days, which I obviously agree with. However, I do cardio every day no questions asked, so what I was wondering was what might be a goodalternative workout since I'll be doing other things the next few days. I'm still going to lift, but I was wondering: should I do circuit training?core exercises? just a regular lifting routine? I'm obviously planning no cardio, no plyometrics, no jump rope, etc.

Thanks in advance guys, let's just hope my knee gets better quickly and I don't have to have fluid taken out or a bigger surgery.
Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

I heard jack3d made some students test positive for something I forgot what
Hmm, anybody know what he's referring to?


I just looked it up. Apparently, it makes you test positive for amphetamines.

Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Today had to be the worst workout I've ever had in my life.

I didn't even finish. I just stopped and skipped my last 2 exercises.

I really need a pre-workout supp for a boost for days like today. I think I'm gonna give Jack3d a shot. Anything negative about it?
The only thing I've noticed after the last two days (first two days on it, finished a bottle of NO-XPLODE last week) is that I'm DEAD tired an hour after my workout.

Mind you, I have much more energy and endurance from Jack3d, so I think I might be working harder, near my full potential.

But on the positive side, it works quicker than noxplode, it doesn't give you ANY upset stomach at all
and I don't get jitters... I just feel... well energetic.


I'm going to pick some up.
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Today had to be the worst workout I've ever had in my life.

I didn't even finish. I just stopped and skipped my last 2 exercises.

I really need a pre-workout supp for a boost for days like today. I think I'm gonna give Jack3d a shot. Anything negative about it?

Labrada Supercharge Extreme N.O BEST PRE WORK OUT SUPP EVARRRRRRR just dont take after like 6-7p.m or else you will never fall asleep
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by akf0dy7

when doing cardio w/ fat loss in mind, what should i be aiming for as far as heart rate goes? i usually do 30 min cardio sessions and average a heart rate between 165-180.
How are you monitoring the heart rate? I personally don't bother to monitor my heart rate even though I now have the chest strap to do so, just to bothersome for me.

Look into HIIT if you wanna go this route. Your heart will be beating extremely fast from it and a session won't last more than 20 mins.

i use the heart rate sensors on the machines.
Originally Posted by JT AIR JT

Just for clarification, when y'all "eat" egg white (without the yolk) y'all just drink it right? And are boiled eggs alright? (without the yolk that is)...

nah that sounds can eat egg white omelets and such......dunno about drinking them

and yeah hard boiled eggs are great

dont be afraid of egg yolks though, honestly.
if im in a hurry the egg whites go right into the protein shake.

and jack3d makes you test positive for amphetamines? why would you take this stuff?
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

and jack3d makes you test positive for amphetamines? why would you take this stuff?

rumor at this point, probabaly not true. amphetamines have a pretty distinct effect.
Originally Posted by JT AIR JT

I've been suffering from the flu for the past two days. It really hits hard when you haven't been sick for 3 years...

Today though I ran (only) a mile (my head started bumpinnnn' yo)

Before that I was on the bike and after I stepped on the eliptical followed by some swimming and running in the pool...

arrggggh this flu is hella bothersome.

Just for clarification, when y'all "eat" egg white (without the yolk) y'all just drink it right? And are boiled eggs alright? (without the yolk that is)...

I know I'm kind of answering my own questions but I just don't really want to end up sick again from salmonela....
I know what you mean. I've just about recovered from my current flu. I haven't been sick in a long time and then this came up.
Im interested in Taylor Lautners (Dude from Twilight) diet. He gained 20-30 pounds in a couple months for the new movie.
Originally Posted by JDB1523

A bit of a sticky situation here if someone can help me out: been doing a lot of cardio lately and I've had some occasional lock-ups and soreness in my knee. Today I got through 45 minutes (planned on doing an hour) and had to stop because of it. My dad is a surgeon and my mom is a nurse, and they both said to keep off it for a few days, which I obviously agree with. However, I do cardio every day no questions asked, so what I was wondering was what might be a good alternative workout since I'll be doing other things the next few days. I'm still going to lift, but I was wondering: should I do circuit training? core exercises? just a regular lifting routine? I'm obviously planning no cardio, no plyometrics, no jump rope, etc.

Thanks in advance guys, let's just hope my knee gets better quickly and I don't have to have fluid taken out or a bigger surgery.

boxing cardio workout?
Originally Posted by JDB1523

A bit of a sticky situation here if someone can help me out: been doing a lot of cardio lately and I've had some occasional lock-ups and soreness in my knee. Today I got through 45 minutes (planned on doing an hour) and had to stop because of it. My dad is a surgeon and my mom is a nurse, and they both said to keep off it for a few days, which I obviously agree with. However, I do cardio every day no questions asked, so what I was wondering was what might be a good alternative workout since I'll be doing other things the next few days. I'm still going to lift, but I was wondering: should I do circuit training? core exercises? just a regular lifting routine? I'm obviously planning no cardio, no plyometrics, no jump rope, etc.

Thanks in advance guys, let's just hope my knee gets better quickly and I don't have to have fluid taken out or a bigger surgery.
what kind of cardio do you normally do? there are all sorts of things that can cause knee problems. try self-myofascial release (foam rolling)on the outer part of your thigh to loosen up your IT band. many people's knee problems are due to this. you could also have a strength imbalance in yourquads (stronger on one side of your thigh than the other) or between your quads and hamstrings. you'd have to do lifts to target the weaker muscles. also, if you do a lot of running, try chi running. even if you have the "best" running shoes for your stride, heel strike and weak feet/ankles cancause problems all the way up your legs, spine, back, and neck.

one more thing you might want to do is get your legs accurately measured by a doctor. even a difference of a 1/4" can be murder on your joints if do alot of long distance type exercise.

in the meantime, you can do boxing like was mentioned, or complexes/circuit training with some light-weight squats. you can also do tabata protocol.
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