STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Ruth Chris's is my favorite steakhouse. The quality of their steaks are great.

Peter Lugers gets all the hype around my way, but their service is horrible.

I can't eat a steak if it's not served at a steakhouse anymore. The general restaurants don't know how to cook their steaks for ****
Finally weighed myself. I was wearing a thick crewneck sweater and cargos though so hopefully that added maybe a lb 


Was 208 last time they weighed me when I had a checkup for my foot on June 16th.

Got my strength up while losing 5 lbs. To me its slow progress but progress nonetheless. Small goals is what im going for instead of "let me lose 20lbs by the end of summer".

Next goal, under 200 by the end of July, totally possible. My foots been aching so ill lay off the stairmaster and go for the bike instead. I may need to lay of squatting or DL for a few as well which sucks...
Damn, here I am, 160lbs... would LOVE to be about 175lbs, my metabolism is a sprinter and my stomach wont let me pig out.
....... any videos of people using foam roller for back?

how do i fix this mild lordosis i have
If I get under 200 by August 1st ill splurge on multi's and whey as a treat to myself. :wink:

i actually will prob pick up whey again

summer season kills my never hungry i have to force myself to eat

straight iso for me
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Need a little advice. I've started doing Power Clean & Squat Clean to work on explosive, full body movements.


As you can see, I've got REALLY long arms. This makes Power Clean relatively easy because I can pull with a lot force. Unfortunately it also gives me a lot of trouble getting into the clean grip for the squat. It's extremely hard to get the bar to my shoulders while still keeping elbows up & high.

I did some reading and one source said the elbows up & high is just a secondary way of ensuring the chest is up & forward. I also read long or big arm lifters should go wider with their grip. I'd like to start going heavier but I work out alone and have history of a shoulder problem so I just want to be safe & smart about it.
nice deltsbro. I wish I could look like that. Too bad I look like a fat pos I'm 175 and 20% bodyfat. I have no defintion but my arms are massive bro. I've been doing this high protein low carb thing for a week. Just had a cheat day today. Ate Mac and cheese and 6 bread sticks and tri tip.
I'm off to kill arms, my pre cocktail

White Flood Reborn
VolcaNO (3 pills)

First time taking WFR since I'm out of C4, lets see if I notice a difference.
i dunno what's in that volcano thing but taking 3 things pre is a waste of money. i think white flood has citrulline and norvaline and hemavol has plenty of pump ingredients including those. you should be good with one scoop each. finish off with high reps and you should be plenty pumped. or take 2 scoops hemavol and some caffeine.
i dunno what's in that volcano thing but taking 3 things pre is a waste of money. i think white flood has citrulline and norvaline and hemavol has plenty of pump ingredients including those. you should be good with one scoop each. finish off with high reps and you should be plenty pumped. or take 2 scoops hemavol and some caffeine.
Your right.

I only take all 3 on my heavy lift days. It works, but I'm gonna stop taking the VolcaNO after I finish it, it really did nothing for me on it's own, but stacked with Hemavol its pretty good. Though I'm stuck with it since I didn't read the fine print when I signed up for the FREE sample :smh:

Far as WFR, I had a great workout tonight, crazy endurance and pump in the beginning but tapered off before I left. I think I like it slightly more than C4 in the beginning, but I felt C4 gave me better focus and longer endurance throughout my workout.
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Wait you're trying to get bigger but doing arm days and taking all this supps that increase heart rate and fat loss?
I almost killed this couple at the gym last night.

This chick and her boyfriend are on the competition style flat bench press doing dumbell presses.

I sat there stretching for about 5 min and they are supersetting with other stupid crap.

I politely asked if they were going to use the bench, this praying mantis looking chick sqweeked out "cheaaaa I'am on the bench"..

Her boyfriend walked up and I looked at him and said "are you fking kidding me? Take this sht to la fitness".

I decided to go heavy incline next to them.

Once they saw the 3 plates (which I cranked 3 times because my adrenaline was flowing) they asked if I wanted the bench and they moved to the reg ones.

I don't get upset at a lot of things, but using that particular bench for dumbell presses made me lose my mind.

I'am on a strict program - I can justify if they were even using the dam bar, but dumbells!?!!

We have like 5 flat benches by the dumbell rack, go drown yourself in piss.

Sorry, but I was heated lol

Rant over..
I hate those days when something that is normally 80 percent of your one rep max feels like a one rep max.

I don't know what was wrong with me, I'll chalk it up to an off day
Your right.

I only take all 3 on my heavy lift days. It works, but I'm gonna stop taking the VolcaNO after I finish it, it really did nothing for me on it's own, but stacked with Hemavol its pretty good. Though I'm stuck with it since I didn't read the fine print when I signed up for the FREE sample :smh:

Far as WFR, I had a great workout tonight, crazy endurance and pump in the beginning but tapered off before I left. I think I like it slightly more than C4 in the beginning, but I felt C4 gave me better focus and longer endurance throughout my workout.

White Flood is Cocaine Flood. I can work out multiple times a day. I do, actually. Cause of work, but still. It's awesome. I feel like I'm rolling, just listening to my musica. It's awesome. I just drank some right now. Awesome.
I almost killed this couple at the gym last night.

This chick and her boyfriend are on the competition style flat bench press doing dumbell presses.

I sat there stretching for about 5 min and they are supersetting with other stupid crap.

I politely asked if they were going to use the bench, this praying mantis looking chick sqweeked out "cheaaaa I'am on the bench"..

Her boyfriend walked up and I looked at him and said "are you fking kidding me? Take this sht to la fitness".

I decided to go heavy incline next to them.

Once they saw the 3 plates (which I cranked 3 times because my adrenaline was flowing) they asked if I wanted the bench and they moved to the reg ones.

I don't get upset at a lot of things, but using that particular bench for dumbell presses made me lose my mind.

I'am on a strict program - I can justify if they were even using the dam bar, but dumbells!?!!

We have like 5 flat benches by the dumbell rack, go drown yourself in piss.

Sorry, but I was heated lol

Rant over..

Couples in the gym that work out together piss me off in my gym we got 5 benches and this couple will use 2 of them during busy hrs to do the same exercise at the same time

And then there's the crossfit couple these 2 people make me hate crossfit they use 2 barbells and do the same exercises in front of the only place to deadlift at in my gym they stretch for 40 mins and do some of the most useless **** I've ever seen the chick looks like a dude and the guy always walking arnd like he's mad at the world I ounce asked if I could use the bb they where just staring at and they where so rude abt it
That elitist attitude, get your own home gym bro if you want to be a bully over a bench

No one is bullying.

It's ridiculous to curl in the squat rack.

It's ridiculous to curl on the platform.

It's ridiculous to do dumbell presses on a platform.

It's ridiculous to dumbell press on an elitefts bench.
I almost killed this couple at the gym last night.

This chick and her boyfriend are on the competition style flat bench press doing dumbell presses.

I sat there stretching for about 5 min and they are supersetting with other stupid crap.

I politely asked if they were going to use the bench, this praying mantis looking chick sqweeked out "cheaaaa I'am on the bench"..

Her boyfriend walked up and I looked at him and said "are you fking kidding me? Take this sht to la fitness".

I decided to go heavy incline next to them.

Once they saw the 3 plates (which I cranked 3 times because my adrenaline was flowing) they asked if I wanted the bench and they moved to the reg ones.

I don't get upset at a lot of things, but using that particular bench for dumbell presses made me lose my mind.

I'am on a strict program - I can justify if they were even using the dam bar, but dumbells!?!!

We have like 5 flat benches by the dumbell rack, go drown yourself in piss.

Sorry, but I was heated lol

Rant over..

Cool move, you should be proud.
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