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ive never had the runs from any protein shake? wth are using?

you just might be lactose intolerant for real

you need straight isolate
ON Gold Standard.

I use it with water. It only happens when I havent used whey in a while. I eventually get "used" to it, but im not looking forward to this next week. 
ON Gold Standard.

I use it with water. It only happens when I havent used whey in a while. I eventually get "used" to it, but im not looking forward to this next week. :smh:

Protein Blend (Whey Protein Isolate, Whey Protein Concentrate, Whey Peptides)

gold standards protein blend

first off how is it a "gold standard" when they dont even tell me the %...................why is the cholesterol content so high? ON gold standard is garbage

get you a straight isolate
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Protein Blend (Whey Protein Isolate, Whey Protein Concentrate, Whey Peptides)

gold standards protein blend

first off how is it a "gold standard" when they dont even tell me the %...................why is the cholesterol content so high? ON gold standard is garbage

get you a straight isolate

GS has the reputation of being a great all around whey protein. Its probably the number 1 suggested protein whenever somebody asks, and NT. I feel as if people only recommend other brands cause they get tired of recommending ON. 
What? :lol:

GS has the reputation of being a great all around whey protein. Its probably the number 1 suggested protein whenever somebody asks, and NT. I feel as if people only recommend other brands cause they get tired of recommending ON. :lol:

reputation from whom?

the kiddie bros on there is nothing spectacular about gold standard........srs

what is so great about it? ill wait

profile wise its far from great more like mediocre an better options an as far as taste there are other better options do you realize how many proteins are on the market?

do you even know where ON gets there product from?

GLANBIA..................ppl are sheep, thats the prob with soceity
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You need a paragraph to prove it? Im not saying its amazing, im saying its an all around good protein from forums, word of mouth, hell its the number 1 selling protein on BB. All it takes is research, ON been had a reputation. If you wanna deny that then 

Good ol NT "let me hate on whatevers popular cause theres something so much better" attitude.

We all protein experts now? 
Everyday I walk into the gym is a new personal record that's about to break, 5lbs at a time. It's exciting.

15 more pounds before I crack 200 on the bench.

I hit 245 on the squat today. My groin area feels strained when I'm ascending, part of me feels I need to relax but then I come back 2 days later and I'm doing it again.

if u hit 200 on bench before me :x and i've been lifting since jan.

I'll be sure to let you know lol
eh whatever look mr bubble guts, keep doing you then ill stop

number 1 on means nothing i dunno why you keep telling me that. is the most commercial site there is for the supp industry

ppl who really take this industry serious know "gold standad" isnt a gold standard but i mean everyday gym warrior its all good i guess
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Damn, I suffer but not from that. My bowel issues are with the inconsistent movements. Psyllium fiber helps in that department though.

Isolates should help though
i have not taken whey in a long time...................i took bio gro and pf3 this year liked both products but the cost......not practical (bio gro also pissed me off, so messy)

i amino pulse all day, if anyone are my new IG buddies you see i posted my gaspari aminolast

i drink that 3-4 times a day

if you have issues with dairy, go straight iso not gold standard the number 1 rating blah blah blah
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Fall Festival of Power here in NC near Raleigh.
That's awesome man. What fed is it with and what total do you have to get to qualify?

I gotta get out to Cali sometime and check all y'all boys out. I would love to come train at BBBC and see what its like.

Hit me up if you come, they got all the equipment you would need.

Power racks, competition racks(squat and bench in them), calibrated kilo plates, bumper plates, every bar you can imagine, deadlift platforms, olympic platforms, chains, bands, glute ham raise, etc etc...


Just finished week 1 of the smolov rj program on the bench :smokin


Btw, anyone know how to prevent the runs from protein shakes? :smh:

Whenever I dont use shakes for a while and go on it, ill get the runs for everyday I take it for maybe a week til my body gets "used" to it.

Trying to go all natural, but its too expensive and the convenience of a protein shake is priceless.

Every brand does this to you? Maybe switch to protein bars?
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eh whatever look mr bubble guts, keep doing you then ill stop

number 1 on means nothing i dunno why you keep telling me that. is the most commercial site there is for the supp industry

ppl who really take this industry serious know "gold standad" isnt a gold standard but i mean everyday gym warrior its all good i guess
Mainstream isnt as bad as you think bruh. 

Not everyone is doing competitions and stuff taking super expensive supps. Most people, yes even the super yolked dudes, are just "everyday gym warriors".

I used Cellucor whey for a bit, tasted great but ON was cheaper for more so I stuck to it. Syntha 6 was alright. 
Mainstream isnt as bad as you think bruh. :lol:

Not everyone is doing competitions and stuff taking super expensive supps. Most people, yes even the super yolked dudes, are just "everyday gym warriors".

I used Cellucor whey for a bit, tasted great but ON was cheaper for more so I stuck to it. Syntha 6 was alright. 

the super yolked dudes i know i dont consider everyday warriors. guess we have diff opinions on what that definition is

an gold standard isnt the reason why they are super yolked either

none of the forums related to BB i go on personally do i ever see anyone discussing ON gold standard

BSN syntha 6? stuff is garbage an wont help your waistline, i just realized im beating a dead horse

i suggest maybe you try a straight isolate thats all
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Of course a straight whey isolate is the best but if you wanna say ON makes no noise then idk what to tell you.

In any case, what isolate do you recommend? I'll compare. My goal right now is to lose the weight I gained while I broke my foot (10lbs + 10lbs of weight I wanted to lose before I broke it) while maintaining as much muscle and strength.
Any progress is good progress. Consistency > any program or diet out there.

Went for a push day today, hit chest and shoulders hard, triceps were basically cooked when I did em. Overall, 3 hours at the gym. I get things done faster alone but when you have people with you, everything takes longer. :lol: :wow:

Normally I spent about an hour and a half to 2 hours. I dont mind taking my time, of course I have decent rest intervals, but its time inbetween workouts, whether chopping it up with someone for a few, waiting for a bench/machine or zoning out. Not the most efficient but I like being in there.

you do chest and shoulders on same day damn
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Questions for yall late lifters...

I work out late at night, 11:30ish to 1 in the morning. After I workout I don't want to eat chicken breast, brown rice and asparagus / broccoli or whatever green veggie. Sometimes I have a quest bars, sometimes I don't and a protein shake just doesn't cut it. What do yall do? Do you ever hit up Jack, Carls or whatever fast food joint? I know my friends will do it once or twice a week, I don't but lately, ive been very hungry, coming home late, no quest bars, protein shake not cutting it... :smh:
I'm a late workout guy also, && usually I'll be good with just the shake (I'll eat something solid like an hour or so before). But there are days where I'll down the shake plus a waffle (scoop of protein powder added in the mix) with some form of berries to top it off.

Or something quick, like an apple && peanut butter, along with the shake. I can finish a workout as late as 4 am tho (that procrastination is a ***** :lol:) so I def. know the feeling. Just depends on what I have to work with at the time, sucks whenever the options are limited tho :smh:
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