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Beginning my cut. Is 1740 calories too little?

Way too low in my opinion.
@basemod are you using frozen or fresh viggies?

Mostly fresh. I get fresh local produce at the local Korean market for the low-low. Recommend everybody check out your Asian market for crazy cheap fruits and veggies.

I did buy some frozen stir fry vegetable medley at Costco though. Something like 10lbs worth so I'll be working on that for a while :lol:

I have a decent idea of what I'm doing. I just need to better proportion my meals. Also cut out the beer |I
Mostly fresh. I get fresh local produce at the local Korean market for the low-low. Recommend everybody check out your Asian market for crazy cheap fruits and veggies.

I did buy some frozen stir fry vegetable medley at Costco though. Something like 10lbs worth so I'll be working on that for a while :lol:

I have a decent idea of what I'm doing. I just need to better proportion my meals. Also cut out the beer |I
Thanks base I'm going to check out my local Asian market and farmer market. And see what they have. I like frozen veggies because I don't have to peel them. I know lazy

Damn it will be a while before I give up beer.
Activity level:sedentary

lol basically the app asks what your day job is and i work a desk job so i do basically do the minimum amount possible burning calories. but theres also an option to input how often you workout
lol basically the app asks what your day job is and i work a desk job so i do basically do the minimum amount possible burning calories. but theres also an option to input how often you workout
What's the name of the app? Seeing as it looks like you have an iPhone, I'll see if they have it for Android
Looks like My Fitness Pal, which is also available for Android and has an online/web option. Best calorie tracking app I've used.
Thanks guys, it was too good of a deal to pass up. Only a little 45 minute drive to get it. Now with what I already had, Ive got close to 800lbs in plates 

Oh yeah I don't deebo the rack! No one at my gym uses it so I just post up and get my **** done at my own pace lol
It's funny to me how many times certain topics are rehashed in this thread lol

-shoes to lift in
-my fitness pal

What else am I missing? haha
It's funny to me how many times certain topics are rehashed in this thread lol

-shoes to lift in
-my fitness pal

What else am I missing? haha
As long as I don't hear another dude say he wants to get "toned" Im good 
What ab workouts should I do to lose this belly fat in 2 weeks?

Try to get your legs between your legs and contract your abs. You probably can't do it right away but work toward it. Get as far as you can and hold it for about 10-15 seconds, take a deep breathe and push even further in.
Got a hell of a steal today on some home gym stuff today.

Got this rack, 2 bars, over 500lbs worth of plates, plate rack and a bench........ All for $500.
I've never benched in one of these racks, but I do workout alone so I'm thinking it might be beneficial. You don't have to worry about failure/dropping the weight on your chest with the racks correct?
Myfitnesspal confuses me, they said I should be getting 1800 calories .. I'm assuming that's net calories and not gross. That means I need to eat like 2300/2400 calories a day to net 1800 calories

I barely reach 1800 eating clean :x
I've never benched in one of these racks, but I do workout alone so I'm thinking it might be beneficial. You don't have to worry about failure/dropping the weight on your chest with the racks correct?
Correct, they're called safety rails and any rack you get should come with them.

Im worried a little about squatting heavy with the bars I have though. Im not sure what they're rated for.
What ab workouts should I do to lose this belly fat in 2 weeks?

Try to get your legs between your legs and contract your abs. You probably can't do it right away but work toward it. Get as far as you can and hold it for about 10-15 seconds, take a deep breathe and push even further in.

You mean head between my legs? Brb.

What ab workouts should I do to lose this belly fat in 2 weeks?

You should really do a juice cleanse.

Liquid diet of water, lemon juice, honey and cayenne for 2 weeks. Gonna be so toned. All the bishes gonna flock
Lost 20 lbs in about 3 months (should be closer to 30, but my diet is better but not great).

Another 40 to go. I'm hoping by the end of the year, but I've been on a plateau for a month. But what I didn't lose in lbs, I am seeing it in my body fat.

I'm definitely in a weird place because my clothes are starting not to fit, but I can't buy new clothes because I want to lose 40 more lbs, which means I would have to buy everything again.

For my people trying to lose weight, and can't my advice is this... Really get into it for a few months. I've been trying and failing to lose weight since I was 12 because I eat like ****, at terrible times, and while I did play sports, not frequently enough. I'd get discouraged, and I'd always break any diet or exercise quick. Go home, throw away all the food that isn't good. If it ain't there, you can't eat it. My biggest problem is living at home, and my mom being the worst eater I know, and having all the really good tasting food around, and sodas, chips, microwave pizzas, all that. Go to the gym, do some cardio 20-30minutes, and lift. When you lose weight and people notice, every single person will compliment you, and you'll feel good. At that point, you can't go back. You drop that weight, and everyone telling you that you look good, only to gain it back... You'll feel like an idiot.
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I wouldn't use the macros that myfitnesspal recomends. Try the iifym website.
Yeah the macros I don't really follow on MFP. I know generally in my diet how much protein, fat, and carbs I'm getting. I was just wondering about the calories being too low. I heard 10x your weight is a good rule of thumb. And 1740 is right in that ballpark
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