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Another recipe 

blend up  1 cup cottage cheese 2 tbsp peanut butter and toss in a decent amount of sugar free pudding any flavor and it makes like a weird deserty cheese cake type thing.  I use to hate cottage cheese and forced it this way til i grew to accept it.
It's actually not racist, stereotype sure, racist no. I assume all the cats that use BBC genetics are racist too huh?

So stereotypical and ignorant, cool. :lol:

Trying to give you the benefit of the doubt but don't know which part of your statement is dumber:

- All State linebacker as a white kid
- Since he's white, good enough to play D1-AA, that's the ceiling you gave him, you know 'cause he's a white kid from Washington
- By 4.5, think you meant he ran that 40 time, which in your eyes is good enough for a white kid from Washington.

Nope, they're all stupid any way you slice it.

what's "the vector"?

Reebok logo.
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So stereotypical and ignorant, cool. :lol:

Trying to give you the benefit of the doubt but don't know which part of your statement is dumber:

- All State linebacker as a white kid
- Since he's white, good enough to play D1-AA, that's the ceiling you gave him, you know 'cause he's a white kid from Washington
- By 4.5, think you meant he ran that 40 time, which in your eyes is good enough for a white kid from Washington.

Nope, they're all stupid any way you slice it.
Reebok logo.

A 5'9 180 line backer isn't playing major d1 football point blank. Not sure where you played sports. How many white kids you know running sub 4.5 40s? I mean you can be offended I don't care, but you clearly don't watch the NFL or have ever played football in a area where Teams aren't majority white.

Point blank you don't see many white athletic freaks, never said whites can't play ball, or are inferior.
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I don't get offended, just think you make ******ed statements and then hide behind the "that's my opinion" curtain.

You don't think a 5'9, 190lb, 4.5 40 18 years wouldn't get a D1 scholarship... :lol:

He was all state at 12 years old, he blew out his knees, stopped playing ball. You don't think if he would've kept playing ball (*and not blown out his knees) he would've improved those numbers? If he would've kept training for football as opposed for "aesthetics". He's 190 because his goal is to be a bodybuilder. Based on his physique you can clearly see he has a strong work ethic, even if not natty, so you don't think he would be 215-225 if he trained for football. You can't be that dense, can you?

There are no 18 year olds in the NFL, so don't even know what you are getting at with that angle. Good try though.

There is still no justification for the "white kid from Washington" comment, :lol:.

Take your L and keep it moving.

but you clearly don't watch the NFL or have ever played football in a area where Teams aren't majority white.


BTW- for the record, no one in the 2013 combine at OLB and ILB ran a sub 4.5 40 yard dash. Facts>Perception, clearly you go with the latter.

I played in the inner city, so I'm well aware. There are plenty of "white kids" or non-African Americans with speed and good enough to play LB'er at D1 schools.

Keep digging that shallow grave though. Your ethnocentrism is off the charts, :lol:
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This guy started at linebacker for Arkansas which is a big D1 school and he's 5'11 180

I don't get offended, just think you make ******ed statements and then hide behind the "that's my opinion" curtain.

You don't think a 5'9, 190lb, 4.5 40 18 years wouldn't get a D1 scholarship... :lol:

He was all state at 12 years old, he blew out his knees, stopped playing ball. You don't think if he would've kept playing ball (*and not blown out his knees) he would've improved those numbers? If he would've kept training for football as opposed for "aesthetics". He's 190 because his goal is to be a bodybuilder. Based on his physique you can clearly see he has a strong work ethic, even if not natty, so you don't think he would be 215-225 if he trained for football. You can't be that dense, can you?

There are no 18 year olds in the NFL, so don't even know what you are getting at with that angle. Good try though.

There is still no justification for the "white kid from Washington" comment, :lol:.

Take your L and keep it moving.

BTW- for the record, no one in the 2013 combine at OLB and ILB ran a sub 4.5 40 yard dash. Facts>Perception, clearly you go with the latter.

I played in the inner city, so I'm well aware. There are plenty of "white kids" or non-African Americans with speed and good enough to play LB'er at D1 schools.

Keep digging that shallow grave though. Your ethnocentrism is off the charts, :lol:

As state a 5'9 180 kid ain't playing LB at UGA. D1-AA is division one football what are you talking about?

And all state at 12 years old? I stopped reading there. Dude was better in wrestling than he was in football. He wasn't even a top 100 national prospect (from what i saw) fall back. Being a top athlete in a state not known for any sports isn't saying much for elite athletes. He was good but you hyping him like he lebron.
You do realize there are 120 D1 schools right, but good for you for pulling a top tier D1 school like Georgia.

I don't know this dudes entire back story, you mentioned he was all state, I do know he stopped playing ball cause of his knees.

18 years old, 195 lbs, 4.5 40, you don't think a D1 school will take a shot at him if he still played? You do realize kids outside of the top 100 still get D1 scholles right?

I don't really think you know much about college recruiting, but keep pretending like you do.

What's wrong with just saying: "You know what, I realize what I said was stupid, let me retract that statement". Then again, it's you, and we all know you fight the good fight even though you are clearly not in the right.
You do realize there are 120 D1 schools right, but good for you for pulling a top tier D1 school like Georgia.

I don't know this dudes entire back story, you mentioned he was all state, I do know he stopped playing ball cause of his knees.

18 years old, 195 lbs, 4.5 40, you don't think a D1 school will take a shot at him if he still played? You do realize kids outside of the top 100 still get D1 scholles right?

I don't really think you know much about college recruiting, but keep pretending like you do.

What's wrong with just saying: "You know what, I realize what I said was stupid, let me retract that statement". Then again, it's you, and we all know you fight the good fight even though you are clearly not in the right.

The kid was only being recruited by d2, d1-AA and like 2 mid majors. He didn't get 195 until after he started Doing BB his senior year. Point blank kid wasn't an elite athlete, he was good yes, a 4.5 40 isn't amazing at a top d1 program. Yes he was good for a white kid from Washington state because point blank Washington isn't producing top athletes compared to Texas or Cali.
Lol more power to you I tried it when I was in the 300s and stopped after 3 days, killed my shins.

If i woulda tried insanity back when i was close to 300 there's no way i would be able to do more than 2 days of it :lol:

I'm just trying to shed some excess before my wedding next month and I do really badly with cardio in the gym.

I choose to follow insanity because the structure of it keeps me from going astray.

I know my weaknesses and try my hardest to overcome them.

Since ur waaaaaaay down from ur OG weight and in much better shape I'd recommend giving it a shot for the challenge!

Kali muscle is one of the biggest jokes i've ever listened to ramble.

I have absolutely nothing wrong with people who choose to use gear.

What i don't care for is dishonest people like Kali saying "to get big, gain weight, and be a vascular monster like me is eat tons of packages of top ramen per day, tons of tuna per day, and before your workouts drink a soda w/ instant coffee mixed into it."

Would having just a power rack and bench be enough for a home gym?
ya. You'd need some weights tho. Barbell rack and bench are all you really need.

Yeah I'm bulking. Newb question, but how long should I bulk for? :wow:

I appreciate any food prep tips I can get. The chicken and steak I make is the least flavorful thing I've ever eaten in my life.
Depends on your goals. What do you weigh now, where do you wanna be?

What are you cooking your chickens/steaks in?

As state a 5'9 180 kid ain't playing LB at UGA. D1-AA is division one football what are you talking about?

And all state at 12 years old? I stopped reading there. Dude was better in wrestling than he was in football. He wasn't even a top 100 national prospect (from what i saw) fall back. Being a top athlete in a state not known for any sports isn't saying much for elite athletes. He was good but you hyping him like he lebron.

How do you know all of this about some instagram bodybuilder?
Man I already knew the fitness industry was full of hustlers but I just hate the impact dudes like Kali Muscle have on little kids. I mean sure you can argue that kids shouldn't look up to these guys, but in a sense these dudes help motivate kids and when you are straight lying to kids Sayig you never did roids you only used so and so protein or whatever crap it makes me mad.

One thing I've noticed is that we as humans try to over complicate things so when we don't achieve our goals we use the false complications as the reason we failed. I've had chicks ask me what shakes I take to lose weight, my pops looked at my bottle of orange triad and said "this must be what you use to lose weight, I'm gonna buy some"

Like its almost people would prefer you tell them "I took 4 trutein shakes a day to lose weight" then to say "I went to the gym every day and changed how I ate" when you tell them there are no products that will make you fit they look at you like "o_O quit flexing bruh"
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