STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

i kinda miss working legs. gonna be a long while before I can get back at it. =/ this hip surgery needa hurry up lol
Finally apart of the 4 plate squat club. Added about 90 pounds to my squat in the last 6 months, gotta love those newb gainz 

Lower back is fried now 
405 Nice.

But how you get it from 315 to 405 in 6 months? 

Im at 295 now. hope to be at 315 by mid Nov.
It was a 1RM and a grinder at that but Ive stuck with a 5x5 since I began squatting around March and that has made me stronger all over. Also Im naturally lower body dominant and played soccer my whole life so that has some to do with it. I squat twice a week too, its my favorite thing to do.
I'm starving! Whenever I get home from work (6:15pm), I don't have anything to eat, I just wait it out to dinner (8:30pm), whats something good to eat so that I don't have to wait for 2 hours, but is healthy? I don't really want to cook or anything, because Im going to cook something for dinner. I'm kinda of tired of protein bars/almonds, as I eat those at work. Anything else?
It was a 1RM and a grinder at that but Ive stuck with a 5x5 since I began squatting around March and that has made me stronger all over. Also Im naturally lower body dominant and played soccer my whole life so that has some to do with it. I squat twice a week too, its my favorite thing to do.
hmmm i might have to try that out. thanks for the response.
I'm starving! Whenever I get home from work (6:15pm), I don't have anything to eat, I just wait it out to dinner (8:30pm), whats something good to eat so that I don't have to wait for 2 hours, but is healthy? I don't really want to cook or anything, because Im going to cook something for dinner. I'm kinda of tired of protein bars/almonds, as I eat those at work. Anything else?
y u wait 2 hrs to eat? Cook earlier. I heat up leftovers in a pan. usually chicken beans n brown rice. or a tuna sandwich. u starving so just eat anything.
I have been in the 5/3/1 rep ranges for so long, it's absolutely exhausting doing 10 reps on bench and squat. I've been feeling beat up lifting heavy for so long, it was def time to change it up.

Just a reminder to any of y'all who have been in a certain rep range for a long time, tryout something new.
Copied this from my thread thoughts?

As someone of you know I have been on a what I guess you can call a slow bulk (been eating at a 1k or more deficit some days, at maint other days, at a surplus for maybe 1-2 maybe 3 days out the week.

Ive added 100 lbs to my deadlift and went up in squats about 50-60lbs.

Instead of randomly just starting to cut I was thinking about going from After thanksgiving to about mid april or earlier which would be a 15-20 week cut.

I was 233 a month ago so I`m probably a little under 240 or could still be 233 (I have literally been between 228 at my lowest in mid June to 235 past 4 months)

Is 2lbs per week too much as I am leaner than I was when I first started at 320? I would hope to kill off moobs and last of my muffin cut with this cut but not destroy my muscle gains.

I'm not sure if I want to aim for 2lbs like I did when I was obese or do 1 or 1.5 lbs to hold in to as much muscle as possible, but in 15-20 weeks I doubt I loose the last little bit of moobs and gut I have

I would go for 1-1.5 lbs per week if I were you. Don't be in a hurry, it's a 15-20 week cut, that is a decent amount of weight you can lose.
i cant figure out how my weight fluctuates so much... from monday-saturday the scales kept going down each day then i get on it on sunday and all the weights back...motivation killer :smh:
Can someone recommend me a mass gainer? Trying to bulk up this winter. I tried the over eating thing but it's a lot harder than it
I'm starving! Whenever I get home from work (6:15pm), I don't have anything to eat, I just wait it out to dinner (8:30pm), whats something good to eat so that I don't have to wait for 2 hours, but is healthy? I don't really want to cook or anything, because Im going to cook something for dinner. I'm kinda of tired of protein bars/almonds, as I eat those at work. Anything else?

Plain fat free Greek yogurt and peanut butter is my fav.
Basically you're arguing that ZMA is more "essential" than creatine?

Not really, apples to oranges.

As a beginning lifter creatine isn't necessary IMO. Lift And eat. Set a good foundation then add the supps once that is dialed in.

The ZMA comment was for me personally, I just notice the effect of Taking ZMA vs not much more than creatine or not. Could it be placebo? Sure but I can't argue with feelings/results. I stopped taking creatine a month or so ago and have been making similar if not better gains. Granted my diet is pretty on point so maybe that could be it too. I work out at like 5am too so waking up not feeling foggy really enhances my lift, which I think is attributable to The ZMA
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First day of Paleo today. So far so good. After doing some reading and such, I think what I'll do is adopt this as a 6 days a week thing, and gradually move to all meals. I live in Louisiana, food is too good here to not eat any pasta, potatoes, beans, etc.

My biggest day to day is definitely going to be no Red Bull. After 4 years working for them in the marketing dept. I drink the stuff just out of habit. Gives me no rush whatsoever. But I am addicted. :smh:
I'm starving! Whenever I get home from work (6:15pm), I don't have anything to eat, I just wait it out to dinner (8:30pm), whats something good to eat so that I don't have to wait for 2 hours, but is healthy? I don't really want to cook or anything, because Im going to cook something for dinner. I'm kinda of tired of protein bars/almonds, as I eat those at work. Anything else?

greek yogurt x granola ?
That feel when herniated disc and still recovering almost a year later.

Anyone gone through the same thing? Most of the pain is gone but I get a tingling feeling in my lower back/center of back down the spine. Advice for recovery?

Can't wait to get back at it. 1 year wasted :smh:
First day of Paleo today. So far so good. After doing some reading and such, I think what I'll do is adopt this as a 6 days a week thing, and gradually move to all meals. I live in Louisiana, food is too good here to not eat any pasta, potatoes, beans, etc.

My biggest day to day is definitely going to be no Red Bull. After 4 years working for them in the marketing dept. I drink the stuff just out of habit. Gives me no rush whatsoever. But I am addicted. :smh:

Can you not have Sugar Free Red Bull?

I do enjoy Energy drinks but i always have the Zero or Sugar free versions
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