STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Look at the weight though. After a while you adjust and do what you have to do to move that weight within a safe pace and rom. At that stage and experience he knows what his body can handle. It's like dudes complaining the guy squatting 1000lb and not going full parallel or atg...uhhh you try it. I don't think that negates his strength.

Wasn't knocking him at all. It obviously works for him. I was curious about the importance of form, rom vs. resistance.
it works for everyone still, form is extremely important to build that muscle memory so when you start going heavy on lifts, your form is second nature

rocking and using momentum is actually not changing form

if you notice in the video, chris' elbows are in the perfect position for every lift, in every exercise, he pulls the weight to the exact same spot on his body every time, he doesnt deviate from the optimal muscle mechanics, but he does cheat by rocking, but thats how you lift heavier, get a better pump, and progress

How is rocking and using momentum not changing form????

Theres so much i disagree with in that video and some of these posts. Ill get to them in a bit.
i explained that in the latter part of my post bro

But bro, your explanation has nothing to do with the point you were trying to make. Only focusing on the elbow positioning and ignoring all the other joints is a failure to understand "optimal muscle mechanics". Just because theres a justification doesn't mean it's valid or even correlates to the topic at hand.
I can't, in good consciousness, recommend this as "healthy" or even a good way to improve body composition. Of course it is your decision, but I will tell you that will run into some big problems, especially if you combine it with weight training. Protein wasting, excessive sugar consumption, and nutrient deficiencies are a certainty with your plan. You may lose weight, but that weight will almost certainly include a significant amount of muscle mass. You may feel alright now, but you will not feel so good when you encounter muscle wasting, nutrient deficiencies, and insulin insensitivity further into this "cleanse".

Personally, I would recommend a paleo/primal diet, which would not run into the aforementioned problems.
well I havent done any weight training and dont really plan on it. Just walking/speed walking/jogging and just copped a bike. I'm already a big guy standing 6'1 and about 350, wanna lose 100lbs at least. so what do you recommend? 

Basically my routine, Drink about 3-4 juices a day containing mainly Kale/Spinach/carrots/cucumbers/celery. Earlier in the day I add my fruit juices like Orange/apple/strawberry/ and a little lemon. I walk/jog 2miles a day, and try to take another night time walk just to be active. I don't work so Im usually home 24/7.

As I said before, i do want to add some Insanity/P90X into y routine, just want to be in better shape before I start.
In regards to form, after starting deload weeks, it gets you to focus more on form and proper ROM vs getting some heavy *** weight up.

Also, my favorite exercise to watch people's form and get a chuckle out of is lat pull downs. I'm seen some wild stuff where'd you think people were working out legs or something.
Look at the weight though. After a while you adjust and do what you have to do to move that weight within a safe pace and rom. At that stage and experience he knows what his body can handle. It's like dudes complaining the guy squatting 1000lb and not going full parallel or atg...uhhh you try it. I don't think that negates his strength.

Wasn't knocking him at all. It obviously works for him. I was curious about the importance of form, rom vs. resistance.
it works for everyone still, form is extremely important to build that muscle memory so when you start going heavy on lifts, your form is second nature

rocking and using momentum is actually not changing form

if you notice in the video, chris' elbows are in the perfect position for every lift, in every exercise, he pulls the weight to the exact same spot on his body every time, he doesnt deviate from the optimal muscle mechanics, but he does cheat by rocking, but thats how you lift heavier, get a better pump, and progress

How is rocking and using momentum not changing form????

Theres so much i disagree with in that video and some of these posts. Ill get to them in a bit.
i explained that in the latter part of my post bro
But bro, your explanation has nothing to do with the point you were trying to make. Only focusing on the elbow positioning and ignoring all the other joints is a failure to understand "optimal muscle mechanics". Just because theres a justification doesn't mean it's valid or even correlates to the topic at hand.
the topic at hand was form, my claim was rocking doesnt change form, the latter part just backed up my claim, how do you figure it has nothing to do with my point?????? not to mention i only named a couple components of the form, if you want to name others go ahead, but rocking doesnt change the position of your joints

rocking and using momentum is only recruiting more energy from other muscles (with the exception of kipping pull ups)

if im doing upright rows, and im driving my elbows up, my elbows are higher than my forearms, and i bring the weight to my chin, me arching my back is not changing the form
This is my plight, similar specs. I see more muscle growth than fat in the midsection. I only saw it cutting when I focused on it but didn't worry about the muscle. Ironically people think i'm gettting big. Because it's such a pain point I say focus on cutting the fat, you know the drill, eat clean, less calories, lift weights and cardio. All it is. I can always pick up the bulking next year, but damn am I envious sometimes.
thanks homie
the topic at hand was form, my claim was rocking doesnt change form, the latter part just backed up my claim, how do you figure it has nothing to do with my point?????? not to mention i only named a couple components of the form, if you want to name others go ahead, but rocking doesnt change the position of your joints

rocking and using momentum is only recruiting more energy from other muscles (with the exception of kipping pull ups)

if im doing upright rows, and im driving my elbows up, my elbows are higher than my forearms, and i bring the weight to my chin, me arching my back is not changing the form

The latter part didnt back anything up though. Form is just the muscle being worked or the joint thats moving. Theres so many other interrelated aspects of an exercise that encompass what is form. Just because someones elbows wind up at the same location, regardless of what the rest of the body is doing, does not mean that the form is the same if theres momentum involved.

The body isnt just a bunch of independent parts and should not be thought of that way in regards to exercise. Rocking changes the positions of your joints, period. You may not think it changes the position of one joint that youre focusing on, but it changes other joints in the body, which will subsequently alter the biomechanics of the entire system.

To think of rocking and using momentum as only recruiting more energy from other areas is just a failure to understand how the body moves.

So arching your back doing an upright row isnt changing the form? Theres no way you believe that statement. So youre taking a suspect exercise in general and adding in awful spinal mechanics but the form hasnt been changed?

Soooo many people (especially in here) watch bodybuilding videos thinking the person in the video either A: knows what hes talking about B: can provide you with advice on what you should do or want to accomplish.

Form follows function. If all you want is to lose some weight/be in better shape/be better at sports/get "ripped".... watching bodybuilding videos isnt going to lead you in the right direction.
The latter part didnt back anything up though. Form is just the muscle being worked or the joint thats moving. Theres so many other interrelated aspects of an exercise that encompass what is form. Just because someones elbows wind up at the same location, regardless of what the rest of the body is doing, does not mean that the form is the same if theres momentum involved.

The body isnt just a bunch of independent parts and should not be thought of that way in regards to exercise. Rocking changes the positions of your joints, period. You may not think it changes the position of one joint that youre focusing on, but it changes other joints in the body, which will subsequently alter the biomechanics of the entire system.

To think of rocking and using momentum as only recruiting more energy from other areas is just a failure to understand how the body moves.

So arching your back doing an upright row isnt changing the form? Theres no way you believe that statement. So youre taking a suspect exercise in general and adding in awful spinal mechanics but the form hasnt been changed?

Soooo many people (especially in here) watch bodybuilding videos thinking the person in the video either A: knows what hes talking about B: can provide you with advice on what you should do or want to accomplish.

Form follows function. If all you want is to lose some weight/be in better shape/be better at sports/get "ripped".... watching bodybuilding videos isnt going to lead you in the right direction.

Well damn, I'd like to know your opinion of lack of form in crossfit and kipping pullups lol.

But I concur, biomechanics was a hard class when I got my B.S. in exercise science, but it all basically starts from there.
I'm out running around a lot for my businesses and travel a good amount too.  I workout regularly but not on bodybuilding tip like lota yall here seem to be.  Just trying to see if I'd be able to eat even a little healthier when I'm at these restaurants
If you go to restaurants that serve authentic food, then talk to the cook. When I say authentic, I mean like mom and pop spots that are locally known and usually serve food from their culture

Good suggestion. Especially halal and Chinese spots. Just go regularly and socialize with the owners and cooks and they'll hook it up. Or go to Whole Foods, they sell ready made food like pasta salads and sandwiches. While you're there grab a bag of oatmeal and fresh berries. Takes like 2 minutes in the microwave. Jamba Juice Oatmeal is clutch too. Better than going to iHop or McDonalds. Trail Mix is good to carry around all the time.
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I mean first 20 minutes is fine with me, but anything more than that is overkill. :x

I have no idea how people run marathons and ****. :lol:
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yes. don't do it.

word :lol: I can't stand running. I can 30 on an eliptical or bike but running? And you are NOT playing in some kind of sport where you can "break"? :smh:

Real talk tho? Set goals for yourself... like, when I was on a kick to run a 10 minute mile it made running more... I wouldn't say "enjoyable", but I would pump myself up about running because I was anxious to reach that goal.

OH! and I forgot I was getting into it with about physical activity outside of working out, but I signed up for coed rec soccer :pimp: :pimp: $30 dollars a head including a shirt, yes please! Something me and my dude can do together plus we'll meet other people etc. Night games on sundays cuz it's still hot as **** during the day :lol: Bought soccer cleats and ****, sounded like a total newb at the Nike store but they were cool. That'll put me to working out/ exercising (minimum) 3 times a week. I'mma scope out some bikes in the near future (like this week, hopefully will purchase next week) cuz I could easily bike in my neighborhood for 30 minutes a day, it's so beautiful. Running? Too tedious and I get bored quickly.

Black bean patties are gawd. So glad more fast food chains are starting to offer these, and lettuce wraps instead of bread. I demolished a which wich and my meal was only like 400 odd calories. Hella sodium tho (only cuz my fat *** split a bag of chips with my nephew #WELP) But man these past few days I've been under recommended levels of sugar and sodium, which I wasn't a candidate for high blood pressure anytime soon but I still wasn't comfortable with how much I was bringing in. Never did take in a lot of fat or carbs or cals for that matter but sugar and sodium would ALWAYS kill me (which, I try to stay under 24g of sugar a day, and sodium 2100mg). Sugar would be so high because I LOVE fruit. I'd eat a couple bananas, grapes, and a nectarine all in a day. Good thing is I've recognized this and instead of snacking OD on fruit I'll mix in veggies (carrots, celery, tomato) That's been doing wonders for me. Filling plus I'm getting other nutrients etc. Even with lite ranch I'm still doing good. I felt good working out this morning checking out my stomach, might be all in my head but I think I'm starting to see more definition. Nothing like checking yourself out in the mirror and be like "daaaaaaam, I look goooood :pimp:" Oh that's just me? Carry on.

All in all man, I'm feeling good-- pumped.... think I'mma get it this time! no falling off the wagon. #sixpackorbust Finally got a solid eating regimen down that I can stick to so the sky's the limit right now.
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yes. don't do it.

word :lol: I can't stand running. I can 30 on an eliptical or bike but running? And you are NOT playing in some kind of sport where you can "break"? :smh:

Real talk tho? Set goals for yourself... like, when I was on a kick to run a 10 minute mile it made running more... I wouldn't "enjoyable", but I would pump myself up about running because I was anxious to reach that goal.

OH! and I forgot I was getting into it with about physical activity outside of working out, but I signed up for coed rec soccer :pimp: :pimp: $30 dollars a head including a shirt, yes please! Something me and my dude can do together plus we'll meet other people etc. Night games on sundays cuz it's still hot as **** during the day :lol: Bought soccer cleats and ****, sounded like a total newb at the Nike store but they were cool. That'll put me to working out/ exercising (minimum) 3 times a week.

Black bean patties are gawd. So glad more fast food chains are starting to offer these, and lettuce wraps instead of bread. I demolished a which wich and my meal was only like 400 odd calories. Hella sodium tho (only cuz my fat split a bag of chips with my nephew #WELP) I felt good working out this morning checking out my stomach, might be all in my head but I think I'm starting to see more definition. Nothing like checking yourself out in the mirror and be like "daaaaaaam, I look goooood :pimp:" Oh that's just me? Carry on.

What's the name of the shoes in your avatar?
To think of rocking and using momentum as only recruiting more energy from other areas is just a failure to understand how the body moves.

This is what I've always learned and knew.

Momentum = jerking = bad form = injury risk.

Steady + control = time under tension = good.
Anyway to make running more enjoyable?
Find someone to run with and run outside.

 I played soccer for years so its really not that bad and personally I feel most alive after a good early morning run. Also I want to be fast as ****  so theres only one way to do that lol

I watched the Bigger,Faster,Stronger documentary on youtube yesterday and it was great. I highly recommend it to you guys.
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So bros, I've cleaned up my diet, but still consuming fruits, along with lots of lean proteins and veggies, this has been my breakdown for this week, I just wanna build on some lean muscle should I change things up...not trying to lose weight...but it might be inevitable....majority of my carb intake is from natural sugars from fruits...stopped drinking juices and using bread and only a cup of brown rice on occasions.

No need to fiddle with your ratios. Eat more calories - 500 above maintenance. Pretty simple.

Screwed up my metrx protein pancakes so I just threw some Greek yogurt almonds and caramel on it

Looks really gross.

This is what I've always learned and knew.

Momentum = jerking = bad form = injury risk.

Steady + control = time under tension = good.
Ya. Tangential point, but speed isn't necessarily a bad thing. Controlled doesn't have to be slow
To think of rocking and using momentum as only recruiting more energy from other areas is just a failure to understand how the body moves.

This is what I've always learned and knew.

Momentum = jerking = bad form = injury risk.

Steady + control = time under tension = good.

Yeah. There are certain circumstances where momentum isnt a bad thing, however the momentum needs to coincide with correct human movement and be intentional. As an example, a push press uses momentum to generate an initial force to help accelerate the weight off of the shoulders. The movement must be done correctly and in a specific sequence for the momentum to be used appropriately.
September 1st means its time for me to get back on this cut! No more lolly gagging 200 lbs is my goal and imma get there!! Fall is here boys now it's time to get back in there and bust it for next spring/summer.
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