STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I'm gonna post some vertical leap stuff later today since some people PM'd me about it. I guess exercise names aren;t copyright, but still since at the time some of the moves were fairly innovative, I'll make up a new title for them. And since I figure everyone always weight trains 3x a week or so, I'll make it short (like 15 mins) so you can do it before your weight training sessions, fit it into a rest day, arm day, or whatever. But best is to do it when you can give 100% to each rep so like after leg day isn't optimal because you're not jumping your highest and your reps are low quality for lack of a better word and you want each one to be the best, it's not a cardio exercise (though if you ignore this and do it no rest for an arbitrarily long amount of time you can make it such), you want to improve your CNS and fast twitch response, not vo2 ability.

I wish I still had any video but it was before the Youtube era when I was dunking and ****. I had one I posted on NT that was on zipyvideos but that sight been vanished
I'm gonna post some vertical leap stuff later today since some people PM'd me about it. I guess exercise names aren;t copyright, but still since at the time some of the moves were fairly innovative, I'll make up a new title for them. And since I figure everyone always weight trains 3x a week or so, I'll make it short (like 15 mins) so you can do it before your weight training sessions, fit it into a rest day, arm day, or whatever. But best is to do it when you can give 100% to each rep so like after leg day isn't optimal because you're not jumping your highest and your reps are low quality for lack of a better word and you want each one to be the best, it's not a cardio exercise (though if you ignore this and do it no rest for an arbitrarily long amount of time you can make it such), you want to improve your CNS and fast twitch response, not vo2 ability.

I wish I still had any video but it was before the Youtube era when I was dunking and ****. I had one I posted on NT that was on zipyvideos but that sight been vanished
man, good looks

but can you post the exact regiment you used? time is a priceless commodity, and i appreciate you lookin out for us, but i would like to use the intense workout you used void of time constraints

i need to start hitting legs especially since im bulking..

im just scared of my back problems, dont want to deal with the horrible pain
Anyone got recommendations for a cheap, reliable jump rope? Im 5'8 if it matters.... Thanks bros
i would say any jump rope would do? but then again i dont know if they have different kind :lol:
just made 2 pbj sammiches with the Chocolate PB2.

Its AIGHT. Def not as good as real PB BUT until Im done cutting this a great product.

Friday night bible study

You look good Lucky. Pause.
You're definitely making progress.
Looked up Strong lift, gotta say --- it's pretty ******g awesome. Not for me, but I'm glad I found it because I will pass this info on to my dude. He's lost like 30 lbs so far and is doing really great. He doesn't really have a set "plan" though in the gym, I think this will be good for him to start building muscle etc.

In terms of my plan, I think I may have found one! Good looking out :wink: Starting a new "diet" this week coming up! Gonna up my exercising as well. Alright bros, let's get it.... I needz deez gainz
i did til i tweaked my back, worst pain ever. that crap nearly put me out of commison :x

Be careful brah. Do you know how you injured it?

Looked up Strong lift, gotta say --- it's pretty ******g awesome. Not for me, but I'm glad I found it because I will pass this info on to my dude. He's lost like 30 lbs so far and is doing really great. He doesn't really have a set "plan" though in the gym, I think this will be good for him to start building muscle etc.

In terms of my plan, I think I may have found one! Good looking out :wink: Starting a new "diet" this week coming up! Gonna up my exercising as well. Alright bros, let's get it.... I needz deez gainz

Stronglifts is great. More for beginners though. I just finished using it even though I'm not a beginner. My squat went up a little since it was my first time doing a program like that.

But I stalled quicker than most since I wasn't a beginner. Transitioning to Bill Starr's 5x5 now.
5'8" dude you can usually adjust/custom fit a jump rope. i bought a cable jump rope to do some cardio in-between sets. rope was good but i basically reaffirms how much i hate cardio. now i just pace around between lifts and get myself angry and do a 2.5-3 mile steep mountain walk on sunday - that's pretty much it for cardio. cutting was taking its' toll on my mood so i'm at maintenance right now. feels pretty good.
man the overhead press is becoming my favorite exercise.
only been doing it for a couple of weeks and loving it.
when i first started lifting weights i got frustrated because is such a humbling lift and stop doing it.
wish i hadnt done that .... ohp is :smokin
man the overhead press is becoming my favorite exercise.
only been doing it for a couple of weeks and loving it.
when i first started lifting weights i got frustrated because is such a humbling lift and stop doing it.
wish i hadnt done that .... ohp is
Very humbling lift. Its the hardest out of all of them for me to progress with. Adding something small like 10lbs takes awhile but feels badass 
Copped some Walden Farms caramel gonna use it on that 150 cal pint Artic Zero ice cream and a serving of almonds when ever I have a craving for ice cream.

Also picked up some lifting straps since they were a free gift with my order.
Copped some Walden Farms caramel gonna use it on that 150 cal pint Artic Zero ice cream and a serving of almonds when ever I have a craving for ice cream.

Also picked up some lifting straps since they were a free gift with my order.

why not just eat real ice cream, i dont see that been any healthier than actually ice cream
Copped some Walden Farms caramel gonna use it on that 150 cal pint Artic Zero ice cream and a serving of almonds when ever I have a craving for ice cream.

Also picked up some lifting straps since they were a free gift with my order.

WHat are you gonna use them for DL? Is your grip going out?
Man I completely fell off :frown: :frown: :frown: I lost like 30 lbs but I havent been to the gym more than once a week since January :wow: .. gained all my weight back :smh::smh:
Looked up Strong lift, gotta say --- it's pretty ******g awesome. Not for me, but I'm glad I found it because I will pass this info on to my dude. He's lost like 30 lbs so far and is doing really great. He doesn't really have a set "plan" though in the gym, I think this will be good for him to start building muscle etc.

In terms of my plan, I think I may have found one! Good looking out :wink: Starting a new "diet" this week coming up! Gonna up my exercising as well. Alright bros, let's get it.... I needz deez gainz

Yeah it's a good next step for him.
Been really thinking of investing on a good bike to ride some good distances in addition to my Crossfit regimen...what do you guys think?...
Lucky, care to share your workout routine?

I have an ABA alternating split that alternates Sunday,Tuesday,Thursday and I have Leg Days Monday and Friday
A workout:
Incline Bench 4X8, 1X10 burnout at the end
Decline Bench 4X8, 1X10 burnout at the end
Seated chest press machine 1 handed 4X8
Pec Fly machine 4X8
Wide grip Lat pull down 4X8
Close grip underhand Lat pull down 4x8
Alternating 1 arm Row 4X8
What ever Row machine I see free 4X8

leg day
Squat 2X8, 2X5
Deadlift 1X8 warm up, 2X5, 1 set to failure as heavy as I can go
Seated Leg press 4X8
1 leg leg press 4X8
Calf raises 4X20
Ab crunch machine 4X10

B day
Military press 4X8
Arnold press or shoulder press machine 4X8
Standing 1 arm dumbell raise/press 4X8
Dumbbell raise 4X8
Hammer Curls 4X8
Arnold Curls 4X8
wide grip barbbell curl 4X8
1 arm preacher curl 4X8
shrugs 4X8
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