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Got a question about carb cycling.

I used to do IF/ Lean Gains and got used to working out fasted. Now I just eat whatever time I want but still workout fasted. I workout one day on then one day off, 3 days a week. Low carb would be off day and high carb on workout day.

But I noticed since I'm working out fasted and the previous day was low carbed, then my energy would be low. Should I mix it up and reverse it making off days moderate to high carb and workout days moderate to low? And squeezing in a really low day on a back to back off day?

Eat (low carb) before your training session. It will improve your performance in general, but also your focus will improve.
I don't see the point in low carb. I've lost weight with low carb and high carb. My workouts were always awful and I was tired very easily. I think more harm than good is done with low carb. Carbs are not the devil.
I've heard and seen studies that say the sugar in CM is good postworkout for the insulin spike while others say you want to avoid that (even postworkout) and stick to low GI carbs. Personally I haven't noticed much of a difference other than the low GI shakes I've made keep me full a little longer.


If you're training twice per day, 6 days per week, you can play with this sort of thing and benefit. For the average person in this thread training 3-5 days per week, once per day, recreationally, you won't benefit from using this. You're better off focusing on other recovery modalities (sleep, stress, nutrition throughout the day, programming).

You will benefit more from smart training choices than sources of carbohydrates in the post workout meal. Your glycogen will replenish, albeit at a slower rate than otherwise, but that is not a problem if you're only training once per day.

If you want the absolute best product, something like Vitargo would be worth experimenting with for you. Again, I don't think this is a 'bang for your buck' area to focus on if you're a recreational lifter. You could otherwise play with sources such as dextrose, maltodextrin, fruit, fruit juices, potatoes, or even a low carb PWO shake. A whole food approach with potatoes as a PWO carb source can be very successful.

I disagree. Even someone working out 3-5 days per week can benefit from it.

If it does replenish at a slower rate, youre still putting yourself in a disadvantageous position for the next workout. Its not even just about the glycogen replenishment. The rate of protein synthesis is also affected by post workout nutrition.
I don't see the point in low carb. I've lost weight with low carb and high carb. My workouts were always awful and I was tired very easily. I think more harm than good is done with low carb. Carbs are not the devil.
I couldn't agree more.  But that's not what is marketed/portrayed in our society.
$5 for those arctic zero's?

I think i'd only buy it once or every once in awhile.

Right now I'm enjoying the greek yogurt oiko flavors :smokin :smokin

cafe latte was good

but orange cream flavor had me :wow:

recommend both of these flavors. especially orange cream.

only a $1 at walmart :D

meh, too much unnecessary sugars. they are delicious tho

if you see this in your local store

Legal crack in a box

Just ruined my nutrition for the day... Ate 3 of them and literally had to walk away from the kitchen to stop :smh::smh::smh:
I'm doing an extra 20 mins on the bike tonight
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if you see this in your local store

Legal crack in a box

Just ruined my nutrition for the day... Ate 3 of them and literally had to walk away from the kitchen to stop :smh::smh::smh:
I'm doing an extra 20 mins on the bike tonight

I went to red lobster last week and had like 4-5 of them things man...

:x :x :x
22g of sugar and only 6g of protein? I'll pass even though it probably does taste really good lol.

i've always seen in this store and wondered why its called greek yogurt when it only has 6g of protein
2 scoops vanilla whey protein isolate, 1 tbsp The Bees Knees Flavor Peanut butter, spinach, a banana , dash of cinnamon and stevia for flavor.

if you see this in your local store

Legal crack in a box

Just ruined my nutrition for the day... Ate 3 of them and literally had to walk away from the kitchen to stop :smh::smh::smh:
I'm doing an extra 20 mins on the bike tonight

I went to red lobster last week and had like 4-5 of them things man...

:x :x :x

:pimp: I used to kill these biscuits. Going to cop when I leave the Gym tomorrow. No dambs.
2 scoops vanilla whey protein isolate, 1 tbsp The Bees Knees Flavor Peanut butter, spinach, a banana , dash of cinnamon and stevia for flavor.
You're not helping your case much posting that picture. Looks groce but I'm sure it's tasty.

First time back squatting today after taking around a month off due to ankle injuries. Trying to plan out my summer. Think I'm going to cut for the next few weeks until I hit the beach mid-June. Then post-vacation, I'm gonna get back to bulking.

I feel like I haven't posted in this thread for a while. Been reading some of the posts though and there's a lot of room for improvement from a lot of posters here. A lot of yall are making quality progress though - keep it up.
2 scoops vanilla whey protein isolate, 1 tbsp The Bees Knees Flavor Peanut butter, spinach, a banana , dash of cinnamon and stevia for flavor.

Don't sleep on this. Spinach makes any smoothie look gross but it barely changes the taste. I'm sure that tastes delicious and it's healthy.
Any of you guys ever do a 24 hr Juice fast? lol I`m thinking about going a day where all I drink is Water and like 2-3 shakes
I disagree. Even someone working out 3-5 days per week can benefit from it.

If it does replenish at a slower rate, youre still putting yourself in a disadvantageous position for the next workout. Its not even just about the glycogen replenishment. The rate of protein synthesis is also affected by post workout nutrition.

They can benefit from it, but I don't believe it's the most important variable. As you get closer to maximum performance or muscularity, it would become increasingly more important. For a beginner or a recreational lifter that is far from their genetic potential, I don't believe it matters whether their PWO carbs come from potatoes or Vitargo or maltodextrin or fruit. I'm not talking about 0 carbs vs 50 grams PWO, but I am talking about whether a recreational lifter should focus on the source, when they are not going to benefit immensely from the extra cost/effort.

I'm not saying PWO supplementation isn't beneficial - it clearly is. It definitely affects your results, and PWO nutrition depends on many factors (training goal, training age, volume, intensity, etc.). The recovery for the next session is dependent on the stimulus. For neurologically intensive training, the protein synthesis may not be a big issue. For bodybuilding type training, it's definitely more important. PWO nutrition should change according to the training stimulus.
Any of you guys ever do a 24 hr Juice fast? lol I`m thinking about going a day where all I drink is Water and like 2-3 shakes
What would be your reason for doing this?

They can benefit from it, but I don't believe it's the most important variable. As you get closer to maximum performance or muscularity, it would become increasingly more important. For a beginner or a recreational lifter that is far from their genetic potential, I don't believe it matters whether their PWO carbs come from potatoes or Vitargo or maltodextrin or fruit. I'm not talking about 0 carbs vs 50 grams PWO, but I am talking about whether a recreational lifter should focus on the source, when they are not going to benefit immensely from the extra cost/effort.

I'm not saying PWO supplementation isn't beneficial - it clearly is. It definitely affects your results, and PWO nutrition depends on many factors (training goal, training age, volume, intensity, etc.). The recovery for the next session is dependent on the stimulus. For neurologically intensive training, the protein synthesis may not be a big issue. For bodybuilding type training, it's definitely more important. PWO nutrition should change according to the training stimulus.

The reason I ask is that I do workout about ten times a week (3 heavy lifting, 2 body weight strength, and five more speed/agility/etc). Again my thinking is that low GI carbs are better after heavy lifting whereas sugary post workouts are better to rehydrate and recover after less strength-intensive workouts. Who knows though...
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