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haven had meat in a few months and the only dairy i do is ice cream on the weekens and ive lost weight. joints dont ache as much. more energy.

I mess with those Beyond the Meat burgers once in a while to switch it up. Not bad TBH.

Folks in MD, CA and a few other places can get the impossible burger at BK now too.
I was squatting yesterday afternoon and felt a pop in my lower back while coming down. :frown:

Just been laying down and popping ibuprofen ever since.

At least it feels better today.
My physical therapist recommended I check out an app called StrongLifts 5x5 to build strength back up.
Starting it today just to check it out but from what it looks like it focuses on bench, squat, dl, ovh, and barbell rows. You enter in your max at first then it will generate the workout plan. You do 5x5 of each of those workouts each day and the next week you add weight (5lbs i think). Each day you start with a different exercise. For instance today it's squat, bench, row. Tomorrow it might be dl, squat, bench.
Anyone try out a program like this?
My physical therapist recommended I check out an app called StrongLifts 5x5 to build strength back up.
Starting it today just to check it out but from what it looks like it focuses on bench, squat, dl, ovh, and barbell rows. You enter in your max at first then it will generate the workout plan. You do 5x5 of each of those workouts each day and the next week you add weight (5lbs i think). Each day you start with a different exercise. For instance today it's squat, bench, row. Tomorrow it might be dl, squat, bench.
Anyone try out a program like this?

One of the first Strength programs I ever ran. Easy and simple enough. There should be an app for it. Good for beggining or getting back into it. Got boring after a while though.
One of the first Strength programs I ever ran. Easy and simple enough. There should be an app for it. Good for beggining or getting back into it. Got boring after a while though.
hmmm then maybe I shouldn't do it. Not a beginner but I'm working on building my legs back up after an injury. My over head press, bench, and rows are fine. Squats and dl are the only two that are mad weak.
I use the 5*5 method on all my strength days. Never tried the app but ran with the same principle, add 5lbs each week until I couldn't on all compound/bar moves.
I do PPL, 1 strength day and 1 hyper day for each, rest Sunday.
My physical therapist recommended I check out an app called StrongLifts 5x5 to build strength back up.
Starting it today just to check it out but from what it looks like it focuses on bench, squat, dl, ovh, and barbell rows. You enter in your max at first then it will generate the workout plan. You do 5x5 of each of those workouts each day and the next week you add weight (5lbs i think). Each day you start with a different exercise. For instance today it's squat, bench, row. Tomorrow it might be dl, squat, bench.
Anyone try out a program like this?
I recommend it.

I do not know if something like this has been posted before here. This is for those of you who wish to combine athleticism and strength and size gains. This is the Houston Texans training program guide. Included in this manual are the basics of Exercise Physiology. Learning from this perspective not only gives you a wealth of knowledge, but helps to slap down the bullcrap you'll read on line, and then see on instagram.

Lifting Skills

There is a specific skill used to bench press with a barbell. This skill does not transfer to any other skill. If you stop bench pressing with a barbell and use a machine instead, you’ll lose the specific skill to bench with a bar. The same gains in strength and size can be developed with a machine that were developed with a barbell, if the effort exerted remains the same. If you like benching with a bar, use a bar. If you like benching with dumbbells, use dumbbells. If you like benching on a machine, use a machine. For variety we suggest using any or all of them. Your success as an NFL football player will not be determined by the equipment you use. Some experts claim that the skill and balance developed bench pressing a barbell is missing while performing the bench press exercise with a machine. This is true. It is also true that a higher degree of skill and balance is needed to bench press with dumbbells. When you ask the barbell enthusiast, “Why don’t you use dumbbells to bench?” the response is usually, “There’s more skill needed to balance two dumbbells and I can use more weight with a bar.” With that logic it becomes an advantage to remove as much skill as possible from an exercise and concentrate more on developing strength, not the skill needed to perform the movement. Bench-pressing with a barbell will not develop the skills to bench press with dumbbells. There is also a difference between the skills used to bench press and incline press with a barbell. Both require different neuromuscular patterns and skills. Developing the skill to bench press with a barbell will not develop the skill to perform the incline press with a barbell. Each must be developed separately. Use a wide range of equipment. You’ll take advantage of what each piece has to offer and add variety to your training.

Balance is the key to our Texans strength program. Total body development is essential for a football player. You must develop every major and minor muscle group to its fullest potential. If too much time is spent performing one exercise, or developing a specific area of the body, it’s usually at the expense of other areas. Many young players come into our program having spent endless hours bench pressing. They’ve become good at bench pressing. They have well developed pecs. However, many are deficient in other areas of the body. Deficient areas often include the neck, the rotator cuff, the upper back, the posterior deltoid, the hamstrings and midsection. The Texans strength program is designed to develop every major muscle group in the body. We place an equal value on every exercise performed. This is essential if injury prevention and total body development is our goal.
Nothing annoys me more than someone waking in front of me when I’m in in the middle of a lift. Guy walked in front of me while I was snatching. At least it helped me keep the bar close to me on the way up
I do not know if something like this has been posted before here. This is for those of you who wish to combine athleticism and strength and size gains. This is the Houston Texans training program guide. Included in this manual are the basics of Exercise Physiology. Learning from this perspective not only gives you a wealth of knowledge, but helps to slap down the bullcrap you'll read on line, and then see on instagram.

Lifting Skills

There is a specific skill used to bench press with a barbell. This skill does not transfer to any other skill. If you stop bench pressing with a barbell and use a machine instead, you’ll lose the specific skill to bench with a bar. The same gains in strength and size can be developed with a machine that were developed with a barbell, if the effort exerted remains the same. If you like benching with a bar, use a bar. If you like benching with dumbbells, use dumbbells. If you like benching on a machine, use a machine. For variety we suggest using any or all of them. Your success as an NFL football player will not be determined by the equipment you use. Some experts claim that the skill and balance developed bench pressing a barbell is missing while performing the bench press exercise with a machine. This is true. It is also true that a higher degree of skill and balance is needed to bench press with dumbbells. When you ask the barbell enthusiast, “Why don’t you use dumbbells to bench?” the response is usually, “There’s more skill needed to balance two dumbbells and I can use more weight with a bar.” With that logic it becomes an advantage to remove as much skill as possible from an exercise and concentrate more on developing strength, not the skill needed to perform the movement. Bench-pressing with a barbell will not develop the skills to bench press with dumbbells. There is also a difference between the skills used to bench press and incline press with a barbell. Both require different neuromuscular patterns and skills. Developing the skill to bench press with a barbell will not develop the skill to perform the incline press with a barbell. Each must be developed separately. Use a wide range of equipment. You’ll take advantage of what each piece has to offer and add variety to your training.

Balance is the key to our Texans strength program. Total body development is essential for a football player. You must develop every major and minor muscle group to its fullest potential. If too much time is spent performing one exercise, or developing a specific area of the body, it’s usually at the expense of other areas. Many young players come into our program having spent endless hours bench pressing. They’ve become good at bench pressing. They have well developed pecs. However, many are deficient in other areas of the body. Deficient areas often include the neck, the rotator cuff, the upper back, the posterior deltoid, the hamstrings and midsection. The Texans strength program is designed to develop every major muscle group in the body. We place an equal value on every exercise performed. This is essential if injury prevention and total body development is our goal.
Some good info in this file. Thank you.
Deadlifts were garbage today. Gonna blame it on not enough sleep. 445×1×2 when last week I put up 430×6 |l

Ran that 20-15-12-10-8 rep scheme again though. This time on deficit DLs, cable rows, face pulls, preacher curls, seated rows.
My physical therapist recommended I check out an app called StrongLifts 5x5 to build strength back up.
Starting it today just to check it out but from what it looks like it focuses on bench, squat, dl, ovh, and barbell rows. You enter in your max at first then it will generate the workout plan. You do 5x5 of each of those workouts each day and the next week you add weight (5lbs i think). Each day you start with a different exercise. For instance today it's squat, bench, row. Tomorrow it might be dl, squat, bench.
Anyone try out a program like this?

I started off lifting on SL5x5. It is a good program for building strength but not really that great for building an aesthetic, proportionate physique. Your legs will blow up but most of your upper body (specifically upper back and arms) will kinda lag. Roughly 8 months straight on this had me hitting numbers fukkbois in the gym still can't touch.

Also, to clarify, on SL5x5 you add 5 lbs. to the bar each time you touch it (5/10lbs to DL), so you are adding 15 lbs a week on squats and 5-10 lbs per week on bench, press, and row. DL would go up 5-20 lbs a week, depending on how many times a week you pull and how much you decide to add per session.

As for not being a complete beginner, that is not an issue. Just take ≈ 50% of your 5RM and start the program from there. With weekly weight increases on every lift, it will only be a few months before you're work sets are essentially using PR weights.
I started off lifting on SL5x5. It is a good program for building strength but not really that great for building an aesthetic, proportionate physique. Your legs will blow up but most of your upper body (specifically upper back and arms) will kinda lag. Roughly 8 months straight on this had me hitting numbers fukkbois in the gym still can't touch.

Also, to clarify, on SL5x5 you add 5 lbs. to the bar each time you touch it (5/10lbs to DL), so you are adding 15 lbs a week on squats and 5-10 lbs per week on bench, press, and row. DL would go up 5-20 lbs a week, depending on how many times a week you pull and how much you decide to add per session.

As for not being a complete beginner, that is not an issue. Just take ≈ 50% of your 5RM and start the program from there. With weekly weight increases on every lift, it will only be a few months before you're work sets are essentially using PR weights.
Good lookin out. I've always done 5x5 but the interesting thing about the SL is it has you do bench, squat, and dls or ohp on the same day which is different to me. I realized the adding 5lbs each time after completing my first day.
My pt told me it was every week. Must have been mistaken. Anyway I'm taking this week as an experimental week to find out what my actual numbers are since I haven't squatted or dl'd in a long time. The original numbers I put in were too light, so day one didn't feel right. If my legs blow up than that's great. That's what needs the most work. :lol:
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