STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Threw up 300x4 (new pr), then 3 sets of 260x5 (no struggle, light) yesterday.

Put up 260x2 incline then did working sets.

Incline bench is tough.

Been squatting 5x3 for 2x a week now you get this squat up. Gonna start pT again again and actually go this time.

I've never met a person who hit PRs on a weekly basis like you [emoji]128514[/emoji]

I think it's because I never knew anything about dieting/macros/etc all these years (knew about weights tho) so since I learned in September of last year my muscles is like "wait...we getting enough protein now? Enough calories? Fats? Did he just eat COMPLEX carbs?" Lmaooo yasss come through body [emoji]128079[/emoji][emoji]128079[/emoji][emoji]128079[/emoji]

But you gonna die at this.

Last week of my dead cycle today, and I had to hit 92.5% of my max for 4+ (395). I took it the G route and threw on 405. Got 4 up. NEW PR.


Video coming soon, you damn right I recorded this session :rofl:
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I think it's because I never knew anything about dieting/macros/etc all these years (knew about weights tho) so since I learned in September of last year my muscles is like "wait...we getting enough protein now? Enough calories? Fats? Did he just eat COMPLEX carbs?" Lmaooo yasss come through body [emoji]128079[/emoji][emoji]128079[/emoji][emoji]128079[/emoji]

But you gonna die at this.

Last week of my dead cycle today, and I had to hit 92.5% of my max for 4+ (395). I took it the G route and threw on 405. Got 4 up. NEW PR.


Video coming soon, you damn right I recorded this session :rofl:

From now on I'm referring to you as P.R.

I think it's because I never knew anything about dieting/macros/etc all these years (knew about weights tho) so since I learned in September of last year my muscles is like "wait...we getting enough protein now? Enough calories? Fats? Did he just eat COMPLEX carbs?" Lmaooo yasss come through body [emoji]128079[/emoji][emoji]128079[/emoji][emoji]128079[/emoji]

But you gonna die at this.

Last week of my dead cycle today, and I had to hit 92.5% of my max for 4+ (395). I took it the G route and threw on 405. Got 4 up. NEW PR.


Video coming soon, you damn right I recorded this session :rofl:

From now on I'm referring to you as P.R.

I ain't ish tho bro. I'm trying to be like you.

I'm just a negro that lifts. That's all I'll ever be.
That amel curse tried to get me yesterday. Came down from pull ups and landed on my ankle wrong. Walked it out though. I thought I escaped amel but I forgot about his Asian influence
I've been having some back issues lately....maybe the curse got me. It seems like it starting to get better.....maybe I'm shaking off the curse lol
Hit chest/squat workout earlier.



Not going heavy till my knee sleeves and shoes come in.

Felt alright but still pretty disappointed with my squat compared to the rest of my lifts.

Really something I'm going to have to work on going into the spring if I wanna hit my goals and be quadzilla.

Incline DB bench


Incline DB chest fly


Chest/shoulders have had the most consistent growth for me as I've been bulking.

Excited to see where I'm at in another 8 weeks or so.

Hit some rows and lat pulldowns in a circuit with accessory shoulder work because every day is back day.

Finished with biceps/triceps/dips.

Dinner was steak, 6 eggs with cheese and now drinking a protein shake, with milk of course.
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Hit chest/squat workout earlier.


Finished with biceps/triceps/dips.

Dinner was steak, 6 eggs with cheese and now drinking a protein shake, with milk of course.
No better feeling then just smashing heavy weights and eating good food, thats what I miss the most.

I had a heavy DL session last night

Block pulls






BB rows



Hammer row

A lot x a lot

I'm sick right now so I called it there, pretty happy to have pulled that considering I'm not 100%.
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Ive seen less than 5 guys squat 315 to real depth at my Golds, EVER and I've been there like a year.
No better feeling then just smashing heavy weights and eating good food, thats what I miss the most.

I had a heavy DL session last night

Block pulls



BB rows

Hammer row
A lot x a lot

I'm sick right now so I called it there, pretty happy to have pulled that considering I'm not 100%.

Great back day here, how's the cut treating you so far?

Seems like you still holding on to a lot of strength.

You definitely ain't lied about the food.

Good thing is you can still eat a lot of steak/eggs/bacon while cutting.


Ive seen less than 5 guys squat 315 to real depth at my Golds, EVER and I've been there like a year.


I'm not tryna be normal though, I wanna be pushing 4 plates, squatting 5 plates and pulling 6 plates naturally as soon as possible.

I'm a lot closer to the push/pull goals than my squat, got me wanting to do Smolov. :x

You squatting 500+ so you can't judge me. :lol:
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^ im also seeing increased size in my arms chest, and even calves on this bulk. Belly and obliques look terrible though. Feeling all jiggley and sh**. I hate it
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^ im also seeing increased size in my arms chest, and even calves on this bulk. Belly and obliques look terrible though. Feeling all jiggley and sh**. I hate it :smh:  

Yea, definitely ready to have visible abs and that separation that comes with single digit BF%.

Just gotta keep telling yourself what you built under there and when it's time to reveal, it's time.

If I lose too much pressing strength I'm going to be angry though. :lol:
Another funny story, dude that got me in PL was doing a rep count for someone squattong. He said the dude didn't do one actual rep. He said he to do at least 20 and when he turned around and asked "How many did I do?", my boy goes "none". He never asked him for a spot again :rofl:

I feel like a d***, but I have done that too someone. He asks some to spot him on squats. He did like 1/2-2/3 reps and asked me that "How did they look? Was I deep enough"? I was like "No.....but I guess with all the half reps you maybe got like 5"....

Lol a kid asked me to spot him on bench and did that too with me and was like "You gotta help me on the way up". So I spotted him and he did like 8 but I was helping him over halfway with like all the reps....he got up and seemed stoked

Just kinda shook my head and walked away....if it works for those people in happy for them
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This dude at my gym loaded up the squat bar with 4 plates on each side and asked me for a spot. At first, I was like damn if this guy actually hits this for reps and goes ATG then Ill give him mad props cuz he looked fairly frail.

Dude literally did "8" reps and went down from 2 inches and just full out screaming. I didnt even know what to do at that point :lol: He gave me daps at the end for spotting him. Dude looked super happy so I let him have it
:lol: @ these stories.

Glad that I'm usually with my girl so I don't have to deal with spotting these characters.

She knows we not about none of that half ROM nonsense.

Ego going to get you every time, that type of **** doesn't even get you stronger.

I remember getting pinned on the bench doing 155 for 5, we all gotta go through that time to actually gain the strength.

Guys just wanna look strong without understanding the progression and constant overload for years.

Makes it all that much sweeter when you actually can lift that weight you were pretending to.
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Great back day here, how's the cut treating you so far?

Seems like you still holding on to a lot of strength.

You definitely ain't lied about the food.

Good thing is you can still eat a lot of steak/eggs/bacon while cutting.

I'm not tryna be normal though, I wanna be pushing 4 plates, squatting 5 plates and pulling 6 plates naturally as soon as possible.

I'm a lot closer to the push/pull goals than my squat, got me wanting to do Smolov.

You squatting 500+ so you can't judge me.
Its going about as good as I thought it would, I am hungry all the time 
 I eat the same **** 90% off the time, its not easy for me though I hate cutting.

Don't run Smolov man, its mainly a peaking program and majority of people who run it get injured. It also don't yield long term strength gains in my opinion. 

Ive done all those naturally so you will be doing it in no time 
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