STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

congrats man! hopefully bigger things comes your way after this. 

im floating around 200lbs/ 5'10 been trying to cut weight, dropped the weights and been running and stair master this whole week. Been watching my diet but i do not wanna do intermittent fasting. think ima go supper low carb for a week or two and see how it goes.
If you talking to me, thank you!!

If u need help dieting hmu.

soundview soundview Congratulations.. :nthat:
Thank you man!! #NTMadeMe lmaoo

I need to become famous, the world would love me.
NT don't even love you.
How do you guys feel about T-25 ? I have it on my cpu

Ive never done it but IMO it should be ok. Honestly anything to get you moving is good. But remember this, 90% is DIET, the rest is gym. When i first started i went from 305 down to 190. I lost alot of mass so im back to bulking in your case, like mentioned before, is to cut first.

You can do it, just remember it takes TIME and PATIENCE. and also another tip would be to start to make this as your lifestyle...dont think of it as a "diet". I hope that makes sense. You WILL have days where u will want to give up, but then you gotta remind yourself why youre doing this. For me, when my daughter was born i said f this im gona start being healthy so she pushes me. Im going onto my 3rd year with this lifestyle...and im still learning new things so keep that in mind as well.



EDIT: Also, remember not to get too frusterated if things arent working out. Everybodys body is different so they all react differently to diets and whatnot. Some will loose weight FAST, others will be slow.
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How do you guys feel about T-25 ? I have it on my cpu

Ive never done it but IMO it should be ok. Honestly anything to get you moving is good. But remember this, 90% is DIET, the rest is gym. When i first started i went from 305 down to 190. I lost alot of mass so im back to bulking in your case, like mentioned before, is to cut first.

You can do it, just remember it takes TIME and PATIENCE. and also another tip would be to start to make this as your lifestyle...dont think of it as a "diet". I hope that makes sense. You WILL have days where u will want to give up, but then you gotta remind yourself why youre doing this. For me, when my daughter was born i said f this im gona start being healthy so she pushes me. Im going onto my 3rd year with this lifestyle...and im still learning new things so keep that in mind as well.



EDIT: Also, remember not to get too frusterated if things arent working out. Everybodys body is different so they all react differently to diets and whatnot. Some will loose weight FAST, others will be slow.
good ish!!!! WHAT'S ur bf???

NT don't even love you.

Fuuuuuuuuu thats cold :rofl:

NT hates anyone who is successful. 
Lmaoooo mind you, half of them makes 6 figures.

NT hates anyone who is successful. 

Crabs in a bucket :nthat:
shut up jon.
Ive never done it but IMO it should be ok. Honestly anything to get you moving is good. But remember this, 90% is DIET, the rest is gym. When i first started i went from 305 down to 190. I lost alot of mass so im back to bulking in your case, like mentioned before, is to cut first.

You can do it, just remember it takes TIME and PATIENCE. and also another tip would be to start to make this as your lifestyle...dont think of it as a "diet". I hope that makes sense. You WILL have days where u will want to give up, but then you gotta remind yourself why youre doing this. For me, when my daughter was born i said f this im gona start being healthy so she pushes me. Im going onto my 3rd year with this lifestyle...and im still learning new things so keep that in mind as well.



EDIT: Also, remember not to get too frusterated if things arent working out. Everybodys body is different so they all react differently to diets and whatnot. Some will loose weight FAST, others will be slow.

appreciate the help and the words of wisdom bro for real, you don't even look like they same person at all. Props to you for your dedication and hard work
You need to get yourr macros. Then your snacks can be w.e you choose.

Ask andybody here. I eat twizzlers. Funyuns. ICE cream. HOT dogs. KEnnedys. ALL lat.
I want to reward my hunger with 2 hot dogs rn
@XCellznext time recommend a thermo that curbs hunger [emoji]128530[/emoji][emoji]128530[/emoji]
bahahah man up superstar!

try this it works been using it my cut gains are in legendary status right now lol.....

your caffeine toleranace gotta be high for this I was shaking the first couple of days pairing

one of these pills with three jetfuels two times a day,,,, the back of my shirt was sweating from doing nothing
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Late, but that vid dude posted of Boom Herron, didn't look like he came close to parallel...
Anyone on here follow Donte Franklin?

Dude claims lifetime natty :lol:

I don't understand guys like this.

Why lie? His physique is impressive regardless of the juice.

You use any natural maximum muscle potential model and there's no way you are 6'0 212 lbs 5%BF naturally, it just isn't possible.

Sure he could be the .0001% of genetic freaks but I doubt it.

Is it for sup endorsements? Sponsorship?

Idk, the "fitness" industry is super bogus in general, there's guys with millions of followers lying the same way.

That's why I appreciate the powerlifters I follow like Larry Wheels, Eric Lillebridge, Stan Efferding, Herbie Luv Bug etc.

They are all honest about the fact that they are juiced to the gills but that doesn't take away the fact that they are still super impressive from a strength standpoint even among those who juice.
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Anyone on here follow Donte Franklin?

Dude claims lifetime natty :lol:

I don't understand guys like this.

Why lie? His physique is impressive regardless of the juice.

You use any natural maximum muscle potential model and there's no way you are 6'0 212 lbs 5%BF naturally, it just isn't possible.

Sure he could be the .0001% of genetic freaks but I doubt it.

Is it for sup endorsements? Sponsorship?

Idk, the "fitness" industry is super bogus in general, there's guys with millions of followers lying the same way.

That's why I appreciate the powerlifters I follow like Larry Wheels, Eric Lillebridge, Stan Efferding, Herbie Luv Bug etc.

They are all honest about the fact that they are juiced to the gills but that doesn't take away the fact that they are still super impressive from a strength standpoint even among those who juice.
His boy told me he doesnt juice and to check his FB pics over the years. Said it was gym swell and lighting and that he trains 2x a day. He does have great genetics.

Donte told me he was natty, too.

Friend said "we from the hood ***** wasn't on that"

MIND you I'm in BX and half of my gym roids...and it's bx. SO I'm like....sure I guess
His boy told me he doesnt juice and to check his FB pics over the years. Said it was gym swell and lighting and that he trains 2x a day. He does have great genetics.

Donte told me he was natty, too.

Friend said "we from the hood ***** wasn't on that"

MIND you I'm in BX and half of my gym roids...and it's bx. SO I'm like....sure I guess
You don't believe that though right? RIGHT?

There is nothing wrong with taking gear, but lying about it is another thing. You can't look like that without taking it, I mean look at his ******* arms 

I like to believe that Chris Jones is natty and has top genetics and that guy ***** on him while being like 4-5 inches taller and weighing less.

C'mon now.....

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But alot of yall equate legal to natty also...
*sips tea*

Anyway out here in cali no time for gym. Just eating and relaxing. My body thanks me and hates me
I love that 99 percent of that dude's posts aren't even him working out, they're just pumped photos of different ways he can show his arms off :lol:
I legit think that a lot of people consider themselves a natural if they are not currently on a cycle LOL
But alot of yall equate legal to natty also...
*sips tea*

Anyway out here in cali no time for gym. Just eating and relaxing. My body thanks me and hates me 

Taking something you can buy at GNC is not even remotely close taking real deal gear bro. Are you Mormon?
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His boy told me he doesnt juice and to check his FB pics over the years. Said it was gym swell and lighting and that he trains 2x a day. He does have great genetics.

Donte told me he was natty, too.

Friend said "we from the hood ***** wasn't on that"

MIND you I'm in BX and half of my gym roids...and it's bx. SO I'm like....sure I guess

Man you know that's some BS.

I'm out here in Brooklyn, go to a hood gym as well and ****** is definitely on the sauce without question.

Roids been in the hood, this ain't the 70's b.
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