STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Was it the cardio? I

I plan on doing the cardio at low-medium intensity. I don't want to burn myself out
Ya, but it was my own fault. There isn't a lot of space at LA Fitness especially if it's busy so I decided to do mountain climbers as the accelerated cardio workout with Bench Press right net to the bench and that burned me out for the rest of the workout.
Ugh. Two bad workouts in a row. I knew it was going to be bad from the moment I woke up too.

Missing jerks on weights I can snatch. Smh.
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Yeah I think I'll start off with jogging in place, step ups, and kettleball swings. My cardio is terrible so I want to ease into it. 
Cutting phase starts today. Gonna give Shortcut to Shred a go. Let's get it fellas

I did a little preview with Shortcut to Shred last Thursday and it killed me. I'm gonna start it for real today also.

Im doing a variation of it now ill get into the full program ad his workouts when i officially do my cut in 2 weeks but it def gets easier im on day 4 of doing the cardio acceleration and i actually believe the weights part got easier. I was psyched the whole time. It may be harder when instart his workouts but for now just getting use to it works for me. Def start with the 30 secs instead of full 1 min tho. I do jump rope at a med pace and step ups. Going to do kettle bells tomm. Also some jogging in place
Has anyone ever ran any sarms? That osta gw stack looks decent and it's on all the good research chem sites.
Just got done my first workout for Shortcut to Shred.

Most of my cardio was running in place or step ups. Did some KB swings and battle ropes but those are tough to do for a whole minute. Mainly due to muscle fatigue and not necessarily cardio fatigue.

Loving it so far, I can tell this is def going to get my endurance up which is a weak point for me
Has anyone ever ran any sarms? That osta gw stack looks decent and it's on all the good research chem sites.
don't think you need to buy them from the research sites unless they're cheaper there. SARMs are available at regular sites. any reason why you want to go that route (SARMs)?
don't think you need to buy them from the research sites unless they're cheaper there. SARMs are available at regular sites. any reason why you want to go that route (SARMs)?
I just want something mild. I've heard good things but I don't know. I thought about a quick 6 week prop/var cycle but I think it's just because I'm bored because I really don't feel like pinning eod.
man, if i recall, your stats are already plenty good. i guess it can be difficult when you're competing against an image you have of yourself in your mind. imo SARMs seem to be endorsed for recreational use only by the people selling them or other like-minded individuals who put small gains in physique over health risks. don't trust my word on this subject though, i'm happily married.
man, if i recall, your stats are already plenty good. i guess it can be difficult when you're competing against an image you have of yourself in your mind. imo SARMs seem to be endorsed for recreational use only by the people selling them or other like-minded individuals who put small gains in physique over health risks. don't trust my word on this subject though, i'm happily married.
The only reason I looked into them was the super short cycle and minimal shutdown. I quit recreational drugs many years ago but I still look for things to scratch that itch from time to time.
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anyone see the J bells? Just came across these and I'd love to give them a try...
I'm thinking Romaleo 3's. He usually wears Nike so they could've given him a pair early.
:lol: with that height you don't need to take anything. i can understand wanting to bulk up some but you don't need any extra help with that. if you go the SARMs route, post up your progress though :nerd:
I don't know... I feel like doing something because I'm bored with life. I've read a lot of reviews on the osta+gw and people report 10% on strength and a few pounds of lean with endurance skyrocketing. If I do I'll def give a review
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