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I do swimming WOD and running WOD with Sandbags all the time lol

I was told crossfit is to test different aspect of athetlicism..runner, lifter, swimmer, gymnist,
Basically dont claim to be the event for worlds fittest person and have those ridiculous events

The ridiculous ones were the raft competition and board competition.

World fitted person hould be able to be put in any physical fit situation and come out on top? Guess that's how they looked at it
any recommendations for a post workout snack for a broke dude like myself?

I usually just eat 2 pieces of whole wheat toast with peanut butter and drink a glass of chocolate milk

I'm mad at myself for missing out on that GNC code, I don't have any whey protein :smh:

What are you guise preferred method of cardio?
I swim laps twice a week. Highly recommend it. My body fat is literally melting.
if I lived in a house with a pool, I would swim 3 times a week
99.9 of anyone who has competed in ninja warrior has never finished the entire course
Ninja Warrior is not really about fitness
Not that their top people aren't fit
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So anyway, winning in ninja warrior isn't about fitness.

It's about talent and skill, and upper body strength/weight ratio.

After you weed out all the amateurs, what separates ppl at the top is talent. Most commonly, the top guys don't wipe out because they're not fit enough. They're plenty fit enough. But they wipe out cuz they don't know the course, or they made a mental error and a physics miscalculation.

And weight/strength ratio matters so much more than overall fitness. You can be plenty fit but if you weigh too much you're at a disadvantage. You can be plenty light but if you don't have the upper body strength you're out of luck too.

That takes out 200 plus pounds Americans and women. A woman can be as fit as she wants but since she's not a man she won't be able to do it. Out of thousands of women who been competing for the existence of this competition, only one woman has even made it to the mountain. And she couldn't repeat that this past summer.

At least in crossfit they separate men and women and scale according to gender.

When you take into account everything I've said, it's no wonder that the only people to finish the whole thing are Japanese men.
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Really? The whole thing? The very whole thing?

I'd have to double check lol

Yeah I know of only one American that completed this year.

But the argument that was made about how fitness does not play a part of completing the course. I totally agree.
I say American Ninja Warrior and crossfit are equal types of competitions
Yeah I know of only one American that completed this year.

But the argument that was made about how fitness does not play a part of completing the course. I totally agree.

Fitness doesnt play a part in completing the course?


I hope that was sarcasm fam. Or atleast worded differently.
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Like I said, ninja warrior isn't really about fitness.

More heavily dependent on talent, luck and weight/grip strength ratio

I dare say that 70-80 percent of people wipe out before the limits of their physical fitness are even tested. I've seen plenty of very talented, very fit people fall into the water before they even start breathing hard.

Look, I like ninja warrior. Used to watch it a lot when my sister was into it :lol: You do have to be fit to excel, but you can't say for sure that the man to complete the course the furthest is the fittest one of the field.

Order in which you go matters too. There's a lot to be said about learning from other people's mistakes in this competition.
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