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As long as you maintain a straight vertical plane when you lift, of course you wanna keep the weight as close to your body as possible as well, but not scraping your damn shin. :lol:
I get shin bruises every once in awhile from rolling the bar towards me when it's on the ground but it shouldn't be scraping your shins.

Shoulders probably aren't over the bar enough and your hips are too low, I'm guessing. Get your hips a little higher and get the shoulders over should give you a better bar path
As long as you maintain a straight vertical plane when you lift, of course you wanna keep the weight as close to your body as possible as well, but not scraping your damn shin.
following tonight's pulls
I turn 30 in 2 weeks. It really is a switch in your body/mind tho thats not whati use to gets harder and harder to get in the gym. I use to be faithful 2 hours +
Now i try to get in and out in 45 and do cardio. At home or in there if i have time.
I like being fit. I like gains i like trying to get shredded. But that dad bod seems more and more interesting to me now haha

I used to be semi fat. Like 160 for my frame with no muscle is a scary site. Then my body thought it would be cool to drop to 115 real casually :x so now I am where I am at 150 not fat :lol: . It was either eat hella and lift or eat hella and get fat...

Say no to dad bod bro.

Picasso, I have two gyms I use. I'd never pay for two though. One is the savage gym which is way more fun but they also don't have much but dumb bells and a smith machine I rig to be a regular bench press. Learned so many lifts there though with Dumbbells and free weights.
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Anyone have 2 gyms just for the sake of switching it up? I have a local gym I totally forgot thats a 10 min walk from where I live, tried it out today and its not bad. Its lacking in the machine department which I like for extra teardown but its solid as far as all the big lifts. Brick walls are nice as well.

I have two gym. One for oly lifting/crossfit and one for powerlifting.
As long as you maintain a straight vertical plane when you lift, of course you wanna keep the weight as close to your body as possible as well, but not scraping your damn shin.
No shade, but you don't even deadlift do you?

Theres a reason why you see majority of guys that have strong pulls have scrapes on their shins... The more mobile you are the closer you can have the bar, the less mobile you want it slightly further away.

Also you want your lower back to remain flat, its fine if you have upper back rounding, injury happens when you start with a flat back and round over after you initiate the pull.
Yeah that one. It's impossible to take the bar out but you can rest a regular bar anywhere in there.

It just takes practice putting it back on the rack. Hood gym problems.
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No shade, but you don't even deadlift do you?

Theres a reason why you see majority of guys that have strong pulls have scrapes on their shins... The more mobile you are the closer you can have the bar, the less mobile you want it slightly further away.

Also you want your lower back to remain flat, its fine if you have upper back rounding, injury happens when you start with a flat back and round over after you initiate the pull.

I quit DL for a bit, but I stated before you obviously want the bar as close to your body as possible but it still shoudnt be scraping your knees. Flat back like you said and a straight vertical plane is more important.

I tend to sometimes round my lower back like you said when I lift up and thats maybe why I feel it hard.
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Funny some people are so proud to scrape up themselves bleed and have scars...what if i told you u can lift without being bloody......
That's why I asked what people used to protect their shins when pulling. I'm not proud. It actually hurts and burns when I shower after.
Exactly. I like to use my shins as like a guide. If the bar isn't making contact, the bar will drift and throw the form off.

I usually set up with the bar mid foot. Grab the bar while my legs are straight. Push my shins into contact with the bar, which simultaneously slight drops my hips and bends my knees into position to pull.
On another note.

Said it before but these Pumpkin Pie Quest Bars are so damn good. Honestly think it took the top spot in my favorite flavors. :smokin
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For people who buy quest bars often look out for GNC's monthly $10 off 20 coupon. Comes out to about $15 for 12 bars 
Basically the coupon has no restrictions and you can use it over and over again (I just don't do it at the same store twice a day lol). Coupon usually comes out near the 10th-15th of every month. It'll either be on the slickdeals forum or fatwallet forums. I'll post this month's when it comes out.

Havent seen this coupon in MONTHS. Please post it, I used to go hard with it. :lol:
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