STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

JK, isn't there a pressure point you can strap on your lower forearm to keep you hands close?

Coach was telling me about that.
Chalked not allowed in the gym? Blasphemy

What gym is this?

You may want to strap up those forearm then.
golds gym
Well then im not sure man. Straps aren't going to help your grip strength. If you can't hold the weight you should probably lower it. Work with a weight you can handle and work up.

Or you could join a gym where you can use chalk
 trust me I can lift the weight my hands just slips though. I think its because I had super sweaty hands before deadlifting(?)

imma try again next time to see if i have the same probelm cause this is the first time i had this problem with DL'ing

Can't wait for tomorrow:

2 min AMRAP (as many reps as possible)

Snatch 135#
*any style


2 min AMRAP

Clean & Jerk 135#
*any style


2 min AMRAP

Snatch #95


2 min AMRAP

Clean & Jerk 95#
My knee is sprained and really swollen. I was in pain but I was walking around in it and bearing full weight. Didn't realize how puffy it looked until I got home o_O

Just taking ibuprofen and icing it now. Probably 8 hours too late for that.

So this must be what Picasso feels like every Monday.
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What golds gym doesn't allow chalk? But as stated if that is true use liquid chalk or straps. Id go liquid chalk over straps.

Anyway deadlift pr yesterday. Got 475lbs for 1. I had previously tried that 2 weeks ago and failed. I didn't do as much volume to work up this time. I pulled 405 for 3 then 425 for 2, 455 for 2, and then went to 475 for 1. I could tell it was going to be a good day when 405 flew. I am currently 183lbs body weight. Still shooting for sub 185lbs 405 squat, 500 dead, 225 bench :lol: yes i know
I honestly think that if it wasn't for the leg getting so strong from oly lifting that I wouldn't be weight bearing and this mobile right now.

I gotta stop playing basketball. Just not meant for my 30 yr old knees Lol

Funny how when I wake up the knee is so stiff and tight that I can't bend it lying down to full range of motion but now that I'm walking around I can drop into a full squat lol
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Just chill for a week or 2. Put a golf ball on the floor and roll your foot around on it, make it hurt. Hasn't been a problem for me since

I gave someone else this advice before in here. Whoever you are, how's your foot?

Along wit this, i recommend massaging your foot right when you wake up...before you even take a step on the floor, massage ya feet.

Helped me a whole lot.
30 isn't even old. :lol:

I went snowboarding with my boys dad last year. Dude was 50+ hitting rails one of the most insane sights I've ever seen snowboarding.

Not the knee high starter rails. Legit rails too. :pimp:
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I turn 30 in 2 weeks. It really is a switch in your body/mind tho thats not whati use to gets harder and harder to get in the gym. I use to be faithful 2 hours +
Now i try to get in and out in 45 and do cardio. At home or in there if i have time.
I like being fit. I like gains i like trying to get shredded. But that dad bod seems more and more interesting to me now haha
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Anyone have 2 gyms just for the sake of switching it up? I have a local gym I totally forgot thats a 10 min walk from where I live, tried it out today and its not bad. Its lacking in the machine department which I like for extra teardown but its solid as far as all the big lifts. Brick walls are nice as well.
I use to. Sonetimes u gotta go to that low key one when the main one is packed.
I usually do it in jan-mar when the new years resolutioners join
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Deadlifts today. Shins still healing from last week. What do you fellas do to prevent drag wounds on your legs?
It shoudnt be scraping your shins in the first place, I get an occasional bump here and there but I always try to wear sweats when I know im going to deadlift.
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I go with the compression leggings under my shorts for deadlift days, but ideally the bar shouldn't scrape my shins so I'm still working on getting the form down.
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