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Honestly, if you just eat right, an extensive oly program will give you a good body. A lot of the top oly lifters are pretty cut up with good physiques.

A beginner can dabble in a little bit of everything at first to see what they like

But as he progresses, I think he'd find that you're going to have to choose one specialty and only one (bodybuilding or powerlifting or oly lifting)

Unless you have a ******** of free time on your hands

I think a dude like Dmitry Klokov focuses primarily on oly lifting, and then when he has free time he'll do isolation exercises to shore up weak spots in his body as an extra hobby - but I don't think he does full bodybuilding splits
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Are those Cliff bars any good if I'm trying to cut , I really want some type of snack or a bar that's gonna hold my hunger for at least an hour or are there any other ones you guys would recommend

tons of sugar and soy

look for something else especially if youre cutting
Some (some not most) Oly lifters looked jacked and cut up cause they're athletes. Their muscularity is what helps them compete, but they'd also look that way to some degree If they power lifted or did bodybuilding.

I just feel like Oly lifts are extremely technical and very skill-focused. If you want to compete in Oly lifting, or you're bored with just slinging weights around in the gym, then fine, but duke said he wanted to focus on bodybuilding. I still don't know if he's a beginner to strength training or not so I was approaching it that way.

I just see too many people coming into the gym throwing around Olympic lifts with no clue how to do it and without really knowing why they're doing them, so I was mainly just advising him to focus mainly on one discipline at a time.
Combining powerlifting/Oly lifting with also an emphasis in bodybuilding is most def possible.

You can learn and get better at olympic lifting while focusing primarily on bodybuilding. If your training volume/ intensity and nutrition is handled properly then you can do the 2 simultaneously.
Honestly, if you just eat right, an extensive oly program will give you a good body. A lot of the top oly lifters are pretty cut up with good physiques.

I think a dude like Dmitry Klokov focuses primarily on oly lifting, and then when he has free time he'll do isolation exercises to shore up weak spots in his body as an extra hobby - but I don't think he does full bodybuilding splits
Top dudes like Klokov and others on dat dere though.

A natty concentrating primarily on Oly lifts and not much BB training will not look anything like that. You can look like John North lol I think thats his name.

Im a fan of Donny too, those guys crack me up. 
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I think he said he wanted to just have fun with Olympic lifting while his training has a focus on bodybuilding. That's something thats not hard to accomplish at the same time even if he's just starting out.

I'm starting to see more and more (according to IG) male and female bodybuilding/physique/figure/fitness competitors taking the big 3 more seriously as far as strength is concerned and some are double dipping into both activities seriously (as far as putting up PRs in the lifts).  
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I think he said he wanted to just have fun with Olympic lifting while his training has a focus on bodybuilding.


Exactly why I think we shouldn't discourage him from anything. But once he starts getting serious, he'd have to pick one or the other.
I think he said he wanted to just have fun with Olympic lifting while his training has a focus on bodybuilding. That's something thats not hard to accomplish at the same time even if he's just starting out.

I'm starting to see more and more (according to IG) male and female bodybuilding/physique/figure/fitness competitors taking the big 3 more seriously as far as strength is concerned and some are double dipping into both activities seriously (as far as putting up PRs in the lifts).  
Being strong at the big 3 is key when trying to attain a good physique naturally. 
Repped y'all

Another question. It may be stupid but idc, I heard it was true

If you fap after you workout and take a protein shake, does that pretty much undo whatever protein you just took because you done fapped it all out?
Repped y'all

Another question. It may be stupid but idc, I heard it was true

If you fap after you workout and take a protein shake, does that pretty much undo whatever protein you just took because you done fapped it all out?

Fapping produces more test.

Repped y'all

Another question. It may be stupid but idc, I heard it was true

If you fap after you workout and take a protein shake, does that pretty much undo whatever protein you just took because you done fapped it all out?

Awesome post, thank you. Well done. [emoji]128514[/emoji]
I think people are confusing Olympic lifting with Powerlifting. The Big 3 refers to the Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift, which is what you compete in if you powerlift.

Olympic Specifically refers to the a Clean and Jerk and the Snatch. Those are much more technical and complex, and it's more like learning a skill.

To get back to what this guy was saying earlier: he wants to bodybuild. He can still bodybuild by doing Accesory work in every workout after doing his power lifts for the day, like maybe one day after he does squats and bench press, he does some tricep work, some push-ups, some walking lunges, etc. then on a day he deadlifts and overhead presses he does chins, t-bar Rows, etc. he can work on practicing his form on Olympic lifts here and there, but trying to do all that 6 days a week is counterintuitive. And trying to do that to bodybuild just doesn't make much sense. If he's a seasoned lifter, and is in a bodybuilding split routine, all the more reason not to go too crazy with weight on Olympic lifts.

It's like taking a basketball player who wants to improve his free throw percentage, so you make him dunk, over and over and over. He'll become a better dunker, which isn't going to necessarily hurt his game, but his free throw will still suck.
I think people are confusing Olympic lifting with Powerlifting. The Big 3 refers to the Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift, which is what you compete in if you powerlift.

Olympic Specifically refers to the a Clean and Jerk and the Snatch. Those are much more technical and complex, and it's more like learning a skill.

To get back to what this guy was saying earlier: he wants to bodybuild. He can still bodybuild by doing Accesory work in every workout after doing his power lifts for the day, like maybe one day after he does squats and bench press, he does some tricep work, some push-ups, some walking lunges, etc. then on a day he deadlifts and overhead presses he does chins, t-bar Rows, etc. he can work on practicing his form on Olympic lifts here and there, but trying to do all that 6 days a week is counterintuitive. And trying to do that to bodybuild just doesn't make much sense. If he's a seasoned lifter, and is in a bodybuilding split routine, all the more reason not to go too crazy with weight on Olympic lifts.

It's like taking a basketball player who wants to improve his free throw percentage, so you make him dunk, over and over and over. He'll become a better dunker, which isn't going to necessarily hurt his game, but his free throw will still suck.
We know what the difference btw the two are.  He can still do all three 6 days a week, while bodybuilding be his primary focus. It's not like he wants to combine a program devoted for powerlifting, a program devoted for Oly lifting and a strict BB program and do all three during the week. He just wants to have fun with the others while focusing on BB.

Most athletic strength programs especially football combine all three forms of strength training on a 4 day's a week split. Him doing it on 6 days is plenty of time.
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