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My bad, pro over here.

But besides olympic bars and plates and all that, you can do most workouts at a say LAF.

Some places allow chall, some dont, and yes you can deadlift. What LAF doesnt allow DL's?
Don't get sassy with me cupcake 
Don't get sassy with me cupcake 

The LA fitness by campus in Orlando didn't allow deads.

Same chick would yell at me.

I told her until I saw a sign for no chalk or dead lifts to leave me alone - she was extremely rude.

She went viral on YouTube and lifting pages lol

The dead lift nazi
Thinking about joining an actual weightlifting gym. The closest one is 40 minutes away and the parking in that area is terrible.

Mulling it over..
I'm trying to join one as well. But don't you Crossfit? Your box doesn't have one?

I can do olympic weightlifting at my box but I'm kinda tired of their programming,

I want to do less reps and heavier weights for oly lifts and also work on heavy squats

I can do my own training at my crossfit's open gym on the weekdays between 7-8 am but thats kinda early for me cuz I work 3-11pm

Thinking about keeping my crossfit membership and supplement their workouts 2-3x a week with heavier training on my weekends at the oly gym

I might just try that for a few months to see how I like it. If the oly gym was a lot closer to where I live at, I'd probably have considered just switching full time to olympic lifting.
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Been slacking haven't gone to the gym in like a month. Gained 4lbs taking all these "dates" out to eat smh. Hopefully it's mostly water.... Back at it today tho [emoji]128170[/emoji]
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The LA fitness by campus in Orlando didn't allow deads.

Same chick would yell at me.

I told her until I saw a sign for no chalk or dead lifts to leave me alone - she was extremely rude.

She went viral on YouTube and lifting pages lol

The dead lift nazi
:lol: is she the one posted in vids on the misc?
Turf in the backyard 
, def would want 
I'm just not a fan of the corporate globo gyms, unless they're independently owned with their own flavor and just use the name.  I trained at this Gold's a couple times when I lived in TN for a few months. Very nice 
Of course they also had racks and an area for olympic lifts as well
I'm just not a fan of the corporate globo gyms, unless they're independently owned with their own flavor and just use the name.  I trained at this Gold's a couple times when I lived in TN for a few months. Very nice 
Of course they also had racks and an area for olympic lifts as well

I'am fortunate that my gym is un real lol
Oh, and Picasso, I used to workout at LA Fitness. The most they'd let us do are deads.

No other olympic lifts?

Meh, I guess I cant say anything cause I only do squats and DL's.

If places dont allow DL I assume its because they dont want floors to be damaged. Why not just rest the sides on a flat 45lb? You could grab a platform to make up for the height you lose.
The LA fitness by campus in Orlando didn't allow deads.

Same chick would yell at me.

I told her until I saw a sign for no chalk or dead lifts to leave me alone - she was extremely rude.

She went viral on YouTube and lifting pages lol

The dead lift nazi
Ive seen her  
Leg day done. 4/5 workouts and 2/3 runs so far. One more day and I hit my goal for the week.

Next week I'm increasing my run distance. Started off with a half mile and pushing it to a mile for next week.

Also been eating strictly salads, albacore tuna (not tuna salad), fruit and oatmeal all week. I want some fried chicken so damn bad. :smh:
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dunno why that crap is so huge damnit. anyway, this is when i started at over 210# and then after i was working out seriously for over a year i went down to around 175# .

and a year after that, this is where i'm at today (185#). basically put on mostly fat :lol: but at least i'm a little stronger. i would like the results of cutting 15 or so #s but just don't have the discipline. ahhhh well.

fitness goals for 2015 will be to lean out and improve mobility, agility and functional strength.
She's the chick in the black top .

She worked at the front desk as the receptionist.

She's an extremely rude person.

I was polite until I got fed up with her.
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