STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Compared to the P90x commercial... he got way bigger... he even had a FouseyFitness channel, then stopped lifting (I think, he may have started lifting again)
Compared to the P90x commercial... he got way bigger... he even had a FouseyFitness channel, then stopped lifting (I think, he may have started lifting again)
He started another lifting channel to get back into it.  His trainer is a beast

I am with all of you on the sweet tooth thing.  I have no self control if its in the house.  I buy frozen greek yogurt and tell myself its better then ice cream...yet i sit down and eat a whole pint in one sitting and look down like...damb it i did it again!

I can't even consider buying Oreo's....if they enter the house....
Does anyone in here maintain a steady weight or is everyone on the bulk then cut train? I quasi bulk year round. If I think I start to look crappy I up my cardio and adjust my diet. Next spring I will do my first serious cut to see how lean I can get.
I've weoghed the same since I started working out. 5"6 170. I definitely have more muscle now tho. I've been trying this paleo diet. I cheat too much tho. No self control. Just got some supreme bars tho. Hopefully that will curb my sweet tooth
I bet you have veins in those big *** traps of yours too, don't you?

Just started working out this Monday. We got a gym at school. Any suggestions on what routines I should be doing? I'm 5'9 and 185. If like to get to 170 and maybe have some toned muscles
Thinking about joining an actual weightlifting gym. The closest one is 40 minutes away and the parking in that area is terrible.

Mulling it over..
Just started working out this Monday. We got a gym at school. Any suggestions on what routines I should be doing? I'm 5'9 and 185. If like to get to 170 and maybe have some toned muscles
The first rule of fight club... Don't us the word toned
Thinking about joining an actual weightlifting gym. The closest one is 40 minutes away and the parking in that area is terrible.

Mulling it over..

What you mean actual weightlifting though? Like on of those gritty, old school type of gyms?

I go to LA Fitness and it has all the equipment you need for whatever your goals are. Newer, cleaner, I dont feel the need to go to the older gyms I used to go to (more raw feel to them).

40 min? Hell. No.
Thinking about joining an actual weightlifting gym. The closest one is 40 minutes away and the parking in that area is terrible.

Mulling it over..
I'm trying to join one as well. But don't you Crossfit? Your box doesn't have one?

What you mean actual weightlifting though? Like on of those gritty, old school type of gyms?

I go to LA Fitness and it has all the equipment you need for whatever your goals are. Newer, cleaner, I dont feel the need to go to the older gyms I used to go to (more raw feel to them).

40 min? Hell. No.
Weightlifting as in olympic lifting I assume. Platforms, bumpers, jerk boxes and the the whole nine. Not found at your typical gym.
I've seen people use chalk and there aren't any signs posted at the LA I workout at. As far as dropping weights, I've never seen someone drop weight after doing something like dead lifts or cleans because dropping it from the waist or higher would be loud as hell and the place is always packed so it might be dangerous too.
I've seen people use chalk and there aren't any signs posted at the LA I workout at. As far as dropping weights, I've never seen someone drop weight after doing something like dead lifts or cleans because dropping it from the waist or higher would be loud as hell and the place is always packed so it might be dangerous too.
Yeah I meant like below the knee or mid shin. Dropping it from full lock out is just asking for trouble. 

I would (have) just build a platform at home if possible. You could do that and get a good amount weight, a rack, and a bar for under $1k. If thats not an option then it comes down to how bad you don't want to be a weakling. 
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Can you deadlift, use chalk, throw/drop weights at LA fitness? 

My bad, pro over here.

But besides olympic bars and plates and all that, you can do most workouts at a say LAF.

Some places allow chall, some dont, and yes you can deadlift. What LAF doesnt allow DL's?
Can you deadlift, use chalk, throw/drop weights at LA fitness? 
I do all three. 0 Fs given. They've never said anything.

I still want to check out the old school dungeon in the basement of that middle school nearby but just haven't gotten around to it.
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