STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

can anyone recommend a good, strong fat burner? i am tired of going in gnc and just having them push whatever the agenda product of the month is, in my face...
Did 5x5 Power cleans today. We'll call it back and hip day so we don't confuse the bro's in here.
Get em!!!
That's weak stuff right there...are we supposed to be impressed?
And y'all say I go in on people 
Yea, no need to attack people for being proud of their numbers. We're all at different strength levels here.

The only thing that's confusing is how are your lunge numbers better than your squat and deadlift, and how is your squat better than your deadlift lol

It should go lunge then front squat then back squat and then deadlift
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Yeah that lunge number is confusing, but theres a good amount of guys in PL at least, that squat more than they DL. Its all how your built, your leverages, and some people just are better at one then the other.

But keep doing your thing @Ballahb  

No where near enough depth IMO.

So, let's say a random asks you to spot....he's doing heavy squats like dude above and getting no depth. Do you tell him that his reps suck, or do you just let him be? In watching the vid, I was asking myself this question...

Let him live lol. I'm just happy I'm unapproachable for the most part unless you know me in the gym. I wouldn't want to take a break from my workout to 'spot' half, or quarter squats. Seems arrogant, but I'm not trying to come off thay way.
Everyone on NT wanna be clowns.

I do agree that lunge is confusing being the highest unless you are doing dumbell lunges and are counting each dumbbel for 225 but even then...
Squats 205 lbs 5x5

Front Squats 135 lbs 5x5

Deadlift 185 lbs 5x5

Lunges 225 lbs 5x5
That's weak stuff right there...are we supposed to be impressed?

Im hoping theres a typo in those numbers.

Man, what's wrong w/ yall? :smh: let dude live.
My bad, didn't have my morning cup of coffee yet when I responded.

nope, not here to impress anyone. Just trying to get my lower body stronger

No where near enough depth IMO.

So, let's say a random asks you to spot....he's doing heavy squats like dude above and getting no depth. Do you tell him that his reps suck, or do you just let him be? In watching the vid, I was asking myself this question...

Let him live lol. I'm just happy I'm unapproachable for the most part unless you know me in the gym. I wouldn't want to take a break from my workout to 'spot' half, or quarter squats. Seems arrogant, but I'm not trying to come off thay way.

Yea...I'm w/ you on that. May sound like an *******, but I've told people I don't want to spot them. When I'm in the gym, I'm focused on my workout and getting in/out. No time to waste on other people's BS. I don't do this all the time because I have spotted for others...but still.
Yea...I'm w/ you on that. May sound like an *******, but I've told people I don't want to spot them. When I'm in the gym, I'm focused on my workout and getting in/out. No time to waste on other people's BS. I don't do this all the time because I have spotted for others...but still.

If it's just once and dude is killing it and I'm truly there for his safety, I'm fine with that. If dude is just taking his him, talking to me, stops to check his phone, ect, hell naw.

During a work out if I do nothing for 5mins I'm out of it already.

O and if dude is stinking something fierce, no go
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I don't mind spotting at all. It's when someone is quarter, or half squatting where I won't waste my time. I honestly think if you can't squat lower than that, then you need to check your ego.

Yes, I'm aware that people may have knee problems, and such... But that's not the usual case.
Y'all ever spot someone and have it just be awkward as ****?

Had a dude "ok help me....... Ok ok I got it........ O wait..... Yeah ok help me again." :lol: the whole time
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Y'all ever spot someone and have it just be awkward as ****?

Had a dude "ok help me....... Ok ok I got it........ O wait..... Yeah ok help me again."
the whole time
lmao ask my boy @cbass625

i train w him but one day we had separate schedules

he needed a spot w DB shoulder press and some dude supported him by grabbing his forearms during the lift lmp 
I wasnt saying the weights were low, im just saying the weights dont make sense relative to one another.[/quote]

how so?
i was doing lunges using the smith machine
Yea provided the 225 lunge is true,

The numbers should be something like front squat 245, back squat 275, deadlift 305

My guess


Didn't see you do lunges on a machine
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