STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I think the best kind of bulk is a lean bulk. You gain size and minimal body fat. I think some people overdo the whole bulking thing and end up getting way too much extra bf. Then they have to waste a lot more time losing it.

if you know how to diet, it doesnt take that long to lose that extra BF :wink:

thats why some people dirty bulk or just bulk in general and shy away from lean bulking

i might consider a lean bulk next year but might just maintain all year around after my next cut soon
if you know how to diet, it doesnt take that long to lose that extra BF

thats why some people dirty bulk or just bulk in general and shy away from lean bulking

i might consider a lean bulk next year but might just maintain all year around after my next cut soon
Yeah I prefer lean bulking. It works good for me, but to each his own.
Couldn't dreamer bulk even if I tried, after starting to eat more "clean" I just be feeling sick when I too much unhealthy ****. It's honestly hard as hell to bulk on clean foods because you have to eat so much more to hit your calories
I just did my lil' physical assessment thing at LA fitness the other day

BMI 19.5
Body Fat 13.2%

Dude tried to swindle me into doing the personal trainer package :lol: but he was cool and she showed me some workouts I can do to maxmimize my time in the gym. With classes I just don't have time to be in the gym 1.5 hours anymore. Really I only got 45 minutes cuz I'd like to be home at a decent hour :lol:

Switching from HIIT workouts to reps, he also explained to me that I shouldn't really be doing the same thing for over 3-4 months cuz by then my body is used to it. Gotta switch it up more (increase weight or reps or diff. movements etc.)

All in all I appreciated what he had to say. Next week I'mma go at it from a diff. approach.
Couldn't dreamer bulk even if I tried, after starting to eat more "clean" I just be feeling sick when I too much unhealthy ****. It's honestly hard as hell to bulk on clean foods because you have to eat so much more to hit your calories

For me, eating my meals fast helps me down the calories before I feel full and disgusted.

My bulk has been relatively clean, but I can't be true to myself if I didn't admit to sneaking in a couple of bad meals every now and then.

Can't see myself being able to eat like **** for a week straight. Just not possible :smh:
After a couple of months of not working out and not caring about my weight, I'm about to get back at it. I lost a crap load of muscle/weight because of last semester (stress/no sleep) and due to my super fast metabolism.

About to just dirty bulk my way back up since I look anorexic right now.
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I'm about to get in the gym right now, no one will be there. Perks of going to FSU, everyone is still recovering from a night of drinking.

My friend puts it best, we go to a drinking school with a football problem.
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