STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

We should have like a beginner FAQ or something and have good informational videos like this one that addresses clowns like mike chang and his home workout BS that surfaced in this thread recently. The ending tho :rofl:

my dude jonnie blowing up. i suscribed when he had 1k and now dude is at 40k. :x :smokin best weight training channel youtube IMO.
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Post your diet.

You also need a better cardio program. Unless you're doing HITT or running at more than 8 MPH, I can't see you burn more than 150 cals per running sessions.

Edit: also, eating 2 or 3 times a day isn't good. Best bet is to eat small meals throughout the day.

Losing weight, the principle of it, is simple burn more calories then you take in. Your body doesn't care how many times you eat or when you eat or where you eat or even who you eat with.

Just eat less and burn more calories. If you can't do it by eye then start writing everything down or log it on my fitness pal or something.
who here has romaleos? just wondering how they fit. been getitng mixed reviews on the sizing.

about to cop the 49er colorway pair.
I do and they are awesome. I stayed true to size and they fit fine plus I have a wide foot. It just takes some time to break them in. I got the gold/red pair too, straight fire.

@timbo109   it will mess with your metabolism if you cut for a long time at a really low amount of calories. Thats why a lot of people do reverse dieting so they don't gain weight quickly when they stop cutting.

Losing weight, the principle of it, is simple burn more calories then you take in. Your body doesn't care how many times you eat or when you eat or where you eat or even who you eat with.

Just eat less and burn more calories. If you can't do it by eye then start writing everything down or log it on my fitness pal or something.
You sure about that? When I was doing my research years ago during my own journey, I read that the body goes into shock when you starve yourself and retain fat as a last resort.
yeah that small meals throughout the day stuff is more fitness industry BS.

at the end of the day aslong as you're in a caloric deficit you will lose weight whether it comes from 8 meals or 2. make sure to weight train so you dont get skinny fat. :x
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who here has romaleos? just wondering how they fit. been getitng mixed reviews on the sizing.

about to cop the 49er colorway pair. :pimp:

dont want to add to your confusion but im a true 12 and when I first bought them I picked up both a 11.5 and 12. Ended up keeping the 11.5 due to the 12 having a little to much room in the toe.

Although I will say, because i have wide feet, they at times apply pressure on the outer sides of each foot if worn for a long period of time. This wasnt the case with the 12s but I wanted the tighter fit
yeah that small meals throughout the day stuff is more fitness industry BS.

at the end of the day aslong as you're in a caloric deficit you will lose weight whether it comes from 8 meals or 2. make sure to weight train so you dont get skinny fat. :x
Skinny fat is the worst physique you can have. I think it comes from naturally skinny guys who developed a heavy drinking habit.

Eating two times a day must be difficult as heck. I get hungry 30 mins after I eat :lol:

Hopefully 2014 will bring in more stellar transformations like the ones Lucky and 562 went through :pimp:
First time checking into this thread, but yeah essentially losing weight is burning more calories then what you take and vice versa for weight gain.

And eating small meals throughout the day actually isn't bs.  The idea of 5-6 small meals throughout the day is to keep your metabolism continuously active, or to keep the "furnace" burning if thats easier to understand.
Its possible to lose weight by only eating 2-3 meals a day but i cant say id recommend that to many people.

Of course there are always going to be people who respond to different methods but if youre overweight i wouldnt recommend a drastic change in routine. Its just not likely to work well.

Simply being more conscious of how many calories you currently consume goes a long way towards weight loss. From there figuring out a rough estimate of how many need to be consumed will typically take care of the rest of the problems.

Just being hyperaware of everything (nutrition, exercise intensity) is always the first step.
Did I say that? G T F O , do you know anyone who lost weight by solely running 2 miles 3x a week? Don't worry I'll wait
Do you even know how losing weight works? By your logic if a person runs 2 miles 3 times a week they won't lose weight. So intelligent.

Ive lost weight before with zero exercise. Its all about diet.

@wj4  yeah man that stuff is more or less nonsense. Now there are facts about IF (intermittent fasting) but that crap is only for a select few. Otherwise like I said and so have so many in this thread, losing weight is calories in vs calories out. And that goes to my buddy Linton as well.
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Did I say that? G T F O , do you know anyone who lost weight by solely running 2 miles 3x a week? Don't worry I'll wait
Do you even know how losing weight works? By your logic if a person runs 2 miles 3 times a week they won't lose weight. So intelligent.

Ive lost weight before with zero exercise. Its all about diet.

Good for you, congratulations. He posted his situation and asked why he isn't losing weight. So it's either he starves himself and eats less than his 3 meals or up the exercise to more weight training. You got it though Weight Loss Guru :lol:
Good for you, congratulations. He posted his situation and asked why he isn't losing weight. So it's either he starves himself and eats less than his 3 meals or up the exercise to more weight training. You got it though Weight Loss Guru
Never claimed to be a guru, young child. Just trying to help others out so they do not get confused when incorrect information or advice is given. 

Carry on.
First time checking into this thread, but yeah essentially losing weight is burning more calories then what you take and vice versa for weight gain.

And eating small meals throughout the day actually isn't bs.  The idea of 5-6 small meals throughout the day is to keep your metabolism continuously active, or to keep the "furnace" burning if thats easier to understand.

no this is indeed BS as well

@ 4:06

btw if your not aware of Sebastian's channel you should tune in. the best channel to the scientific approach of weight training on youtube imo. this dude has been rustling major jimmies lately totally making people look dumb lol. the debate between him and jason blaha on the hamstring was awesome. he went in on jason. :pimp:
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Just eat less and burn more calories. If you can't do it by eye then start writing everything down or log it on my fitness pal or something.

Running 2 miles isn't going to do anything, you have to burn more calories than that

Never claimed to be a guru, young child. Just trying to help others out so they do not get confused when incorrect information or advice is given

Carry on.

:lol: :lol: :lol: carrying on I will do
i dont know if it's just me but...
whenever i do back squats, the day or 2 after my lower back is also sore as if i was doing DL.
i usually go heavy. i know there is some core power involved with back squats but is my lower back supposed to be sore too?
Don't know if you googled for help or got an answer yet but here are some possible reasons your lower back feels this way:
1)your form could be off when going down on the squat. If you do ATG squats, as everybody should for maximum strength gains, you could be rounding your back when at the whole.
2)hip flexor might need proper warmup and mobility
3)you're not activating you're glutes(this is probably the reason why you feel so sore after. I'm confident this might be the problem from first hand experience)
When you're glutes don't activate, all the load is carried by your lower back. You should youtube some buttox muscle activation exercises or learn to ATG squats as you're glutes will surely activate when you get in the hole.

I suggest you also google this problem and you'll find a BB thread explaining this and with videos attached.

I noticed a huge difference in my squat after I started to activate my glutes. My lower back didnt feel sore like before. Now, I'm a new man.

Film yourself for a squat form check.
Fellas, maybe ya'll can be of help. Been trying to drop a few lbs, so I'll run on the treadmill. Like, a mile, maybe 2. I'll do this maybe 2-4 times a week, or really whenever I'm available. Over time, I notice that I don't appear to have lost weight(just water weight if anything) and that I look tone. That's great but I wanna actually get slimmer too :lol:

Any ideas as to what I could be doing wrong? I don't really eat fast food at all, light to no junk food intake, I don't even touch soda, strictly water or coffee. I try to eat 2-3 times a day. 
what are you eating and how much? easiest way to loose fat (Subtract 500cals from your maint calories, you should lose 1 lbs - 1.5 lbs a week) OR When doing cardio try to burn 500 cals each session.
Thanks for this post...will keep in mins cause it seems like all my weight went to my stomach smh

Cutting out fast food and sodas...biggest cut out is my hot wings :frown: usually eat them once a week

Also I'm done eating fries at work (huge order) I'm opting for a salad or veggies if the hot bar is open
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yeah that small meals throughout the day stuff is more fitness industry BS.

at the end of the day aslong as you're in a caloric deficit you will lose weight whether it comes from 8 meals or 2. make sure to weight train so you dont get skinny fat. :x
Skinny fat is the worst physique you can have. I think it comes from naturally skinny guys who developed a heavy drinking habit.

Eating two times a day must be difficult as heck. I get hungry 30 mins after I eat :lol:

Hopefully 2014 will bring in more stellar transformations like the ones Lucky and 562 went through :pimp:

i kinda knw that feel :lol:

i did the intermittent diet last year. my weight peaked at 260 and im dwn to bout 225-215 nowadays. I cut dwn most of my sodium intake and started to see my face and certain parts of my body thin out. the only thing was my gut lol

ive been slacking on my diet tho lately :smh:
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i dont know if it's just me but...
whenever i do back squats, the day or 2 after my lower back is also sore as if i was doing DL.
i usually go heavy. i know there is some core power involved with back squats but is my lower back supposed to be sore too?
Don't know if you googled for help or got an answer yet but here are some possible reasons your lower back feels this way:
1)your form could be off when going down on the squat. If you do ATG squats, as everybody should for maximum strength gains, you could be rounding your back when at the whole.
2)hip flexor might need proper warmup and mobility
3)you're not activating you're glutes(this is probably the reason why you feel so sore after. I'm confident this might be the problem from first hand experience)
When you're glutes don't activate, all the load is carried by your lower back. You should youtube some buttox muscle activation exercises or learn to ATG squats as you're glutes will surely activate when you get in the hole.

I suggest you also google this problem and you'll find a BB thread explaining this and with videos attached.

I noticed a huge difference in my squat after I started to activate my glutes. My lower back didnt feel sore like before. Now, I'm a new man.

Film yourself for a squat form check.

Ehhh. Just talking about the subject of ATG Squats, but you can't truly go ATG with low bar Squats. You can still squat deep, but when you squat too deep, your back ends up rounding out. That's just from my experience.

Hip mobility would also account into 'ATG' squatting. True ATG squatting to me seems to obey be achievable with front, or high bar back Squats.

Not saying what I believe is completely accurate, or correct. Just what I noticed from my experiences watching and, performing movements.
I'm gonna get back in the gym. I went on a drinking and eating binge and put on a grip of weight. My body is sooo sloppy right now and I feel horrible about it.
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