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Anyone here run frequently during the week while also doing heavy squats?

I want to get back into soccer shape. I've run 3 times this week (one mile twice, 2 miles once) while maintaining my squat routine , and damn, walking has been uncomfortable these last few days :lol: Hopefully it's just a matter of getting used to the pain, cause the distances have been pretty light, yet I still feel sore as hell.

I do but its cuz of me running track and trying to make it on the pro circuit
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I do but its cuz of me running track and trying to make it on the pro circuit
I imagine your lifting routine is oriented towards yourtrack goals rather than a high volume hypertrophy routine correct? SFC - you may want to consider adopting something oriented towards soccer training. What's your current training like?
When I get to where I want to be physique wise you damn skippy I'll be looking at every excuse to take my shirt off. Taking the groceries from car to house? Hmm.. don't want to accidentally spill milk on this shirt. Better take it off. Checking mail? Hmm.. don't want to get sweaty.

Got bit by a fire ant yesterday between the toes...smh.
Fellas, maybe ya'll can be of help. Been trying to drop a few lbs, so I'll run on the treadmill. Like, a mile, maybe 2. I'll do this maybe 2-4 times a week, or really whenever I'm available. Over time, I notice that I don't appear to have lost weight(just water weight if anything) and that I look tone. That's great but I wanna actually get slimmer too :lol:

Any ideas as to what I could be doing wrong? I don't really eat fast food at all, light to no junk food intake, I don't even touch soda, strictly water or coffee. I try to eat 2-3 times a day. 
Fellas, maybe ya'll can be of help. Been trying to drop a few lbs, so I'll run on the treadmill. Like, a mile, maybe 2. I'll do this maybe 2-4 times a week, or really whenever I'm available. Over time, I notice that I don't appear to have lost weight(just water weight if anything) and that I look tone. That's great but I wanna actually get slimmer too :lol:

Any ideas as to what I could be doing wrong? I don't really eat fast food at all, light to no junk food intake, I don't even touch soda, strictly water or coffee. I try to eat 2-3 times a day. 
what are you eating and how much? easiest way to loose fat (Subtract 500cals from your maint calories, you should lose 1 lbs - 1.5 lbs a week) OR When doing cardio try to burn 500 cals each session.
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lol this
Yeah his knees wont like him forever with that form plus his hips and butt shooting out like that. But then again its 600 damn pounds lol I couldnt even imagine un racking that much weight............yet
what are you eating and how much? easiest way to loose fat (Subtract 500cals from your maint calories, you should lose 1 lbs - 1.5 lbs a week) OR When doing cardio try to burn 500 cals each session.
Honestly, anything as long as it seems reasonable & nothing fast food. Like, a breakfast could be scrambled eggs, toast & a microwavable sausage lol. Or maybe a bowl of pasta for lunch. That kind of thing. That's another issue, it seems we HAVE to count calories to lose weight lol. But yeah, when I run, I do try to burn at LEAST 500 cals. Honestly, it could be that after water weight drops and I'm looking tone, everything I do is just MAINTAINING, instead of losing. I was playing Tennis on the days that I didn't run on the treadmill & I think everything just maintains my weight when I want to drop.
Fellas, maybe ya'll can be of help. Been trying to drop a few lbs, so I'll run on the treadmill. Like, a mile, maybe 2. I'll do this maybe 2-4 times a week, or really whenever I'm available. Over time, I notice that I don't appear to have lost weight(just water weight if anything) and that I look tone. That's great but I wanna actually get slimmer too :lol:

Any ideas as to what I could be doing wrong? I don't really eat fast food at all, light to no junk food intake, I don't even touch soda, strictly water or coffee. I try to eat 2-3 times a day. 
Post your diet.

You also need a better cardio program. Unless you're doing HITT or running at more than 8 MPH, I can't see you burn more than 150 cals per running sessions.

Edit: also, eating 2 or 3 times a day isn't good. Best bet is to eat small meals throughout the day.
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Amount of meals per day doesn't really make a big difference. Running a mile twice a week just isn't going to do anything. Workout harder and more consistently and you'll see results - it sounds like your diet isn't the problem.
When I get to where I want to be physique wise you damn skippy I'll be looking at every excuse to take my shirt off. Taking the groceries from car to house? Hmm.. don't want to accidentally spill milk on this shirt. Better take it off. Checking mail? Hmm.. don't want to get sweaty.

Got bit by a fire ant yesterday between the toes...smh.
Life is more fun without a shirt on, fact.

Fellas, maybe ya'll can be of help. Been trying to drop a few lbs, so I'll run on the treadmill. Like, a mile, maybe 2. I'll do this maybe 2-4 times a week, or really whenever I'm available. Over time, I notice that I don't appear to have lost weight(just water weight if anything) and that I look tone. That's great but I wanna actually get slimmer too :lol:

Any ideas as to what I could be doing wrong? I don't really eat fast food at all, light to no junk food intake, I don't even touch soda, strictly water or coffee. I try to eat 2-3 times a day. 
Bro are you lifting in addition to the running? If you're judging yourself by the mirror and aren't really lifting/don't have a solid muscle mass base, you're definitely gonna be disappointed.

Other than that, you're probably gonna have to count cals. Some people can get away with not counting cals while cutting, but it doesn't work for everyone.
Life is more fun without a shirt on, fact.
Bro are you lifting in addition to the running? If you're judging yourself by the mirror and aren't really lifting/don't have a solid muscle mass base, you're definitely gonna be disappointed.

Other than that, you're probably gonna have to count cals. Some people can get away with not counting cals while cutting, but it doesn't work for everyone.
Nah, i'm not lifting regularly, it might be a once in a blue moon kind of thing. I feel like I don't need to put on any muscle, i'm just mainly trying to drop weight. Should I be doing both? 

Another thing I'm thinking is, could it be that I'm not  getting ENOUGH calories and that's why I don't lose weight? Like, you have that certain amount of calories to eat daily but there's days where I'm drastically below that or *just* below the intake limit.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but you have to be a significant deficit for a pretty long period to mess with your metabolism like that.

You do realize that lifting raises your metabolism and keeps it elevated? I'd definitely incorporate weight training if you're trying to shed fat brah.
who here has romaleos? just wondering how they fit. been getitng mixed reviews on the sizing.

about to cop the 49er colorway pair. :pimp:
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Life is more fun without a shirt on, fact.
Bro are you lifting in addition to the running? If you're judging yourself by the mirror and aren't really lifting/don't have a solid muscle mass base, you're definitely gonna be disappointed.

Other than that, you're probably gonna have to count cals. Some people can get away with not counting cals while cutting, but it doesn't work for everyone.
Nah, i'm not lifting regularly, it might be a once in a blue moon kind of thing. I feel like I don't need to put on any muscle, i'm just mainly trying to drop weight. Should I be doing both? 

Another thing I'm thinking is, could it be that I'm not  getting ENOUGH calories and that's why I don't lose weight? Like, you have that certain amount of calories to eat daily but there's days where I'm drastically below that or *just* below the intake limit.
deff gotta lift. use less weight but more reps, and at a fast pace. rest 30 seconds or less in between sets and like someone said, do some HIIT trainig during the week. sprints work well. i do 10 second sprint 10 second rest for 10-12 minutes....
deff gotta lift. use less weight but more reps, and at a fast pace. rest 30 seconds or less in between sets and like someone said, do some HIIT trainig during the week. sprints work well. i do 10 second sprint 10 second rest for 10-12 minutes....
I agree. You should lift even when you are trying to lose weight to retain the muscles you already have. This is something I wish I could've gone back and re-do. I was doing more or less straight cardio during the first 6-8 months of my weight lost process.
Thanks for the insight, guys. When I get back on campus, I'll incorporate some of what ya'll suggested.
Thanks for the insight, guys. When I get back on campus, I'll incorporate some of what ya'll suggested.
Couple of pointers you may want to take into consideration, my man:

-cut out fast foods, soda and if possible alcohol.
-try exercising at least every other day. it may be hard at first, but you get used to it and grow to love it.
-weigh yourself weekly, preferably in the morning before you eat anything and after you use the bathroom to get the raw weight to track your progress.
-if you can't cook, get the George Foreman grill at Target for $20 and cook basics like turkey patties and veggies, you'd be surprised how much you can eat at 2000 calories if you eat cleanly.

I used to be chubby throughout most of my life, if I can drop the lbs, anyone can too :smile:
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