STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I know he does it to show off the abs, but cutting your top to look like a females sports bra,

That **** is meticulously cut too,
that Zlatan fit.
A lot of trance, and trap music with the Rocky IV soundtrack sprinkled on top. iPod gets updated every week or so with new songs I hear on satellite radio.

shout out to the rocky iv soundtrack

Im tryna incorporate some new sounds in my workout

any specific recommendations though?

Look up soundtracks to past FIFAs .. Theres always good songs

I probably have like 15 on my phone between this years and 13
Lol that GPSports is basically an athlete tracking device. Most pro/college teams are rocking those or the Catapult system these days.
i dont know, looks like could just be a lot of protein shakes :tongue:

F Landry and the J-E-T-S, if Rex didnt want him that tells you something
Go to music in the gym is hardcore rock for me. Sometimes a little gangsta rap but it doesn't always get the job done.

Really like ADTR and Parkway Drive right now.
for me its mostly trance and rap and some hip hop when i do heavy lifting , during abdominals i put some r n b :smile: 
Got to be fake unless duke was in a wheelchair for years and just started getting up for the first time. Before was only able to work on upper body.
bruh its a different angle and hes probably only put on a few more ponds. IF you lift and eat right and train right anything is possible.
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