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im really good friends with this guy right here(good friends as in kicking back, burning some trees and cracking brews together)
and you would be surprised to hear all the stuff players are on. there's a good chance your favorite player isn't as clean as you think he is. :wink:
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these athletes' livelihood depends on them being faster and stronger than the next man (who is probably on PEDs). to not use anabolics is foolish.

anyway, xmas party today at work. i was probably over 2000 cals by 0800 :smh:
i brought 15# of rib eyes though and the table is piled high with a ton of food so there should be some healthier stuff somewhere in there.
Not throwing random Athlete names out there but you think any NBA Players taking anything? I know there was talk a while back about Test possibly being used by players,

Would be intrigued to see if LeBron or Dwight ran a minor course of Test or something


i know for a fact he ran something

i saw him in 2009.........down in ATL
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I don't doubt that there's some guys who use ped's but I can say the NFL has a strict drug testing policy. Yea some guys sneak through the cracks but I can say from working with and playing with these guys, most are just pure genetic freaks. Plus the NFL has guys who's job is to show up wherever the players are in the offseason and test them no matter where they are. I've seen it happen at the mall, the gym, restaurants and even at their kids or their own bday parties. Most guys won't even drink an RTD cuz they're scared something might be in it. So let's not say most of these guys are on something when truth is they're not.
NFL don't even test for HGH though, can't really be that strict.

Most guys playing pro sports NFL included are freaks but all you have to do is look at how players looked in the 70's/early 80's compared to now and that tells the story. Humans haven't evolved genetically over that time but gear definitely has. Sure there's been advances in nutrition/weight training but not enough to have all these 250 pound single digit body fat guys who are only 5'10 - 6'2 mostly.

You've even had former players admit that gear usage is rampant, you got these guys taking shots of a bunch of different drugs just to deal with injuries to get on the field but they'd say no to PED's? Especially in a league where you can lose your job anytime?
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I would say most NFL guys started weight training pre college and college strength programs are way more developed now than back in the 70's 80's so that plays a huge part in the transformation of the football player today vs back then.
finally back in the gym in a few hours

sucks christmas is Wed, i wanna be in the gym :smh:
My gym is open tomorrow and Xmas day.

Just left and it was a ghost town lol

Can't wait for the noobs jan 1......
Hey guys, can you critique my triceps and tell me where I need work? I have no goal for it at the moment. So your input with be appreciated.

How's the home gym coming along?

amazing dude! here's what i have so far. garage is a cluster **** atm lol. got some stall mats on the right of the rack for deadlifting. about to invest in a set of ironmaster adjustable dumbbells that go up to 160lbs each db. so nice being able to work out on my own time without having to wait for the rack to open. :D

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rack itself is $700. spent $2300 on the rack, the bar and 500lbs of bumper plates. everything is rogue and really good quality. if you're going to get bumpers dont get the hi techs they are indestructible but soooooo freaken thick that you can barely get 4 plates(405lbs) on the bar. had to invest in some metal plates.

that mini deadlift jack is freaken awesome. :smokin
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Im jelly of my younger bro's metabolism lol.

he's 20 Dude will eat 3 or 4 mcchickens,1 or 2 largee fries, and some other burger and still weigh the same. Prior to that meal probably some 5am Denny's or fast food crap. Doesn't exercise at all just use computer and go out to eat, smoke, drink.

Same with my older cousin except age/slower metabolism starting to catch up.27 now He gained 20lbs I think.
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Im jelly of my younger bro's metabolism lol.

he's 20 Dude will eat 3 or 4 mcchickens,1 or 2 largee fries, and some other burger and still weigh the same. Prior to that meal probably some 5am Denny's or fast food crap. Doesn't exercise at all just use computer and go out to eat, smoke, drink.

Same with my older cousin except age/slower metabolism starting to catch up.27 now He gained 20lbs I think.

Wait until he gets older man, He won't be eating all that :lol:
Hey guys, can you critique my triceps and tell me where I need work? I have no goal for it at the moment. So your input with be appreciated.

DEF need to hit them harder, you can barely see them.
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