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did legs yesterday. chest today. legs hella sore. love it. can't wait to get on that foam roller. i'm gonna make it my *****.
I just got a foam roller for home a week ago and love having one here to us whenever.

Durden how much sleep should I be getting at night? The trainer at my gym said I would see more gains if I got my rest, he thinks me playing basketball some nights is affecting my rest. But I get close to a solid 8hrs of sleep a night.  I personally don't think it is hurting my gains.

Also how bad is butt winking on the squat? How can I fix it, work on hip mobility? 

was just thinking about doing the same. and a lacrosse ball. When I was watching TWD last night i was feeling the tightness in my thighs. would've been perfect timing if i had the ball to do some therapy on it.

A foam roller is good, but after awhile it loses its function. I have 2 at home and I dont remember the last time I used either. All you really need is a tennis ball, racquetball, lacrosse ball and maybe a stick/tiger tail.

Anybody here use some form of kinesio tape? Interested to see some different views on how well it works and if there is a slight placebo effect.  Thanks.

From everything ive read, the science of it is lacking. Admittedly, this was about 3 years ago that I read up on it so things may have changed since then I dont know. Personally, I think its largely a placebo effect.

My worst fear is doing squats at the gym and getting folded.


Video has to be staged. He could have easily dropped that.
How often do you play basketball?

How much sleep someone should be getting is a pretty relative thing. The recovery process involves more than just sleep so if something inhibiting your progress, it could be any number of variables. The type of sleep matters too but all those sleep studies go way over my head and I dont care to get that involved. In general, id say that 8 hours is sufficient sleep.

Personally, I dont think the butt wink is a big deal but obviously when you start approaching maximal weights any limitation/fault will be magnified and thats when it becomes an issue.

Its part mobility, part form. Its basically just a re-correction from too much lumbar extension. Without knowing your form, you could be pushing/sitting your butt back too much. This'll create too much lumbar extension in the bottom position. If thats the case you can try to think of just sitting down and not sitting back. If its not the case, id work on calf mobility, some hamstring mobility or just dont squat so deep. A lot of people squat too deep ironically enough.
I play basketball 2 times a week, for about 2 hours each session. I like to play because it's similar to HIIT cardio and I do not get that out of my other running because it is longer distanced, steady paced. My sleep is generally pretty good. I really don't think its hurting my gains, this particular trainer has a very different opinion on training. He does all olympic lifts and doesn't really care about any sort of "pump".

Im not sure how bad my wink is, I just try to keep my chest up, and drive my knees out. Sometimes I do try to go lower because I want to make sure Im breaking parallel so it would count as an official squat. Doesn't bar placement and how deep you go coincide with each other? I'll work on hamstring stretching, they cramped up bad on me last night while chilling with my girl 
I almost got folded squatting last friday @ LA fitness :smh: :smh:

Got to the 4th or 5th rep going A2G and almost got complete muscle failure :lol:

Worst part is that I was only squatting 220..:\ :smh:

Happened to me last Tuesday, that what the safety bars are for.

I was embarrassed, but whatever...happens to the best of us I suppose.
How often do you play basketball?

How much sleep someone should be getting is a pretty relative thing. The recovery process involves more than just sleep so if something inhibiting your progress, it could be any number of variables. The type of sleep matters too but all those sleep studies go way over my head and I dont care to get that involved. In general, id say that 8 hours is sufficient sleep.

Personally, I dont think the butt wink is a big deal but obviously when you start approaching maximal weights any limitation/fault will be magnified and thats when it becomes an issue.

Its part mobility, part form. Its basically just a re-correction from too much lumbar extension. Without knowing your form, you could be pushing/sitting your butt back too much. This'll create too much lumbar extension in the bottom position. If thats the case you can try to think of just sitting down and not sitting back. If its not the case, id work on calf mobility, some hamstring mobility or just dont squat so deep. A lot of people squat too deep ironically enough.
I play basketball 2 times a week, for about 2 hours each session. I like to play because it's similar to HIIT cardio and I do not get that out of my other running because it is longer distanced, steady paced. My sleep is generally pretty good. I really don't think its hurting my gains, this particular trainer has a very different opinion on training. He does all olympic lifts and doesn't really care about any sort of "pump".

Im not sure how bad my wink is, I just try to keep my chest up, and drive my knees out. Sometimes I do try to go lower because I want to make sure Im breaking parallel so it would count as an official squat. Doesn't bar placement and how deep you go coincide with each other? I'll work on hamstring stretching, they cramped up bad on me last night while chilling with my girl :x

**** is the worst homie. nothing worse than getting ready to get it popping and catching a leg cramp. funny thing about those cramps too, its like it sends the body into emergency, so if you get a really bad one somewhere, you can very well get a bad one somewhere else too at the same time like in the abs or under the ribs smh. the other issue with getting them, especially when you're about to all the blood goes there...:stoneface: . Stupid anatomy. I used to get them all the time, especially after multiple hour sessions of hooping when my body was depleted. Havent got one in a long time though, been keeping up with staying hydrated and getting potassium.
I pulled a gnarly cramp about 3 weeks ago while I was in the act with my girl....


I pulled out and rolled to the floor.

Hamstring just said no mas.
I almost got folded squatting last friday @ LA fitness :smh: :smh:

Got to the 4th or 5th rep going A2G and almost got complete muscle failure :lol:

Worst part is that I was only squatting 220..:\ :smh:

Happened to me last Tuesday, that what the safety bars are for.

I was embarrassed, but whatever...happens to the best of us I suppose.

On my front squats, on the last set. I go to failure. I have no problem dropping that weight (on the safety bars) if I can't finish. Last week I saw a guy fail at squating and fall face front into the ground and the ambulance had to be called.
On my front squats, on the last set. I go to failure. I have no problem dropping that weight (on the safety bars) if I can't finish. Last week I saw a guy fail at squating and fall face front into the ground and the ambulance had to be called.
This one cracks me up, cause no injury was involved. I can't take those clips of dudes getting folded.

I pulled a gnarly cramp about 3 weeks ago while I was in the act with my girl....


I pulled out and rolled to the floor.

Hamstring just said no mas.
**** is the worst homie. nothing worse than getting ready to get it popping and catching a leg cramp. funny thing about those cramps too, its like it sends the body into emergency, so if you get a really bad one somewhere, you can very well get a bad one somewhere else too at the same time like in the abs or under the ribs smh. the other issue with getting them, especially when you're about to all the blood goes there...
. Stupid anatomy. I used to get them all the time, especially after multiple hour sessions of hooping when my body was depleted. Havent got one in a long time though, been keeping up with staying hydrated and getting potassium.
Man it was the worst bros, I had just whipped the beast out about to go from behind and my left hammy said nope, **** you, and I had to quickly roll over on my back and try to stretch it out. Tried to go for round 2 and it happened again 

I stay pretty hydrated, get over a gallon in a day but not sure about the potassium. I guess from cardio in the a.m., legs in the afternoon then ballin at night my legs were just shot.

But hey good thing there are multiple positions 
How often do you play basketball?

How much sleep someone should be getting is a pretty relative thing. The recovery process involves more than just sleep so if something inhibiting your progress, it could be any number of variables. The type of sleep matters too but all those sleep studies go way over my head and I dont care to get that involved. In general, id say that 8 hours is sufficient sleep.

Personally, I dont think the butt wink is a big deal but obviously when you start approaching maximal weights any limitation/fault will be magnified and thats when it becomes an issue.

Its part mobility, part form. Its basically just a re-correction from too much lumbar extension. Without knowing your form, you could be pushing/sitting your butt back too much. This'll create too much lumbar extension in the bottom position. If thats the case you can try to think of just sitting down and not sitting back. If its not the case, id work on calf mobility, some hamstring mobility or just dont squat so deep. A lot of people squat too deep ironically enough.
I play basketball 2 times a week, for about 2 hours each session. I like to play because it's similar to HIIT cardio and I do not get that out of my other running because it is longer distanced, steady paced. My sleep is generally pretty good. I really don't think its hurting my gains, this particular trainer has a very different opinion on training. He does all olympic lifts and doesn't really care about any sort of "pump".

Im not sure how bad my wink is, I just try to keep my chest up, and drive my knees out. Sometimes I do try to go lower because I want to make sure Im breaking parallel so it would count as an official squat. Doesn't bar placement and how deep you go coincide with each other? I'll work on hamstring stretching, they cramped up bad on me last night while chilling with my girl :x

Twice a week? Keep playing ball dude. Thats not hindering your progress at all.

Id be careful with the "chest up" cue. Sometimes the idea of chest up can be over-exaggerated and thatll cause the lumbar region to overextend. As long as the chest up cue makes you not flex your spine then youre good.

Bar placement has some factor into depth, but id say that stance width and muscular control play a larger role. Bar placement will affect the degree of torso incline which alters the muscles that act as primary movers.
I pulled a gnarly cramp about 3 weeks ago while I was in the act with my girl....


I pulled out and rolled to the floor.

Hamstring just said no mas.

:lol: :lol:

after leg day i try to get her on top :lol: :lol: :lol:


Edit: Speaking of which - LEG DAY TODAY :evil:
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Durden you have any certs away from your MS?

Yeah ACSM HFS. I thought about CSCS but I still may go clinical so I chose to go the HFS route. Personally, I think most certifications are giant scams anyways. its just the way things go

Do you guys play it off?

I get those, I try to power through but you just can't :smh:

They are the worst, especially when getting the middle of the night, rollover buns.

Once you get one of those, concentration is off, it's a wrap.
Yeah ACSM HFS. I thought about CSCS but I still may go clinical so I chose to go the HFS route. Personally, I think most certifications are giant scams anyways. its just the way things go
Yea I do too, but to do what i'm trying to do you I need a couple certs including the CSCS.  
Twice a week? Keep playing ball dude. Thats not hindering your progress at all.

Id be careful with the "chest up" cue. Sometimes the idea of chest up can be over-exaggerated and thatll cause the lumbar region to overextend. As long as the chest up cue makes you not flex your spine then youre good.

Bar placement has some factor into depth, but id say that stance width and muscular control play a larger role. Bar placement will affect the degree of torso incline which alters the muscles that act as primary movers.
Yeah thats what I thought, It helps me stay at this weight too so Im not stopping.

Chest up is me just trying to keep my shoulder blades contracted and keep my core tight when Im using heavier weights.

Im about to order my book for CSCS, you have any tips? It looks to be the most expensive one out of the group. Some are a joke it seems like where its basically an open book test lol
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