Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Does anyone here favor the notion of 45-50 minute workout sessions over say 1-2 hour sessions which have resulted in more gains for them. I like testing out new methods of training and for the past couple months my sessions have been from 1 hour and a half to 2 hours and I've always heard that 45-50 minute sessions work better. Anyone care to vouch or enlighten me...
If you can lift for 2 hrs straight, you aren't lifting heavy enough. 
I've seen a lot of folks in the gym wearing a different type of almost looks like a glove for your feet. I dunno really how to explain it...
jdubb, or anyone else who knows enough about N.O.-Xplode, can you answer this for me?

I had an aneurysm in my left arm when I was six years old. It was (obviously) removed and I've had scans over the years to check up on it, and the results were clear. I was cleared to be able to join the gym from my doctor, but I want to verify if I am clear to take N.O.-Xplode. I plan on starting tomorrow.

They're called Vibram Five Fingers, some people swear by em. Theres people on here that wear em.

There was a post about awhile back being one of the best inventions of the 21st century.
Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by andycrazn

how dp i improve circulation? my doc said my arms not healing fast is because my circulation is bad

L-Arginine and Grape Seed Extract. 

thanks just coppedf em at walgreens with the B1G1. you know if theres anything for bone healing?
Originally Posted by bkmac

jdubb, or anyone else who knows enough about N.O.-Xplode, can you answer this for me?

I had an aneurysm in my left arm when I was six years old. It was (obviously) removed and I've had scans over the years to check up on it, and the results were clear. I was cleared to be able to join the gym from my doctor, but I want to verify if I am clear to take N.O.-Xplode. I plan on starting tomorrow.

no xplode is not a necessity. it's not very beneficial either, you see results without it
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays


posted awhile back in the previous thread i think.... but dude does squats with no weight... (which is news to me)

no dls. not a proponent of creatine either...

any truth to the 1st part of his statement...?
I dont do complete squats with weights, as they destroy the menisci in the knees, i only do complete squats without weight. If I wanted to be an olympic weight lifter, I would need to do them. with this example, i wish to show you that in sport there are things that are bad for your health, which should be avoided unless you want to reach the peak of said sport. If you are currently taking creatine, my only advice is to stay away unless its necessary for competition etc.
anyway did the 10x10 squat workout by ice1cube posted earlier in thread. greatttt workout today

and i think my testis are healing up. lol. (which i messed up somehow, someway)
There is truth to his statement. If one is training solely for aesthetic purposes than doing heavy squats is  not only a waste of time but  a detriment to that goal (higher chance of sustaining injuries and wear on the joint(s) ). Heavy squats over a long period of time do take a toll on your knees.

Like I've advised before. Creatine is an exceptional supplement if you're training for strentgh and should be taken. However, if you're solely training for the aesthetic side then creatine does have some drawbacks and the benefits aren't as great.

So should a person whos trying to gain weight take creatine?

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Does anyone here favor the notion of 45-50 minute workout sessions over say 1-2 hour sessions which have resulted in more gains for them. I like testing out new methods of training and for the past couple months my sessions have been from 1 hour and a half to 2 hours and I've always heard that 45-50 minute sessions work better. Anyone care to vouch or enlighten me...

working out more than 45-60 minutes will trigger your body to release cortisol... It's something that's hazardous to the heart.

I think you should be good man if it was so long ago and you had it taken care of just as long as you don't have any discomfort when you workout. Of course you have to listen to your body because it'll tell you if something isn't right.

If everything is good with your Dr i say go for it cause i mean if you don't like the way it makes you feel you can always discontinue using it. Of course there's always people who swear you don't need it and it's not beneficial for you or your workout but everybody's different and reacts different to supplements and workouts.

BTW how old are you BKmac?
What days do you do squats on? I know they mainly hit the legs but it also hits the shoulders and other muscles too right?
Originally Posted by jdub55


I think you should be good man if it was so long ago and you had it taken care of just as long as you don't have any discomfort when you workout. Of course you have to listen to your body because it'll tell you if something isn't right.

If everything is good with your Dr i say go for it cause i mean if you don't like the way it makes you feel you can always discontinue using it. Of course there's always people who swear you don't need it and it's not beneficial for you or your workout but everybody's different and reacts different to supplements and workouts.

BTW how old are you BKmac?
I'm 18 (turning 19 in August). My left arm felt fine after using it.

I just got home from the gym a few minutes ago, and I had a scoop (to start off, I felt one scoop was fine) of the N.O. Xplode powder (Fruit Punch, mixed with water).

I'm really not exaggerating, but I felt a major difference in my workout, and it honestly might have been my best workout since joining the gym last August. I worked out Chest/Triceps today, and went up in weight in every exercise that I did last week. (Dumbbell Bench Press, Cable Flys, Incline Dumbbell Bench Press, Decline Dumbbell Bench Press, Rope Pushdowns, and then Seated Dumbbell Skullcrushers- went up twenty pounds from 30lbs last week to 50lbs today). After all of that, a quick ab work out followed by a 1.5 mile run.

I was energized, and being able to put up more weight felt
. I really don't know if it was 'all in my head' or not, but I did feel a difference, and look forward to taking it the rest of the week to see how it goes.
After what I just read what should I do for squats? High rep? I'm trying to build my abs and legs obviously and do dead lifts as well. I know that both exercises are crucial fro abs, but now I hear they're gonna mess up my already bad knees?
Originally Posted by Vsano

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Does anyone here favor the notion of 45-50 minute workout sessions over say 1-2 hour sessions which have resulted in more gains for them. I like testing out new methods of training and for the past couple months my sessions have been from 1 hour and a half to 2 hours and I've always heard that 45-50 minute sessions work better. Anyone care to vouch or enlighten me...
working out more than 45-60 minutes will trigger your body to release cortisol... It's something that's hazardous to the heart.

Originally Posted by jdub55


They're called Vibram Five Fingers, some people swear by em. Theres people on here that wear em.

There was a post about awhile back being one of the best inventions of the 21st century.
Good looks my man....I just checked out the website.  They have people who do the "barefoot" running amongst other things.  I dunno how keen I'd be going long distance in a shoe like that.
Originally Posted by Vsano

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Does anyone here favor the notion of 45-50 minute workout sessions over say 1-2 hour sessions which have resulted in more gains for them. I like testing out new methods of training and for the past couple months my sessions have been from 1 hour and a half to 2 hours and I've always heard that 45-50 minute sessions work better. Anyone care to vouch or enlighten me...
working out more than 45-60 minutes will trigger your body to release cortisol... It's something that's hazardous to the heart.

wawaweewa wrote:

Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays


posted awhile back in the previous thread i think.... but dude does squats with no weight... (which is news to me)

no dls. not a proponent of creatine either...

any truth to the 1st part of his statement...?
I dont do complete squats with weights, as they destroy the menisci in the knees, i only do complete squats without weight. If I wanted to be an olympic weight lifter, I would need to do them. with this example, i wish to show you that in sport there are things that are bad for your health, which should be avoided unless you want to reach the peak of said sport. If you are currently taking creatine, my only advice is to stay away unless its necessary for competition etc.
anyway did the 10x10 squat workout by ice1cube posted earlier in thread. greatttt workout today

and i think my testis are healing up. lol. (which i messed up somehow, someway)

There is truth to his statement. If one is training solely for aesthetic purposes than doing heavy squats is  not only a waste of time but  a detriment to that goal (higher chance of sustaining injuries and wear on the joint(s) ). Heavy squats over a long period of time do take a toll on your knees.

Does anyone have a copy of this workout that Ice Cube posted?

Durden or anyone else, what do you think about the squating with no weight approach
Originally Posted by HyphySole

So should a person whos trying to gain weight take creatine?

If you don't care about how "lean" you look then yes, take it. Creatine in and of itself will not help you gain mass. That is all about how you train and your genetic potential.
As far as I'm concerned, creatine has no negative health effect (so long as you don't abuse it; just like any other substance) and many positive side effects.
After what I just read what should I do for squats? High rep? I'mtrying to build my abs and legs obviously and do dead lifts as well. Iknow that both exercises are crucial fro abs, but now I hear they'regonna mess up my already bad knees?
Squatting heavy 3+ times per week (as well as counting all the squats that are part of the jerks/snatches) for years on end will accelerate the normal wear and tear that occurs as individuals get older.
It takes a ton of volume at heavy weights (relative to the person's 1RM) for prolonged periods of time to create this scenario.

If you squat heavy once or even twice a week you have nothing to worry about.
I've been told before that squatting is bad for the knees, I actually think dude said he messed up his knee that way. But he said to stick to leg press and other machines.
Set some new prs yesterday, I got more reps on flat bench with 80lb and 90lb dumbbells and I tried 100lbs. I needed a lift and was able to do 1. I got 1 assisted and tried for another one but got it about halfway.

I'm looking for a new chest exercise to do, right now I am doing
DB Press
DB Incline Press
DB Flies
and I did DB Inclined Flies because I do want to bring up my upper chest but I was thinking of maybe doing pullovers instead.

I try to keep my work outs 1hr-1.5hr and depending on the day 30mins of cardio.
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

I've been told before that squatting is bad for the knees, I actually think dude said he messed up his knee that way. But he said to stick to leg press and other machines.

He  messed up his knee because of the way that he was squatting. I'd actually advise to stay away from many of the leg machines. Especially the ones that focus on the quads.
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