Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by krazy88s


Im trying to lose some but to no avail. I was lifting 3x a week. Running 2x a week. Assumingly, my calorie intake was lower than calories burned ( I didnt record the calories I consumed). I've been trying this for about 2-3 months now. What can I do differently?

find out what your bmr is and go 500 cals below
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

posted awhile back in the previous thread i think.... but dude does squats with no weight... (which is news to me)

no dls. not a proponent of creatine either...

any truth to the 1st part of his statement...?
I dont do complete squats with weights, as they destroy the menisci in the knees, i only do complete squats without weight. If I wanted to be an olympic weight lifter, I would need to do them. with this example, i wish to show you that in sport there are things that are bad for your health, which should be avoided unless you want to reach the peak of said sport. If you are currently taking creatine, my only advice is to stay away unless its necessary for competition etc.
anyway did the 10x10 squat workout by ice1cube posted earlier in thread. greatttt workout today

and i think my testis are healing up. lol. (which i messed up somehow, someway)
There is truth to his statement. If one is training solely for aesthetic purposes than doing heavy squats is  not only a waste of time but  a detriment to that goal (higher chance of sustaining injuries and wear on the joint(s) ). Heavy squats over a long period of time do take a toll on your knees.

Like I've advised before. Creatine is an exceptional supplement if you're training for strentgh and should be taken. However, if you're solely training for the aesthetic side then creatine does have some drawbacks and the benefits aren't as great.

Can you elaborate please?
does anybody own the Iron Gym Pull Up bar??? i'm thinking about pullinhg the trigger on it, but i want to know how it holds there a difference between the regular and extreme version???
Bent Over Rows with the Barbell.. is the Lower back a secondary muscle/group it targets?
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Bent Over Rows with the Barbell.. is the Lower back a secondary muscle/group it targets?

Lower back will help stabilize, but it's not a synergist.  Main muscles worked will be the lats and biceps with a bit of rear delt and triceps.  Rhomboids and mid traps should stabilize as well.
Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

does anybody own the Iron Gym Pull Up bar??? i'm thinking about pullinhg the trigger on it, but i want to know how it holds there a difference between the regular and extreme version???
Just got it to start P90X. Holds up well and i am 270lbs
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Bent Over Rows with the Barbell.. is the Lower back a secondary muscle/group it targets?
Homie if you are going to do rows I REALLY suggest pendlay rows. youtube it!
Originally Posted by krazy88s


Im trying to lose some but to no avail. I was lifting 3x a week. Running 2x a week. Assumingly, my calorie intake was lower than calories burned ( I didnt record the calories I consumed). I've been trying this for about 2-3 months now. What can I do differently?
Count your calories, carb, fat, protein intake.
Originally Posted by Grizzlyboy

Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

does anybody own the Iron Gym Pull Up bar??? i'm thinking about pullinhg the trigger on it, but i want to know how it holds there a difference between the regular and extreme version???
Just got it to start P90X. Holds up well and i am 270lbs

I use one. I'm only 170 so that thing has no chance of breaking.
It's really good with the multiple grips but no wide grip. I need to increase actual pull ups for the 300 workout.

thats another thing... does chin ups qualify as pullups for the 300???
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

posted awhile back in the previous thread i think.... but dude does squats with no weight... (which is news to me)

no dls. not a proponent of creatine either...

any truth to the 1st part of his statement...?
I dont do complete squats with weights, as they destroy the menisci in the knees, i only do complete squats without weight. If I wanted to be an olympic weight lifter, I would need to do them. with this example, i wish to show you that in sport there are things that are bad for your health, which should be avoided unless you want to reach the peak of said sport. If you are currently taking creatine, my only advice is to stay away unless its necessary for competition etc.
anyway did the 10x10 squat workout by ice1cube posted earlier in thread. greatttt workout today

and i think my testis are healing up. lol. (which i messed up somehow, someway)
There is truth to his statement. If one is training solely for aesthetic purposes than doing heavy squats is  not only a waste of time but  a detriment to that goal (higher chance of sustaining injuries and wear on the joint(s) ). Heavy squats over a long period of time do take a toll on your knees.

Like I've advised before. Creatine is an exceptional supplement if you're training for strentgh and should be taken. However, if you're solely training for the aesthetic side then creatine does have some drawbacks and the benefits aren't as great.
Can you elaborate please?

For one, on creatine most users retain water weight. If you're training for a certain look than creatine will make it that much harder to look "lean".
Personally, I retain about 6-7 lbs of water weight on Creatine even though I take the micronized form that supposedly absorbs better. On of the reasons I take creatine is because I do gain that water weight on it and in turn (the weight alone) helps me to lift. Mass is a component in producing force. On the other hand when I'm on it I'm not nearly as vascualr (front delt, bicep, forearm) as I am when I'm off of it. If you're trainign for that lean look then it's a detriment.

Also, creatine is the most useful for anairobic explosive movements (i.e. heavy, low reps). I don't see that much of a benefit to it in a bodybuilding type training regimen because there is no constant work near the 1RM and there isn't as great a need for "explosiveness". If creatine allows you sustain your explosiveness and go from 3 to 4 reps at 90% of 1rm on an exercise then that is a much better us of it than taking creatine and going from 12 to 15 reps at 75% 1rm.

Creatine will def halp in a BB type regimen but it's not essential. For strentgh training it's pretty much a must.
So i started jump roping a week ago..first day, it was okay, the next day my calves were killing me.

i jump roped a few days this week..and i felt like crazy pressure on my shins and on my calves?

anyone else have this?? i stretched beforehand. am i not stretching enough???
Squats arent bad for your knees if your doing them right.
Sounds like lazy people who dont really want to work out came up w/ that BS.
Too many people dont really want to work in the gym.
Originally Posted by 5thGearidah

Squats arent bad for your knees if your doing them right.
Sounds like lazy people who dont really want to work out came up w/ that BS.
Too many people dont really want to work in the gym.

ha. ronnie coleman: "Errrrbody wanna be a bodybuilder....But don't nobody want to lift heavy aaaazzz weights!"
Originally Posted by 5thGearidah

Squats arent bad for your knees if your doing them right.
Sounds like lazy people who dont really want to work out came up w/ that BS.
Too many people dont really want to work in the gym.
Squats aren't bad for one's knees in and of them self. However, consistent heavy squatting tends to lead to injuries associated with overuse (i.e. "wear and tear" of joints).
Heavy squatting once a week will not lead to overuse injuries for the majority of people. Two to three times a week over a number of years most likely will.
Started a workout plan about a month and a half ago. I have seen pretty good strength increases, but have not seem too much of a visible change yet.

Workout 1- Squats, Bench Deadlift

Workout 2- Squats, barbell rows, military press

Do a half hour of cardio 3 days out of the week. Normally I go very heavy on the squats and cant go all out on cardio the next day.

Go to the gym 3-4 times a week and alternate between workout 1 and workout 2. I do 3 sets of 5, going heavier each week. I always give myself at least one day of rest between work out.

also, what supplements would be recommended for increase in strength as well as help me get more lean.
Does anyone here favor the notion of 45-50 minute workout sessions over say 1-2 hour sessions which have resulted in more gains for them. I like testing out new methods of training and for the past couple months my sessions have been from 1 hour and a half to 2 hours and I've always heard that 45-50 minute sessions work better. Anyone care to vouch or enlighten me...
Been working out for about 2 months now... Lost about 15lbs trying to lose at least 10 more

Btw I was curious on how this P90x thing works... is it all its hyped up to be??
It's that time again, anyone try other flavors of ON 100% whey besides the usual vanilla and chocolate? If so, how did they taste?
Originally Posted by AirPhilippines

It's that time again, anyone try other flavors of ON 100% whey besides the usual vanilla and chocolate? If so, how did they taste?

Mocha Cappachino tastes how it sounds.  thumbs up.
Double chocolate is good too.
Originally Posted by peep tha sneaKs

Originally Posted by AirPhilippines

It's that time again, anyone try other flavors of ON 100% whey besides the usual vanilla and chocolate? If so, how did they taste?

Mocha Cappachino tastes how it sounds.  thumbs up.
Double chocolate is good too.
chocolate mint is
good looks to whoever recommended it to me before
Originally Posted by philly5fan

Been working out for about 2 months now... Lost about 15lbs trying to lose at least 10 more

Btw I was curious on how this P90x thing works... is it all its hyped up to be??
p90x is a program with specific nutrition and circuit type workouts. people get great results because they put a lot effort.

i'm about to finish up in 2 weeks. i probably could have gotten these results following a similar routine, but some people (me) need structure. i also did not want to go to a gym, mainly cuz i had no plan and lacked functional strength to get started.

75 days later, im 25 lbs lighter (6'0 172 lbs), much stronger, definition in most parts of my body, and about a month away from all my abs showing. its not magic. so far i have not cheated on diet; strict nutrition, stopped drinking, and gave up most of my social life. to me it was worth 3 months i became a whole new person. more importantly i've learned and adapted to proper nutrition, which i will have no problem sticking to.
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