Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by topherr

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Regal Black

Originally Posted by carmelocu

Originally Posted by Regal Black

anyway to get rid of belly fat? What stomach workouts would be best.
based from experience, HIIT is best for losing belly fat. ive been on hiit for 2 months and can see results.


never heard of that.  what's your HIIT workout like?
also would like to know your HIIT workout.

another thing, these cardio machines in the gym, are they any good or is it just better to stick to the track and run miles and do sprints?

my friend told me do the stair-master 15 min a day at level 10-12 and this should cut the fat dramatically. what is you guys input on this theory?

currently im roughly 5 11 180lbs lookin to lower my body fat % to get to a leaner basketball build, if you can dig it.


The stair master is a great workout. I run about 6 to 7 miles a day and then i get on the stair master 10 to 15 minutes a day. Its fat furnace...Cardio along with the stair master is insane....Just remember cardio eliminates body fat not ab workouts...I see that asked a lot in this thread
Originally Posted by needsomejays

Originally Posted by peep tha sneaKs

Originally Posted by AirPhilippines

It's that time again, anyone try other flavors of ON 100% whey besides the usual vanilla and chocolate? If so, how did they taste?

Mocha Cappachino tastes how it sounds.  thumbs up.
Double chocolate is good too.
chocolate mint is
good looks to whoever recommended it to me before

I would highly recommend cookies and cream

I should have gotten it again instead of this vanilla ice cream crap
day 2 of my new diet...trying out this carb cycling thing.. pain in the @%% today. Was my dad's birthday and there so much food there and this bomb @%% chocolate cake
. But I didn't eat anything.
I been on a diet for id say 2 weeks now

No more then 1000 Calories a day- No Cheese , No Soda, No Red Meat,No Candy etc., Salmon, Grilled chicken, Tuna Sandwich's, Gatorade , All Natural Juice, ONLY and low calorie meals only

I am 230lbs with a goal of 180lbs

Ive lost about 10 lbs since i started

I am unfortunately taking Hydroxycut i know i know all the warnings im taking only for a few months

My 3-4 times a week workout consists of mostly cardio- 30 mins of 5-6mph running 20 min stationary bike and 100 sit ups 65lbs resistance

Im going to increase the work out every week and start progressively moving towards more muscle effective

Any tips and commentary on this work out its been working for me pretty well only consistent diet i have ever kept in my life
Originally Posted by TheGrimm

i find it hard to keep up with this thread


yea you cant miss a day or 2 in here.

wow that arm is crazy, o man thats gotta suck
im a skinny guy tryna go up....

my shoulders are naturally broad so my waist looks skinny and my chest is borderline birdchest

what can i do to get a wider and thicker waist without losing proportion to my thighs for pants?

doing ab work would seem like to take forever to make it bigger by all muscle
OK, quick question. I broke my clavacle (collarbone) about 5 weeks ago and it is in the process of healing up and sorting itself out.

Has anyone here broken theirs before? And if you have, what rehab/physio did you do for it once it was healed up?

Its the most annoying thing i have broken as i cant do any exercise and have to do most things with one arm.
My job is having catered breakfast this morning and we are having a "Sweets Social" later. I want to skip the social completely but damn it will be hard. I skipped out on the pizza least week and felt good about it even though the pizza was calling my name.

I hear they are having a "real" breakfast this morning too. French toast and pancakes and all of that good stuff. Don't know what I am going to do.

I know some folks that refuse to eat any more than 1200 calories. They are bigger dudes (230+) and they are simply looking to lose weight. They informed me that once they lose their weight, they will then concern themselves with adding muscle. So I guess they are saying losing muscle and slowing down their metabolic rate isn't important right now. What would you say to them? Thy swear by their method.
DCAllAmerican wrote:

I know some folks that refuse to eat any more than 1200 calories. They are bigger dudes (230+) and they are simply looking to lose weight. They informed me that once they lose their weight, they will then concern themselves with adding muscle. So I guess they are saying losing muscle and slowing down their metabolic rate isn't important right now. What would you say to them? Thy swear by their method.

Muscle doesn't actually increase or decrease your BMR dramatically.  I believe I read that a pound of muscle only increases your BMR by about 6 to 10 calories. I've gotta look up the source though
1200 is way too low for someone that heavy. I'd be surprised if they could keep that up consistently.
I figured that would be too low but WHY exactly (the science behind it). If you can find me a link if you don't feel like explaining that is cool.
Originally Posted by andycrazn

Originally Posted by Fade On You

Yo what the %*+% happened to your arm?

want x-rays?

it happened on six flags the nitro ride. i guess i gripped too hard on the first plunge. btw this is the second time i broke it and second surgery..... freaking sucks now cause i cant workout AGAIN

 Post them!! Did it just snap when you gripped it too hard or what? Damn man i dont think ive ever seen a bone mid arm snap like that before...must have hurt like a mother...
GriZZla1024, I broke my collarbone many years ago and I still get a click when I lift. I wasnt really into lifting when I broke it but I was playing alot of sports at the time. The key is to let it heal and heal properly because you dont want to have them re-break it should it "heal" incorrectly.
Originally Posted by YDBoUnCe

Just came back from a Body Fat % test and found out I'm at 7 % (technically 6.8 something)
My goal was about 5% but according to the chart that's too low/ unhealthy but to be honest I still feel like there's more definition to be had
Should I continue on my path?
Cut back on cardio?
Go heavier on weights?

what test did you do..if it was the bodpod 5 isnt too low it would have put you in the elite athlete category like the guy i posted on the last page
Originally Posted by GriZZla1024

OK, quick question. I broke my clavacle (collarbone) about 5 weeks ago and it is in the process of healing up and sorting itself out.

Has anyone here broken theirs before? And if you have, what rehab/physio did you do for it once it was healed up?

Its the most annoying thing i have broken as i cant do any exercise and have to do most things with one arm.
Do all the therapy the dr. suggest and dont try to rush back.  I tried to rush back to soon, i broke mine twice my soph yr in hs, .   After I let it heal correctly, I worked out as normal and never had a problem with it again.
Originally Posted by Fade On You

Originally Posted by andycrazn

Originally Posted by Fade On You

Yo what the %*+% happened to your arm?

want x-rays?

it happened on six flags the nitro ride. i guess i gripped too hard on the first plunge. btw this is the second time i broke it and second surgery..... freaking sucks now cause i cant workout AGAIN

 Post them!! Did it just snap when you gripped it too hard or what? Damn man i dont think ive ever seen a bone mid arm snap like that before...must have hurt like a mother...
yup...... theres a metal rod inside from my first surgery and if i didnt have that then my bone wouldve been stiocking out of my arm.

first break


after first surgery

my mom lost my xrays..... but i did take a pic of it. the picture is taken looking straight at my arm when its on the table. look at the difference on the two bones

i gripped so hard that my metal rod bent with my arm....
Originally Posted by ChewToy112


Way too few calories. Say goodbye to your muscle mass and your metabolism.

what would be a good calorie intake for my goals? I'm about 220 now down from 230 I was only really gonna do that for about a month then increase to 1500.. There are about 2 or 3 days on the week were I i go over and compensate with excercise.. I'm not to concerned about muscle mass until I lose atleast 20 more pounds.. I don't wanna build muscle under fat I've seen friends do that and it seems like no matter how much they try they can't lose the fat and they end up looking like line backers.. Not the look I'm going for I've always been considered a slim guy so I want to get that look back and keep it up!
Originally Posted by ChewToy112


Way too few calories. Say goodbye to your muscle mass and your metabolism.

what would be a good calorie intake for my goals? I'm about 220 now down from 230 I was only really gonna do that for about a month then increase to 1500.. There are about 2 or 3 days on the week were I i go over and compensate with excercise.. I'm not to concerned about muscle mass until I lose atleast 20 more pounds.. I don't wanna build muscle under fat I've seen friends do that and it seems like no matter how much they try they can't lose the fat and they end up looking like line backers.. Not the look I'm going for I've always been considered a slim guy so I want to get that look back and keep it up!
what up guys! just wanted to have some of your days are currently split like this...

mon: ches/tri
tues: legs
wed: rest
fri: shoulders

now...i do kung-fu on mondays and after kung-fu i usually hit the gym up on mondays for my chest days...but i recently started sparring on fridays and im gonna be wayyy too gassed to hit the gym up after i wanna know if it'd be ok to use my rest day as my back/bi's and my thurs: as shoulders.

would this be too much? to have a 4-day split run continuously from mon-thu?
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