Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

I started weight training about 6-8 months ago and it feels like i am more muscular one one side than the other.

Why is that?

i dont know.

it's not because i dont shave, because i never shaved, even before i was this active

but yeah... pretty much what nealraj was saying about the increased testosterone production was what i was thinking because my hairs are growing longer and thicker, on my arms, legs, among other areas. no romo

if i recall, i went through a phase were i had some unusual backne for a little while. i'm all good now.

notice the avy change. i think at the beginning of every month, we should change to a body pic avy so that we can share progress that way.
Excuse me if this has already been touched upon, but regarding substances and muscle growth...I know Alcohol is among one of the more detrimental, but...

What about THC? I'm not gonna smoke, if I'm getting high tonight its because of edibles. Yay or nay? I'm completely content with being sober if this stuff will work against my hard efforts at the gym. Please and thank you.
Originally Posted by TheTrapezeSwinger

Originally Posted by Derek916

Dietary Cholesterol Isn’t Bound to Blood Cholesterol. There’s no relation to cholesterol & saturated fat intake to higher cholesterol levels.

Eat as many eggs as you after eating   a costco chicken bake, teriyaki chicken rice plate, and a tiger roll (sushi w/ fried shrimp inside of it)

For dinner all i ate was 3 eggs + 4oz of egg whites/ half an avocado
That's an idiotic statement. And your diet is terrible to boot.

Post some proof than because the only statements that I can find that are against my rationality are yahoo answers.
And that is not my diet is friday my cheat day

Eggs do contain a type of cholesterol found in many foods, calleddietary cholesterol. Eggs, liver, kidneys and prawns are higher indietary cholesterol than other foods. But the cholesterol we get fromour food has much less effect on the level of cholesterol in our bloodthan the amount of saturated fat we eat.

The Harvard School of Public Health's research showed the dietarycholesterol in eggs does not have a negative effect on bloodcholesterol levels of healthy people. This and numerous other studieshave shown there is no link between eating eggs and a higher risk ofheart disease or stroke for healthy adults. Some recent studies haveeven shown that HDL (good) cholesterol increased when people ate anegg-supplemented diet.
Originally Posted by XkrispyELI

I started weight training about 6-8 months ago and it feels like i am more muscular one one side than the other.

Why is that?
try fapping with your off hand
Originally Posted by FlashEightZero

Originally Posted by XkrispyELI

I started weight training about 6-8 months ago and it feels like i am more muscular one one side than the other.

Why is that?
try fapping with your off hand

Na but really, the other side will catch up eventually..I think lol
Originally Posted by The Notorious Bum

Im looking to drop anywhere from 20-50pounds.

What suggestions do you have?

I can work out 2-3days per week.

I was on a good role last year but I peaked at 15pounds, and in the mist of it all I hurt my knee so I went back up in weight due to the lack of exercise.
During the time I was on a role I would go to the gym 5x a week and stayed there for at least 2hours.

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by saxman2112

Originally Posted by cguy610

I see alot of people doing 5 reps. Aside from the bench press with a spot, a weight so heavy that you can only 5 reps seems dangerous to me. For example, in the workout video like two pages earlier, at the 2:20 mark the guy was doing too much weight and his form suffered.

I'm thinking that the last thing you want to do is get injured while lifting.

I'm a big fan of the 5-rep system for the big three.  It's just that the number one rule of lifting is always always always form > weight.

Same here.
More 5/6 reps for compound lifts is kind of foolish imo.

Of course form is important but when you're lifting heavy consistently injuries are going to come now and again. Just last week I was doing platform deadlifts and on my last set, 5th rep I felt a pop/ stretching in my lower back. All of a sudden I though "oh +##%, here we go again"
Turns out it was a glute strain and not a back strain  so I got very lucky this time. It's been 8 days and I (think) I'm near full recovery. If it was a back strain it'd take at least 6 weeks to fully recover.

I would say if (you think) you're lifting heavy and you're not sustaining injuries here and there (both big and small) then you're def. not lifting that heavy (relative to your capabilities). The most important thing is knowing how to deal with certain injuries and work around them as well as letting the effected area fully recover.
  You strained a buttcheek.  My weightlifting goals aren't that serious to where I'm willing to accept injuries here and there.  One of my main goals is not to injure myself in any way.  I'm not getting paid to lift. 
I hate eggs without the yolk I usually limit to 5 eggs perday and the rest whites. Its always wishy washy if it bad or not but I just tell myself 5 eggs regardless is better then most people eatin fast food everyday so its whatever
Originally Posted by TheGrimm

i've been BLASTING my abs with the OG ab wheel...stuff works wonders i tells ya

you od with that. I do those for like two minute intervals u be on some "yeah i just do it for half a day til i get tired"
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Derek916

Dietary Cholesterol Isn’t Bound to Blood Cholesterol. There’s no relation to cholesterol & saturated fat intake to higher cholesterol levels.

Eat as many eggs as you after eating   a costco chicken bake, teriyaki chicken rice plate, and a tiger roll (sushi w/ fried shrimp inside of it)

For dinner all i ate was 3 eggs + 4oz of egg whites/ half an avocado
I dont believe that line for a second.  Dietary cholesterol will lead to increased blood cholesterol.

cosign with durden. I don't need scientific proof to validate what I have seen in my family for quite some time.  I had uncles who ate whole eggs and other cholesterol ridden foods for breakfast in the morning then go to their construction jobs and my aunts would pack them a good lunch, split pea soup, roti, tea and not eat for the rest of the day and come home and have a regular sized dinner.  Dudes did not smoke and they still caught heart attacks.  I'm telling you that if you proceed to eat the same thing for years, that cholesterol is going to build up.  Why do you think that doctors tell heart attack patients to cut down on cholesterol like in eggs?  It's just common sense.  You don't wanna get fat so you lay off of foods with high fat content, right?  you don't want to get high cholesterol so what do you have to do?

Originally Posted by JordanPP30

Time for some cardio after a night of drinking.

I feel ya

Tonight i'll be going out for a few. Last night I made it a gf night. getting a gf was a really strategic move on my part. It's one of the only ways I can stay out of the bar on weekend haha

Remember these tips for if you are going to drink.
-Drink vodka/water at the club. Healthiest drink you can order. Keeps the muscles somewhat hydrated
-Drink at least three liters of water before going to bed. DON'T THROW UP HAH
-Consume a protein shake with L-Glutamine and BCAA prior to going to bed and when you wake up. This will really help recovering your otherwise catabolic state muscles.
-Eat a WHOLE and COMPLETE meal in the morning with multivitamins and fish oils. Consume slightly larger amounts than usual as your body really needs to nutrients to get back on track.
-Overall, consume more water than you normally would. Drinking dehydrates you and if you are taking creatine or similar, your muscles will be THIRSTY
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Derek916

Dietary Cholesterol Isn’t Bound to Blood Cholesterol. There’s no relation to cholesterol & saturated fat intake to higher cholesterol levels.

Eat as many eggs as you after eating   a costco chicken bake, teriyaki chicken rice plate, and a tiger roll (sushi w/ fried shrimp inside of it)

For dinner all i ate was 3 eggs + 4oz of egg whites/ half an avocado
I dont believe that line for a second.  Dietary cholesterol will lead to increased blood cholesterol.
cosign with durden. I don't need scientific proof to validate what I have seen in my family for quite some time.  I had uncles who ate whole eggs and other cholesterol ridden foods for breakfast in the morning then go to their construction jobs and my aunts would pack them a good lunch, split pea soup, roti, tea and not eat for the rest of the day and come home and have a regular sized dinner.  Dudes did not smoke and they still caught heart attacks.  I'm telling you that if you proceed to eat the same thing for years, that cholesterol is going to build up.  Why do you think that doctors tell heart attack patients to cut down on cholesterol like in eggs?  It's just common sense.  You don't wanna get fat so you lay off of foods with high fat content, right?  you don't want to get high cholesterol so what do you have to do?



Eggs do contain a type of cholesterol found in many foods, called dietary cholesterol. Eggs, liver, kidneys and prawns are higher in dietary cholesterol than other foods. But the cholesterol we get from our food has much less effect on the level of cholesterol in our blood than the amount of saturated fat we eat.


The Harvard School of Public Health's research showed the dietary cholesterol in eggs does not have a negative effect on blood cholesterol levels of healthy people. This and numerous other studies have shown there is no link between eating eggs and a higher risk of heart disease or stroke for healthy adults. Some recent studies have even shown that HDL (good) cholesterol increased when people ate an egg-supplemented diet. [URL][/url]

With things like this its always important to read all the words.  It happens all the time with anything scientific.  Words are hidden or most people just dont read them.  If someone eats a large amount of dietary cholesterol it will end up being bad blood cholesterol.  There isnt an acute effect, but there certainly is a chronic effect of eating a high cholesterol diet.  1 whole egg is almost the amount that one person should take in a day.  Now if someone eats 5 whole eggs a day, thats 5x as much cholesterol that the body is getting instead of what it needs.  Just like anything else, it adds up and is harmful.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by JordanPP30

Time for some cardio after a night of drinking.

I feel ya

Tonight i'll be going out for a few. Last night I made it a gf night. getting a gf was a really strategic move on my part. It's one of the only ways I can stay out of the bar on weekend haha

Remember these tips for if you are going to drink.
-Drink vodka/water at the club. Healthiest drink you can order. Keeps the muscles somewhat hydrated
-Drink at least three liters of water before going to bed. DON'T THROW UP HAH
-Consume a protein shake with L-Glutamine and BCAA prior to going to bed and when you wake up. This will really help recovering your otherwise catabolic state muscles.
-Eat a WHOLE and COMPLETE meal in the morning with multivitamins and fish oils. Consume slightly larger amounts than usual as your body really needs to nutrients to get back on track.
-Overall, consume more water than you normally would. Drinking dehydrates you and if you are taking creatine or similar, your muscles will be THIRSTY
If you don't throw up after consuming a protein shake after a long night of drinking, you're not drinking enough
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by JordanPP30

Time for some cardio after a night of drinking.

I feel ya

Tonight i'll be going out for a few. Last night I made it a gf night. getting a gf was a really strategic move on my part. It's one of the only ways I can stay out of the bar on weekend haha

Remember these tips for if you are going to drink.
-Drink vodka/water at the club. Healthiest drink you can order. Keeps the muscles somewhat hydrated
-Drink at least three liters of water before going to bed. DON'T THROW UP HAH
-Consume a protein shake with L-Glutamine and BCAA prior to going to bed and when you wake up. This will really help recovering your otherwise catabolic state muscles.
-Eat a WHOLE and COMPLETE meal in the morning with multivitamins and fish oils. Consume slightly larger amounts than usual as your body really needs to nutrients to get back on track.
-Overall, consume more water than you normally would. Drinking dehydrates you and if you are taking creatine or similar, your muscles will be THIRSTY

Some of the tips are "bro-science", but overall people just need to make smart decisions when they drink.  (Moderation, type, length of time, food when they get home, etc.)
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by JordanPP30

Time for some cardio after a night of drinking.

I feel ya

Tonight i'll be going out for a few. Last night I made it a gf night. getting a gf was a really strategic move on my part. It's one of the only ways I can stay out of the bar on weekend haha

Remember these tips for if you are going to drink.
-Drink vodka/water at the club. Healthiest drink you can order. Keeps the muscles somewhat hydrated
-Drink at least three liters of water before going to bed. DON'T THROW UP HAH
-Consume a protein shake with L-Glutamine and BCAA prior to going to bed and when you wake up. This will really help recovering your otherwise catabolic state muscles.
-Eat a WHOLE and COMPLETE meal in the morning with multivitamins and fish oils. Consume slightly larger amounts than usual as your body really needs to nutrients to get back on track.
-Overall, consume more water than you normally would. Drinking dehydrates you and if you are taking creatine or similar, your muscles will be THIRSTY

wth are you talking about? 

If I go to the club i'm drinking whatever the eff I wanna drink, vodka/water the  healthiest drink at the club??? you sure about that 

I think some people OD on the protein shakes.  I usually drink a glass of milk and i'm fine.
If you eat a complete meal in the morning there is no need to take a multivitamin.  The thing alot of people don't know about multivitamins is that if it is tablet form most of whats in the tablet does not get digested the same way natural foods do.  Most of it's potency is lost in the process.  If your eating good foods throughout the day you don't need to worry about a multivitamin, especially with the ridiculous amounts/daily percentages they offer.  I'm a pharmacy technincian and my boss told me the only people that really need a multivitamin are the elderly and young children who live in poverty.

I do agree with consuming water though, but at a normal pace.
I have just had arthroscopic knee surgery on March 3rd for an inflammatory problem in my left knee that had been seriously troubling me for tha past 14 months I had alot of bad tissue removed but the important parts of my knee are all 100% ,im not able to goto the gym for a few weeks and Im missing it bad already.

Since Jan 1st ive been on Slimfast 2 shakes a day breakfast n lunch and a 600 calorie meal for evening meal and ive gone from 189lbs down to 171lbs my goal is 167lbs wich is 12 stone so about 3.5lbs left to go.I went on Slimfast after my brother in law lost 2 stone (28lbs) due to a heart scare he had and I was at my heavyest ever due to inactivity caused by my knee injury.

In the time ive been on the diet ive also got back into the gym going 5 days a week swimming and upperbody weights and its made me feel alive again,now ive got a long process of rehabing my knee wich will mainly be weight free doing bodyweight exercises,swimming,cycleing and vibration machines im lucky that my gym has 2 power plate machines.

In the past 14 months since being hurt ive learnt wat its like to be lazy n fat and I hated it Ive always been an athlete since a very young age running cross country and track and playing every sports imaginable soccer,cricket,golf,rugby,american football,tennis,mountain bike rideing and basketball wich has been my main sport since 12 years old.

I cant wait to be able to run and cycle again and will never take those things for granted again n also build up my body so that its stronger and healthier than ever b4 I will never get fat or lazy again I refuse to.

To all u guys who supply info in this post im very greatfull and read it often.

GrimlocK wrote:
brettTHEjett wrote:
JordanPP30 wrote:
Time for some cardio after a night of drinking.


I feel ya

Tonight i'll be going out for a few. Last night I made it a gf night. getting a gf was a really strategic move on my part. It's one of the only ways I can stay out of the bar on weekend haha

Remember these tips for if you are going to drink.
-Drink vodka/water at the club. Healthiest drink you can order. Keeps the muscles somewhat hydrated
-Drink at least three liters of water before going to bed. DON'T THROW UP HAH
-Consume a protein shake with L-Glutamine and BCAA prior to going to bed and when you wake up. This will really help recovering your otherwise catabolic state muscles.
-Eat a WHOLE and COMPLETE meal in the morning with multivitamins and fish oils. Consume slightly larger amounts than usual as your body really needs to nutrients to get back on track.
-Overall, consume more water than you normally would. Drinking dehydrates you and if you are taking creatine or similar, your muscles will be THIRSTY

wth are you talking about? 

If I go to the club i'm drinking whatever the eff I wanna drink, vodka/water the  healthiest drink at the club??? you sure about that 

I think some people OD on the protein shakes.  I usually drink a glass of milk and i'm fine.
If you eat a complete meal in the morning there is no need to take a multivitamin.  The thing alot of people don't know about multivitamins is that if it is tablet form most of whats in the tablet does not get digested the same way natural foods do.  Most of it's potency is lost in the process.  If your eating good foods throughout the day you don't need to worry about a multivitamin, especially with the ridiculous amounts/daily percentages they offer.  I'm a pharmacy technincian and my boss told me the only people that really need a multivitamin are the elderly and young children who live in poverty.

I do agree with consuming water though, but at a normal pace.

Vodka/Tonic is the healthiest alcoholic drink calorie wise.  That fact is right.

Most people dont need a multivitamin, but taking 1 one-a-day isnt going to hurt anyone and it will most likely be beneficial as long as the %DRVs arent insanely high.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Vodka/Tonic is the healthiest alcoholic drink calorie wise.  That fact is right.

Most people dont need a multivitamin, but taking 1 one-a-day isnt going to hurt anyone and it will most likely be beneficial as long as the %DRVs arent insanely high.

All i'm saying is that if you push hard with your diet/training and you get a chance every now and then to go out and live your life, i'm not gonna focus on a vodka-tonic that night.  Calorie wise I can see now that vodka or a clear alcholic drink might be prefered but in terms of a healthy alchoholic beverage I would thing of wine or sangria or something along that.

Being in the pharmacy field I can agree with a one-a-day because it has somewhat normal levels, I actually have a bottle...that I never use.  But since this is the fitness thread i'm taking into consideration that people here are eating as healthy as they can with a good mix of fruits and vegetables.  Even if you eat a good cereal in the morning your getting anywhere from 25-75% of vitamins and minerals you need for the day.  My biggest gripe is that it could be a waste of money, the formulation of most multi-vitamins have the digestion of some vitamins cancelling out the digestions of others, they are not FDA approved, the big thing with adding antioxidants to vitamins nowadays can actually lead to some health problems, and people don't take into account certain side effects having too much of one vitamin can have.  There are vitamins out there that have been pharmaceutically graded which I have heard are better for people, but nothing definite.

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