Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

for those of you on c bol, it says 6 capsules twice daily... how are you guys taking it? 6 in the morning, 6 at night. or 6 in the morning, 1 before workout and 1 after, etc etc...
when you guys drink egg whites. do you guys just crack an egg and separate it from the yolk? or is it those bottled liquid egg whites??
Originally Posted by DaCitySlanga

Originally Posted by REDd SPYDER

Whats the best workout for working out your chest specifically? I don't have access to the gym but I'm trying to get right.

better yet, get one of those pull up bars. can still do push ups with them.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

real talk

im straight up drinkin liquid egg whites

8 oz is 26 grams of pure 100% protein, throw in some steel cut oats, peanut butter and cinnamon

when you cook the eggs they are denatured by the high temp cooking process.

8 oz liquid egg whites with 8 oz of mixed berry/fruit smoothie or 100% juice

there you go post work out

yo this chobani stuff aint bad i feel my muscles takin it all in before bed. i dont do these artificial packed protein shakes anymore. to each their own.

That really doesnt matter.  Your stomach will denature the liquid egg whites so it all equals out.
I eat 6 egg whites w/1 yolk for dinner most nights, throw some green veggies in there, little Siracha, bingo.
Originally Posted by Hennessy co

for those of you on c bol, it says 6 capsules twice daily... how are you guys taking it? 6 in the morning, 6 at night. or 6 in the morning, 1 before workout and 1 after, etc etc...

6 30 mins before and 6 within hour after workout

some dont even do that some just take 6 before workout and they are good.
Originally Posted by J SUPER

when you guys drink egg whites. do you guys just crack an egg and separate it from the yolk? or is it those bottled liquid egg whites??
who is gonna do all that?

no man 100% liquid egg whites

egg beaters, crystal farms all whites, lanas, egg white inc.

they HAVE to be pasteurized.
Save yourself some $$$ if you just bought a dozen eggs and seperated them as opposed to buying things like egg beaters, etc.
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Save yourself some $$$ if you just bought a dozen eggs and seperated them as opposed to buying things like egg beaters, etc.

you dont save money doing that at all. the egg whites wont be pasteurized either. not to mention plain ol mess.

1/4 equals 1 egg i just said i do 8 oz of liquid egg whites which equals 26 grams of pure 100% bioavailable protein

do the math 1/4 is only 2 oz

buyin a dozen eggs WILL not save me money, time or keep me safe from salmonella because they have not goin thru pasteurization process
Originally Posted by krazyg

Any bloating with the Cbol? I always got bloated when I took creatine products.

u saw the avy i had before the one i had now off 2 weeks of doin c bol? (i did say this is my first time taking a thermolife product right?)

did i look bloated? actually looked bigger and leaner. IMO, hence the questions on diet at my local gym. id say im pleased. great all around product. along with diet and training of course. and yes i drink plenty water more than enuff. they say you should drink half your bodyweight in ounces so if im 200 lbs i should be drinkin 100 ounces of water a day. i drink at least 128 ounces a day which is a gallon an i am not bloated.

everybody responds diff. the creatine that blew me up the most was size on. when creatine first hit the scene like that many ppl bloated but creatine like other supplements have come a long way now.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Save yourself some $$$ if you just bought a dozen eggs and seperated them as opposed to buying things like egg beaters, etc.

you dont save money doing that at all. the egg whites wont be pasteurized either.

1/4 equals 1 egg i just said i do 8 oz of liquid egg whites which equals 26 grams of pure 100% bioavailable protein

do the math 1/4 is only 2 oz

buyin a dozen eggs WILL not save me money, time or keep me safe from salmonella because they have not goin thru pasteurization process
I have raw unpasteurised eggs all the time and i aint come down with nothing. Aslong as they good quality and are fresh catching salmonella is unlikely.

I also dont see the point in having just the whites. Buy throwing the yolk away you're  baiscally halving its protein value.
Originally Posted by Smedroc

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Save yourself some $$$ if you just bought a dozen eggs and seperated them as opposed to buying things like egg beaters, etc.

you dont save money doing that at all. the egg whites wont be pasteurized either.

1/4 equals 1 egg i just said i do 8 oz of liquid egg whites which equals 26 grams of pure 100% bioavailable protein

do the math 1/4 is only 2 oz

buyin a dozen eggs WILL not save me money, time or keep me safe from salmonella because they have not goin thru pasteurization process
I have raw unpasteurised eggs all the time and i aint come down with nothing. Aslong as they good quality and are fresh catching salmonella is unlikely.

I also dont see the point in having just the whites. Buy throwing the yolk away you're  baiscally halfing its protein value.
I'm guessing because the yolk has more fat and cholesterol. Correct me if I'm wrong
Originally Posted by Smedroc

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Save yourself some $$$ if you just bought a dozen eggs and seperated them as opposed to buying things like egg beaters, etc.

you dont save money doing that at all. the egg whites wont be pasteurized either.

1/4 equals 1 egg i just said i do 8 oz of liquid egg whites which equals 26 grams of pure 100% bioavailable protein

do the math 1/4 is only 2 oz

buyin a dozen eggs WILL not save me money, time or keep me safe from salmonella because they have not goin thru pasteurization process
I have raw unpasteurised eggs all the time and i aint come down with nothing. Aslong as they good quality and are fresh catching salmonella is unlikely.

I also dont see the point in having just the whites. Buy throwing the yolk away you're  baiscally halfing its protein value.
to each their own man F that im not takin the chance.

food poisoning is not fun at all an i def prefer the conveinance. as long as youre aware, hey its your body.

um............yolk is fine every now and then but sheesh im not gonna explain it.

egg white=pure protein. you cant have a cup worth of whole eggs everyday i wouldnt advise it. you cant eat 5 whole eggs everyday. (6 gram protein 1 whole egg)

lets not forget thatd be 1075 cholesterol.

you can eat one egg every day without harming your cholesterol and other blood-fat levels

for the last time :nerd:z of egg white equals 26 grams protein. 5 whole egg..blahb blah we can all do simple math.
One egg contains over six grams of protein and several importantnutrients, which is good. Unfortunately, one eggs also contains about212 mg of cholesterol. Since the recommendation for cholesterolconsumption is about 300 mg per day, the large amount of cholesterol ineggs may prevent many people from eating them.
egg whites are the purest form of protein

best for cutting and packin on some lean mass

*but hey dont listen to me everything i say in this thread is stuff that has only worked pretty good for myself i always have a disclaimer for my stuff

if you wanna eat 3+ eggs everyday, egg whites ya crack yourself in liquid form w/o cooking to each their own thats what this thread is about givin each other info.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by krazyg

Any bloating with the Cbol? I always got bloated when I took creatine products.

u saw the avy i had before the one i had now off 2 weeks of doin c bol? (i did say this is my first time taking a thermolife product right?)

did i look bloated? actually looked bigger and leaner. IMO, hence the questions on diet at my local gym. id say im pleased. great all around product. along with diet and training of course. and yes i drink plenty water more than enuff. they say you should drink half your bodyweight in ounces so if im 200 lbs i should be drinkin 100 ounces of water a day. i drink at least 128 ounces a day which is a gallon an i am not bloated.

everybody responds diff. the creatine that blew me up the most was size on. when creatine first hit the scene like that many ppl bloated but creatine like other supplements have come a long way now.

The thing is if you get "bloated" with one creatine product, its going to happen with them all.
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

So am I harming myself or doing myself a disservice with my nihgtly dinner of 6 egg whites & 1 yolk?
you'd be the best person to answer that... has it f'd you up yet??

Nah the way Al broke it down i guess the way you're doing is okay if you're trying to put on size.
'Tis a good point Smed, dont think its $%$$@% me up, just wondering from an "attempt to lean out" perspective. Physically, I havent become ill or anything of that nature.
I just added beans to my diet. Heinz maple style beans.
Also started using Pre cooked chicken strips. So convenient. just 30 seconds in the mic.

Anything I should know about these before using them daily? The nutritional info on the back label seems like low fat high protein and relatively low starch in both.
I want to keep increasing the weight on my lifts (lately they've sorta leveled off---not really going up as much or not at all). 

At the same time I wanna cut off the remaining 4-5 pounds of body fat (just a guess) I have left around the abdominal area. 

I'm in the best shape of my life.  Most muscular I've ever been...while at the same time leaner around the midsection than ever before.   The problem is it's there but not quite there.  If I flex you can see some of the musculature of my abs.  If I don't you don't really see anything and it kinda looks like I still have a belly.  My handles are still there somewhat. 

It's frustrating cuz I think if I just eat a more restricted diet I can get abs....but at the same time, if I do that, I limit my ability to get stronger. 

I need all the food I can get cuz I'm a hard gainer. 

Anyone ever been in my boat? 
I think all hardgainers who dont workout get that skinny fat you just described.

If you are in a rush to burn that belt prior to beach season, you may want to focus more on actual fat loss than actual muscle gain.
Albeit, both CAN be done simultaneously, one has to be the focus. There is the infamous bulk/cut style which is NOT recommended, and then there is staying lean/thinning fat while gaining muscle. A LOT of this has to do with your diet, but your training has great influence too.

Try doing HIRT.
high intensity resistance training.

Also, maybe some skip rope between bench sets? super set your dumbbell flys with some explosive pushups? HIIT twice a week? Your muscles won't go into catabolism (the opposite of anabolism i.e. muscle growth) if you are eating properly and getting all of your protein in.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I just added beans to my diet. Heinz maple style beans.
Also started using Pre cooked chicken strips. So convenient. just 30 seconds in the mic.

Anything I should know about these before using them daily? The nutritional info on the back label seems like low fat high protein and relatively low starch in both.
IMO you should cut out all processed chicken...things are filled with chemicals and it's just like someone said pages ago about subway..sure it might be one of the healthier alternatives but everything on their menu has processed meat in it.  I think that everyone here has had their share of processed foods when they were younger so my thing now is just trying to cut out as much as possible the foods that could end up hurting me more than helping me in the long run.  I don't know about those maple beans, but beans are one of my go to foods.  yellow split pea by goya, garbanzo beans/chickpeas, pink beans, kidney beans, black beans are all I mess add that to some quinoa if you know how to cook that properly or to some cous cous made by this company Near East and thats a great meal.

I also gotta cosign with Audi on the whole egg/salmonella thing.  I used to drink raw high school...but the movie Rocky didn't just come out in theatres and I would prefer to cook my eggs rather than risk even the smallest percentage of catching something.  And in regards to the whole cholesterol thing...I usually get 3 eggs in the morning and seperate 3 egg white and add half of one yolk and i'm good.  Cholesterol is nothing to eff with and it doesn't discriminate...fat or skinny you can catch a heart attack no matter how much you work out in the gym...especially if you have a family history of such things.
Originally Posted by l2icel3oi9i6

Originally Posted by DaCitySlanga

Originally Posted by REDd SPYDER

Whats the best workout for working out your chest specifically? I don't have access to the gym but I'm trying to get right.

better yet, get one of those pull up bars. can still do push ups with them.
Agreed,  not to mention cardio can also help
the perfect pushup is a stupid device to me. If anything just get those elevated grip handles they sell for $10 they give you a deeper pushup with a wider range of motion.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Smedroc

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Save yourself some $$$ if you just bought a dozen eggs and seperated them as opposed to buying things like egg beaters, etc.

you dont save money doing that at all. the egg whites wont be pasteurized either.

1/4 equals 1 egg i just said i do 8 oz of liquid egg whites which equals 26 grams of pure 100% bioavailable protein

do the math 1/4 is only 2 oz

buyin a dozen eggs WILL not save me money, time or keep me safe from salmonella because they have not goin thru pasteurization process
I have raw unpasteurised eggs all the time and i aint come down with nothing. Aslong as they good quality and are fresh catching salmonella is unlikely.

I also dont see the point in having just the whites. Buy throwing the yolk away you're  baiscally halfing its protein value.
to each their own man F that im not takin the chance.

food poisoning is not fun at all an i def prefer the conveinance. as long as youre aware, hey its your body.

um............yolk is fine every now and then but sheesh im not gonna explain it.

egg white=pure protein. you cant have a cup worth of whole eggs everyday i wouldnt advise it. you cant eat 5 whole eggs everyday. (6 gram protein 1 whole egg)

lets not forget thatd be 1075 cholesterol.

you can eat one egg every day without harming your cholesterol and other blood-fat levels

for the last time :nerd:z of egg white equals 26 grams protein. 5 whole egg..blahb blah we can all do simple math.
One egg contains over six grams of protein and several importantnutrients, which is good. Unfortunately, one eggs also contains about212 mg of cholesterol. Since the recommendation for cholesterolconsumption is about 300 mg per day, the large amount of cholesterol ineggs may prevent many people from eating them.
egg whites are the purest form of protein

best for cutting and packin on some lean mass

*but hey dont listen to me everything i say in this thread is stuff that has only worked pretty good for myself i always have a disclaimer for my stuff

if you wanna eat 3+ eggs everyday, egg whites ya crack yourself in liquid form w/o cooking to each their own thats what this thread is about givin each other info.

thanks bro. def appreciate the info.. itll help me a lot.
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