Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

the grimm = tim?

Joe I couldnt find your workout that you posted I dont know how many pages back lol
but you said for me to look at it and give it a try since in trying to find a new routine, wanna post it up for me? please
I'm interested in seeing it too. I think it might be a good idea if we got peoples routines listed on the first page. I know there is a list of exercises but it would give something better for people to refer too.
i picked up some chobani im like 99% sure i never seen this in the store, i swear i saw the info today thanks to this thread and bam "new stocked item"

all they had was plain.......o well.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

i picked up some chobani im like 99% sure i never seen this in the store, i swear i saw the info today thanks to this thread and bam "new stocked item"

all they had was plain.......o well.
yeah man, i'm trying to get my mom to taste the plain for me, i'm to hesitant to try it (it's 3 days past expired now lol)

edit- i was going to call out sneakerking on his fuschia blackberry case too lol
brettTHEjett wrote:

The pink iphone was a nice touch to such a masculine pic.

joking... because im green

dude you really have a pink phone case sneakerking though?
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

For the dudes looking to do a 3-day full-body split. This is something I've been doing in recent months...

Day 1: Usually bench press + another chest exercise + squats + another quad exercise

Day 2: A bunch of back exercises + deadlifts + hamstring curls

Day 3: Bench/dumbell press + power cleans + military press

You pretty much workout every muscle and its more efficient than going 4+ days a week focusing on isolation exercises.
How many sets and reps do you do for each exercise?
geezus this plain chobani is nasty

stuff taste liek freaking soft cream cheese my god

i spent 5.79 on this stuff i gotta down it.
^ LOL thanks for taking one for the team. yeah, i've heard vanilla tastes delicious

EDIT-yeah i've never had greek yogurt (let alone plain yogurt) either. that's why i was hesitant. guess i was right to be lol. but damn, i find myself getting hungy every hour. i am in constant need of food, but i check myself. i satisfy my cravings with candy (gummi worms, licorice, etc). candy is the ONE THING i cannot abandon.
damn i def gotta find the flavors, i never had plain yogurt let alone greek. geezus.......

edit: im just dowin it, soon as i put in my mouth just swallow nh. i almost dont taste it.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Diet help.. need to increase clean calories. I only eat 'white' meats and I don't have enough time in the morning to cook eggs.
Really? Scrambled eggs takes like 3 minutes.  Or just boil them while you get changed/showered for work/school or whatever.  Or wake up 10 minutes earlier.

real talk

im straight up drinkin liquid egg whites

8 oz is 26 grams of pure 100% protein, throw in some steel cut oats, peanut butter and cinnamon

when you cook the eggs they are denatured by the high temp cooking process.

8 oz liquid egg whites with 8 oz of mixed berry/fruit smoothie or 100% juice

there you go post work out

yo this chobani stuff aint bad i feel my muscles takin it all in before bed. i dont do these artificial packed protein shakes anymore. to each their own.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

real talk

im straight up drinkin liquid egg whites

8 oz is 26 grams of pure 100% protein, throw in some steel cut oats, peanut butter and cinnamon

when you cook the eggs they are denatured by the high temp cooking process.

8 oz liquid egg whites with 8 oz of mixed berry/fruit smoothie or 100% juice

there you go post work out

yo this chobani stuff aint bad i feel my muscles takin it all in before bed. i dont do these artificial packed protein shakes anymore. to each their own.
what is 8 oz looking like calorie wise??
Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

how many hours of sleep do you guys try to get? do you guys go out on weekends? drink?

I try and get my 8 hours but with school work and !*#! its more like 6,
and I go out on weekends but im not a big drinker so that doesn't really affect my diet.
Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

how many hours of sleep do you guys try to get? do you guys go out on weekends? drink?

i try to get my 8 hours but it doesn't happen too often. I'll probably get 6 hours per night but usually take an hour or so nap after class
Try for 8 but if I don't get 7 I'll sacrifice first class
I love drinking.. but not drinking means less going out means hundreds in savings per month for food and supplements.
this new lifestyle begins to make me exponentially healthier as I make commitments.
^ def. man. i remember when i started with the first fitness threads, back when they were in the sports section (ha!). lurkin, joecamel, and durden (surprisingly still with the same sn) were the ones that showed me the light. they might not remember, but they really contributed to the lifestyle i lead today.

your priorities change, your money becomes directed towards certain things, you begin to constrain yourself in ways you never thought possible. it feels good when everything starts to fit in place.
what are the advantages/disadvantages starting at a high weight and working down in sets or starting at a low weight and working up?
Im looking to drop anywhere from 20-50pounds.

What suggestions do you have?

I can work out 2-3days per week.

I was on a good role last year but I peaked at 15pounds, and in the mist of it all I hurt my knee so I went back up in weight due to the lack of exercise.
During the time I was on a role I would go to the gym 5x a week and stayed there for at least 2hours.
Whats the best workout for working out your chest specifically? I don't have access to the gym but I'm trying to get right.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by Al Audi

real talk

im straight up drinkin liquid egg whites

8 oz is 26 grams of pure 100% protein, throw in some steel cut oats, peanut butter and cinnamon

when you cook the eggs they are denatured by the high temp cooking process.

8 oz liquid egg whites with 8 oz of mixed berry/fruit smoothie or 100% juice

there you go post work out

yo this chobani stuff aint bad i feel my muscles takin it all in before bed. i dont do these artificial packed protein shakes anymore. to each their own.
what is 8 oz looking like calorie wise??
If you trying to put on size just eat more of your 'clean' foods... f' counting the calories.
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