Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

the perfect pushup is a stupid device to me. If anything just get those elevated grip handles they sell for $10 they give you a deeper pushup with a wider range of motion.

I used the perfect pushup at my friend's house one day to see if they actually work.  It is an ok device to me.  However, I think it is for people that dont have the money for a gym, or are too lazy to go to the gym IMO. 
I see alot of people doing 5 reps. Aside from the bench press with a spot, a weight so heavy that you can only 5 reps seems dangerous to me. For example, in the workout video like two pages earlier, at the 2:20 mark the guy was doing too much weight and his form suffered.

I'm thinking that the last thing you want to do is get injured while lifting.
I just hooked up my laptop to my treadmill recently, wonder if it'll make a difference.
Originally Posted by cguy610

I see alot of people doing 5 reps. Aside from the bench press with a spot, a weight so heavy that you can only 5 reps seems dangerous to me. For example, in the workout video like two pages earlier, at the 2:20 mark the guy was doing too much weight and his form suffered.

I'm thinking that the last thing you want to do is get injured while lifting.

I'm a big fan of the 5-rep system for the big three.  It's just that the number one rule of lifting is always always always form > weight.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

geezus this plain chobani is nasty

stuff taste liek freaking soft cream cheese my god

i spent 5.79 on this stuff i gotta down it.
Damn, you overpaid or something. I've never paid more than $4.50 for 2 cups of ooikos greek yogurt. Look them up
Yeah, it's pretty tough to down by itself though. Even the Greeks couldn't do it. Mix honey in with it for better taste. I wouldn't buy the flavored ones, full of sugar, which defeats the purpose of buying it; it's low sugar/carb. If you buy plain, you can add as much of whatever your want.
you guys consume a lot of eggs per day. is that bad on your cholesterol? sorry for the noob question.
Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

how many hours of sleep do you guys try to get? do you guys go out on weekends? drink?

sleep is one of the most important factors in recovery. Many people underplay it's role and don't get the results they want. You should try and get around 8 hours a night or more. I usually get atleast 8 or 9 hours.
No drinking.
Originally Posted by l2icel3oi9i6

you guys consume a lot of eggs per day. is that bad on your cholesterol? sorry for the noob question.
Egg whites. I think most people here consume several egg whites, but at most about 1-2 whole eggs. 
Lurkin... on that "BE CLOCKWISE" routine, what are you doing on hams/quads/calves day? I assume you do glutes on this day too.

I've never tried deadlifting and squatting on the same day... but i don't think I'd like it
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I just added beans to my diet. Heinz maple style beans.
Also started using Pre cooked chicken strips. So convenient. just 30 seconds in the mic.

Anything I should know about these before using them daily? The nutritional info on the back label seems like low fat high protein and relatively low starch in both.
IMO you should cut out all processed chicken...things are filled with chemicals and it's just like someone said pages ago about subway..sure it might be one of the healthier alternatives but everything on their menu has processed meat in it.  I think that everyone here has had their share of processed foods when they were younger so my thing now is just trying to cut out as much as possible the foods that could end up hurting me more than helping me in the long run.  I don't know about those maple beans, but beans are one of my go to foods.  yellow split pea by goya, garbanzo beans/chickpeas, pink beans, kidney beans, black beans are all I mess add that to some quinoa if you know how to cook that properly or to some cous cous made by this company Near East and thats a great meal.

I also gotta cosign with Audi on the whole egg/salmonella thing.  I used to drink raw high school...but the movie Rocky didn't just come out in theatres and I would prefer to cook my eggs rather than risk even the smallest percentage of catching something.  And in regards to the whole cholesterol thing...I usually get 3 eggs in the morning and seperate 3 egg white and add half of one yolk and i'm good.  Cholesterol is nothing to eff with and it doesn't discriminate...fat or skinny you can catch a heart attack no matter how much you work out in the gym...especially if you have a family history of such things.

Try and consume the best quality calories you can (fresh whole foods). I know a lot of it boils down to cost, time & convinience but at the end of the day it's your health.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I just added beans to my diet. Heinz maple style beans.
Also started using Pre cooked chicken strips. So convenient. just 30 seconds in the mic.

Anything I should know about these before using them daily? The nutritional info on the back label seems like low fat high protein and relatively low starch in both.
IMO you should cut out all processed chicken...things are filled with chemicals and it's just like someone said pages ago about subway..sure it might be one of the healthier alternatives but everything on their menu has processed meat in it.  I think that everyone here has had their share of processed foods when they were younger so my thing now is just trying to cut out as much as possible the foods that could end up hurting me more than helping me in the long run.  I don't know about those maple beans, but beans are one of my go to foods.  yellow split pea by goya, garbanzo beans/chickpeas, pink beans, kidney beans, black beans are all I mess add that to some quinoa if you know how to cook that properly or to some cous cous made by this company Near East and thats a great meal.

I also gotta cosign with Audi on the whole egg/salmonella thing.  I used to drink raw high school...but the movie Rocky didn't just come out in theatres and I would prefer to cook my eggs rather than risk even the smallest percentage of catching something.  And in regards to the whole cholesterol thing...I usually get 3 eggs in the morning and seperate 3 egg white and add half of one yolk and i'm good.  Cholesterol is nothing to eff with and it doesn't discriminate...fat or skinny you can catch a heart attack no matter how much you work out in the gym...especially if you have a family history of such things.

Try and consume the best quality calories you can (fresh whole foods). I know a lot of it boils down to cost, time & convinience but at the end of the day it's your health.
All this speak of box jumps in this thread.

I tried the largest box at my gym today and it's probably the highest I could do but I got 10 jumps in. My calves are burning. It couldn't have been more than 36".
Whats a good routine for box jumps? jump up and off?
Originally Posted by saxman2112

Originally Posted by cguy610

I see alot of people doing 5 reps. Aside from the bench press with a spot, a weight so heavy that you can only 5 reps seems dangerous to me. For example, in the workout video like two pages earlier, at the 2:20 mark the guy was doing too much weight and his form suffered.

I'm thinking that the last thing you want to do is get injured while lifting.

I'm a big fan of the 5-rep system for the big three.  It's just that the number one rule of lifting is always always always form > weight.

Same here.
More 5/6 reps for compound lifts is kind of foolish imo.

Of course form is important but when you're lifting heavy consistently injuries are going to come now and again. Just last week I was doing platform deadlifts and on my last set, 5th rep I felt a pop/ stretching in my lower back. All of a sudden I though "oh +##%, here we go again"
Turns out it was a glute strain and not a back strain  so I got very lucky this time. It's been 8 days and I (think) I'm near full recovery. If it was a back strain it'd take at least 6 weeks to fully recover.

I would say if (you think) you're lifting heavy and you're not sustaining injuries here and there (both big and small) then you're def. not lifting that heavy (relative to your capabilities). The most important thing is knowing how to deal with certain injuries and work around them as well as letting the effected area fully recover.
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by l2icel3oi9i6

you guys consume a lot of eggs per day. is that bad on your cholesterol? sorry for the noob question.
Egg whites. I think most people here consume several egg whites, but at most about 1-2 whole eggs. 
so what do you guys do withe the yolk..?
Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

I've gotten more hairy ever since I've been going to the gym lol....


Tell me I'm not the only one?

hmm...what ster...i mean supplements are you taking? 


nah what happens is that you devoted more time to the gym, so time for grooming has decreased hence more hair.  No worries the girls secretly like the hair, they say they don't then they end up with you because they feel they can help/fix you.  How silly they are.
yo buddah, You transformin into an Oozaru, brah?

Brettjet- watch the sodium in those precooked chicken strips. They tend to have preservatives
and stuf. What you could do is cook some chicken breast the night before and make yourself a sammich with ezkiel bread, which is what I do now. I just stopped eating subway for the same reasons. I already feel better.
Good article from elitefts that could come in handy for some folks here.

[h2]Off-Season Football Training for the NFL: Working with defensive players from the Oakland Raiders[/h2][h3]By Matt R. Wenning, M.S. [/h3]


In my career as a private strength coach, I’ve had the pleasure of working with some very talented players. I’ve helped players on teams such as the Giants, 49ers, Packers, Lions, Cardinals and Raiders. Now that I have a few in the league, it’s a pleasure to see them come back and train in the off-season. My good friend, Trevor Scott, is the best player I’ve ever trained. He’s a starting defensive end/linebacker for the Raiders. Trevor signed a four year deal with the Raiders, and gets better every year. Jay Richardson has come along this year, as well. He’s a former DE from Ohio State and also a great DE for the Raiders.

In Trevor’s 2007 combine training, there were many things to consider in order to make sure he’d have a great advantage during the season. Speed drills, maximal strength, muscular imbalance correction and others all play an important role. But, what is the best route in the off-season? How about for a player already in the league? Furthermore, what can you do when they only have 10 – 12 weeks to get better? The real fact is that players at the pro level are super fast. They can run like a track star that weighs 180 pounds - except they’re usually around 250 - 270. They’ve also been running since they picked up a football. So, their ability to get faster/stronger/better by running at this point is a waste of time. The real advantage at this level is strength, raw explosive power and size. A stronger player will be able to avoid injury and dominate opponents. The real science is bringing up a player’s strength and size, while still maintaining functional abilities.

To start, I’ll make Trevor lift like an animal. Usually the first few weeks he is so sore and wrecked that his body goes into a severe form of rebuilding. It’s not uncommon to see Trevor gain 10 pounds in a week. You must remember these guys don’t have genetics like normal people. Rather, they grow and gain 10 times faster than a normal athlete. He’ll have maximal effort days and speed days for his lifting with accessory work. The exercises will be decided by his weaknesses and what he feels he needs on the field. We learn this by watching plays from the season, and going by Trevor and his personal feedback from the field.

Besides lifting, Trevor does various types of jumping in order to increase his explosive power. More than 80 percent of his jumps are done into or onto foam blocks. This decreases the force incurred at the joint while landing. Jumping and heavy lifting are the safest and easiest way to increase explosive power - and that’s exactly what we have him do. He’ll jump using weights, vests, unilaterals, kettlebells or anything we can mix up. He will usually jump two times per week, and mix it up to make progress much quicker. Another big component is GPP. We’ll make sure Trevor is in great shape to return to camp.

No contract is set in stone, and every year a player must prove himself to the team. Our goal for Trevor and Jay is for them to be in great shape to play football. NOT run a mile, NOR to do 100 pushups. They must be explosive for a short time and recover quickly. That’s what we do with their conditioning. It’s very specific, and we keep energy waste to a minimum so we can use it elsewhere to develop other athletic abilities. Jay had to do much more upper back and hamstring work to bring up these lagging areas.

1 week sample program for T. Scott/DE-LB

Monday    GPP/Jumping

·         Band stretching 15 minutes

·         Treadmill walking with 100 pound vest

·         6 x 30 seconds with 30 seconds of rest

Jump up to 30 in foam blocks

·         3 x 3 with ankle weights

·         3 x 2 with weight vest

·         3 x 2 with 16 kg kettlebells

Tuesday    Max effort, lower body

·         Cambered bar squats - work up to 2RM with blue band

·         Glute ham raises 3 x fail

·         45-degree back extensions: 2 x 8 heavy as possible

·         Standing band crunches 3 x 25

·         Sled dragging 3 x 50 yards with 200 pounds

Wed    Recovery

·         Dynamic flexibility 15 minutes

·         Contrast shower/hot tub 

·         2 minutes hot/2 minutes cold for 5 cycles              

·         2 hour nap

Thursday    Max effort upper body

·         Band bench with double purple 1RM

·         One set with 50% of max weight and band for failure (reps) with narrow grip

·         Reverse hyper back rows 3 x 10 with 120 pounds

·         Rear delt rows 4 x 25 with 70 pounds

·         JM press 3 x failure (around 8 reps)

Friday    GPP/Recovery

·         Dynamic Flexibility 15 minutes

·         Treadmill turned off with band around hip flexors – 8 sets of 15 second large steps

·         Hip flexor raises with 20 pounds of ankle weights – 100 reps per leg

·         Sauna or steam room – 2 minutes in and 2 minutes out in cold shower for 5 cycles

·         2 hour nap

Saturday    Speed - lower

·         Band stretch 10 minutes

·         Speed squats to parallel box 10 x 2 with green band and 45% of bar weight - 30 seconds rest

·         Speed pulls 6 x 1 with double mini band and 225 sumo

·         Reverse hypers - light for restoration 3 x 15 with 100 pounds

Sunday    Speed - upper

·         Speed bench using 35% of bar weight and a double mini band 10 x 3

·         Dumbbell arm extensions off floor 3 x failure with 45 pound dumbbells

·         Military press standing with dumbbells 3 x 10 progressive

·         External rotator work 3 x 20

This is a sample workout for a high-level NFL player. Days and training regimens change depending on recovery and individual weaknesses - that’s where the real magic lies in making programs for top athletes. High-level football players make it to the NFL by having great skills and great speed. NFL players stay in the league by being strong and correcting weaknesses as they age and fight off injury.

After this training cycle Trevor did some amazing things:

·         Seated box jump up to 32
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

All this speak of box jumps in this thread.

I tried the largest box at my gym today and it's probably the highest I could do but I got 10 jumps in. My calves are burning. It couldn't have been more than 36".
Whats a good routine for box jumps? jump up and off?
I wouldnt "jump" off per say, but yeah find a way to get down.  Its done in sets x reps just like a regular exercise.  It isnt meant to be done as a cardiovascular activity.  The highest ive made was 48" and I normally work my way up to that height.  Knee Tucks will help with box jumps as well.
Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

I've gotten more hairy ever since I've been going to the gym lol....


Tell me I'm not the only one?
increased testosterone production? 

I don't know what it is, but I've been getting acne for like 2 months.
Dietary Cholesterol Isn’t Bound to Blood Cholesterol. There’s no relation to cholesterol & saturated fat intake to higher cholesterol levels.

Eat as many eggs as you after eating   a costco chicken bake, teriyaki chicken rice plate, and a tiger roll (sushi w/ fried shrimp inside of it)

For dinner all i ate was 3 eggs + 4oz of egg whites/ half an avocado
Originally Posted by Derek916

Dietary Cholesterol Isn’t Bound to Blood Cholesterol. There’s no relation to cholesterol & saturated fat intake to higher cholesterol levels.

Eat as many eggs as you after eating   a costco chicken bake, teriyaki chicken rice plate, and a tiger roll (sushi w/ fried shrimp inside of it)

For dinner all i ate was 3 eggs + 4oz of egg whites/ half an avocado

I dont believe that line for a second.  Dietary cholesterol will lead to increased blood cholesterol.
Originally Posted by Derek916

Dietary Cholesterol Isn’t Bound to Blood Cholesterol. There’s no relation to cholesterol & saturated fat intake to higher cholesterol levels.

Eat as many eggs as you after eating   a costco chicken bake, teriyaki chicken rice plate, and a tiger roll (sushi w/ fried shrimp inside of it)

For dinner all i ate was 3 eggs + 4oz of egg whites/ half an avocado

That's an idiotic statement. And your diet is terrible to boot.
Need some help people, I've recently been diagnosed with an Arteriovenous malformation in my brain and my doctors have told me to cut off any high impact exercises like heavy weight lifting. They said to stick to a max of 30lb weights and to take up sports easy on the joints like swimming. What exercises do you guys recommend considering I used to stick to bench, squats, and and deadlifts?
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