Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

^ what would say about something like AOR orthocore? seeing as how your in the pharmacy field maybe you can give a a final verdict on the legitimacy of aor's claims? i currently take it (thanks joecam) and find it to be nice at half dose (3 caps).

also, what would you say about something like AOR's mito charger? i'm reading up on it, but maybe you would be able to say something about that as well?
You know I have never seen ortho-core before probably because it's based towards a more niche market like bodybuilders but i just read the nutritional info from (I don't need to read any of what the company put out because all of it is just to get you hyped to buy the product)

From what I see it has some decent levels of vitamins nothing too high in percentage, even though some of the b vitamins are high levels most of it gets lost in digestion anyways. what i probably have to look more into is the combination of minerals which they may have just put in there for a wow effect, and the phytonutrients and the congjugated blah blah blah (alotta big names for nothing)

I'll ask my boss about this though.
Originally Posted by Sais 9mm

Originally Posted by TheGrimm

i've been BLASTING my abs with the OG ab wheel...stuff works wonders i tells ya

you od with that. I do those for like two minute intervals u be on some "yeah i just do it for half a day til i get tired"


my son Sais whats good
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by Durden7

Vodka/Tonic is the healthiest alcoholic drink calorie wise.  That fact is right.

Most people dont need a multivitamin, but taking 1 one-a-day isnt going to hurt anyone and it will most likely be beneficial as long as the %DRVs arent insanely high.
All i'm saying is that if you push hard with your diet/training and you get a chance every now and then to go out and live your life, i'm not gonna focus on a vodka-tonic that night.  Calorie wise I can see now that vodka or a clear alcholic drink might be prefered but in terms of a healthy alchoholic beverage I would thing of wine or sangria or something along that.

Being in the pharmacy field I can agree with a one-a-day because it has somewhat normal levels, I actually have a bottle...that I never use.  But since this is the fitness thread i'm taking into consideration that people here are eating as healthy as they can with a good mix of fruits and vegetables.  Even if you eat a good cereal in the morning your getting anywhere from 25-75% of vitamins and minerals you need for the day.  My biggest gripe is that it could be a waste of money, the formulation of most multi-vitamins have the digestion of some vitamins cancelling out the digestions of others, they are not FDA approved, the big thing with adding antioxidants to vitamins nowadays can actually lead to some health problems, and people don't take into account certain side effects having too much of one vitamin can have.  There are vitamins out there that have been pharmaceutically graded which I have heard are better for people, but nothing definite.

Oh yeah, im not advocating people only drink V/T.  I was just stating that it is the healthiest of all the alcoholic drinks.  Theres no problem with someone going out once a week and enjoying themselves in moderation.  V/T would be a good drink to consume towards the end of the night though.
Just picked up Insanity. It's supposed to be crazy hard. We'll see what's up with it

P.S. if anybody wants brand new, legit P90X or Insanity for less than retail, PM me
thanks for the corrections on my statements. I only know what I read and alot of that is on bro-esque boards. Those drinking tips made most sense to me.
I did find that drinking a shake after a party night helped me out.

I drink captain+coke... OD on sugar after having 15 in an evening, so I had to switch to vodka/water.
Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

Originally Posted by FlashEightZero

Originally Posted by XkrispyELI

I started weight training about 6-8 months ago and it feels like i am more muscular one one side than the other.

Why is that?
try fapping with your off hand

Na but really, the other side will catch up eventually..I think lol

is this common?
and how effective is  the ab wheel?
Has anyone used supliments for cutting? A couple of my boys mentioned "animal cut" and "lipo 6". They said that if u stick to ur strict diet and workout plan u will get cut up twice as fast than if u did it naturally. Have any of u tried these suppliments? I'm thinking about starting a cycle tomorrow when I start my cut. Thanks for any help and my bad if posted
Originally Posted by XkrispyELI

Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

Originally Posted by FlashEightZero

Originally Posted by XkrispyELI

I started weight training about 6-8 months ago and it feels like i am more muscular one one side than the other.

Why is that?
try fapping with your off hand

Na but really, the other side will catch up eventually..I think lol

is this common?
and how effective is  the ab wheel?
Well for me when I first started my left arm was stronger then my right, maybe because i play baseball and am left handed.
But anyways after I started to get into weight lifting my right arm eventually became just as strong as my left, if not stronger
^ i'm curious about that kind of thing also. i want to get as cut as i can get. even greg plitt takes fat burners.. imo plitt has the kind of physique that is closest to mine.
i feel like i'm within reach of that kind of body type. here's an interesting interview he did with some creepy guy.

here's plitt kicking +*!
I'm really debating on buying some tomorrow. Just hope we can get some input on them so I know if it's worth it or not
I'm really debating on buying some tomorrow. Just hope we can get some input on them so I know if it's worth it or not
Originally Posted by neverflopped

Has anyone used supliments for cutting? A couple of my boys mentioned "animal cut" and "lipo 6". They said that if u stick to ur strict diet and workout plan u will get cut up twice as fast than if u did it naturally. Have any of u tried these suppliments? I'm thinking about starting a cycle tomorrow when I start my cut. Thanks for any help and my bad if posted

Honestly, if you havent done research on something like this and know exactly what it does I would advise against it.
Originally Posted by neverflopped

Has anyone used supliments for cutting? A couple of my boys mentioned "animal cut" and "lipo 6". They said that if u stick to ur strict diet and workout plan u will get cut up twice as fast than if u did it naturally. Have any of u tried these suppliments? I'm thinking about starting a cycle tomorrow when I start my cut. Thanks for any help and my bad if posted
in my experience they compliment one another when stacked cuz the fatty acids in the flaxseed oil will help increase fat oxidation..

i usually do liquid flax oil...just trying out the softgels for a change...

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VPX NO-Shotgun has Meltdown and Redline, if I had money to spare I would cop. Had good results when I first tried it and I want to cut down and that would def help me out.
Maxed out at 275 on bench, I'm back finally
. Went from 185 to 275 in about 3 months
Thanks guys. I'm reading up more info on meltdown and lipo6 as we speak.
Quick question. it OK to still drink protein shakes while on the fat burners?? I drink a shake right before I lift, another right after I lift, and another a few hours after a run if I'm doing a two-a-day.
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Maxed out at 275 on bench, I'm back finally
. Went from 185 to 275 in about 3 months

I hope to be at 275 in a few weeks but props
Damn, Im just hitting 185 but then again im only 5'6 140 lbs.
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