Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by neverflopped

Thats whats up rck2sactown. How much u benching routinely?
225... But to be fair, before I fell off I was maxing at 315 a few years ago
so it really wasn't to hard to get back.
Kai Greene just won for the second year in a row. Phil Heath got 2nd, Branch Warren 3rd. Dexter Jackson got 4th and looked vexed as all hell.
I just saw this one movie recommended from the forums at called "I want to look like that guy" and the movie imo was good. Yall should see it. Its about some regular guy who went from 28% bf to like 6-5% in 6 months(i think). Then he competes in a competition at the end.
this dude kai greene....

excellent source of motivation


i couldnt help but
when i seen him in the boxing attire though...
Kai Greene is a freak

I was watching a shoulder workout video of his and the guy is crazy

Hell ya for Branch Warren(met him and Phil Heath )he's been making his way through the ranks...Finally ranking where he should...Phil Heath too guys is a beast.
Question regarding cardio:

For everyone who does it, do you do it on off days only?

I've read that it's the best time, but is it ok to do it after a workout?
Muscular Development needs to put out the Jay Cutler and Evan Centopani video asap! Evan will be at the Arnold next year.

Originally Posted by jdub55

Kai Greene is a freak

I was watching a shoulder workout video of his and the guy is crazy

Hell ya for Branch Warren(met him and Phil Heath )he's been making his way through the ranks...Finally ranking where he should...Phil Heath too guys is a beast.
Yea Branch came a long way,
to both of them.
So uhh...

just wanted to express my gratitude for this thread and all the contributors. With everything I've been through in the last 8 months as a fitness freak, I've come to embrace the gym as more than a place of just physical growth. There's been so much #$*$ going on lately, and sometimes I feel like the gym and all the equipment inside are the only things that can accept what I have to throw at them and not worry about any dire consequences...i guess what I'm trying to say is, the gym not only empowered me physically, but enlightened me as well. I know some of yall will call bs though. But yeah....ill get a time.
I don't know where my life would be right now without bodybuilding, dead serious. Not just because it geared me towards a career path, but just in general it changed my life, how I view myself, and just taught me discipline in a way that was difficult for me otherwise. I'm not sure where I'd be now or what I would be doing now if I hadn't set foot into a gym sophomore year of college and got started.
All that previous talk about greek yogurt had me make some myself. I made regular yogurt and strained it myself. Tastes so much better than store bought greek yogurt.
Definitely worth a shot. I used to have to add honey to make store bought yogurt taste decent but homemade tastes good by itself. But when making it, you need to understand that you won't get a huge amount compared to the amount of regular yogurt you use.
Pros: better taste (imo), cheaper
Cons: have to work for it
i look back two years ago at where i was and where i am now and i think "if only i knew then what i know now"...but if i hadn't gone through the trial and error i might not have anything to appreciate in the first place. i'm glad i made my rookie mistakes and then later discovered NT. i take my body just as seriously as i do my mind. i would say my mind/body union is pretty much on super saiyan levels all thanks to the time i've spent in the HTCCG (hyperbolic time chamber college gym). supps are just as important as textbooks to me, though i hate finals just as much as i hate cable crunches (both take concentration to finish and my forearms usually ache after a while).
For you guys who are personal trainers- how'd you guys get started? I've checked it out online, but I was just wondering about how each of you guys got started personally. I've learned about the different certifications out there and the different programs that you can enroll in to get started. Any tips?
Took a bike ride today along the Charles River in Boston, felt great and it didnt hurt there were a boatload of women out and about.
Originally Posted by Mercutio

For you guys who are personal trainers- how'd you guys get started? I've checked it out online, but I was just wondering about how each of you guys got started personally. I've learned about the different certifications out there and the different programs that you can enroll in to get started. Any tips?

1)Don't be small or fat. Or ugly.
3) Hit up commercial gyms
4) When your business skills develop you will know what to do from there.
Originally Posted by Mercutio

For you guys who are personal trainers- how'd you guys get started? I've checked it out online, but I was just wondering about how each of you guys got started personally. I've learned about the different certifications out there and the different programs that you can enroll in to get started. Any tips?
For me it was pretty easy.  I just looked at the different certification bodies, picked the most reputable and the one with the highest standard, then chose the cheapest/fastest/most convenient institution to do it.

For the first time since October its up to around 5-10 degrees celcius here. I went out for a 30-minute jog outside yesterday and I thought I was gonna have a heart attack. I woke up today and both my knees were jacked, my groin muscles were sore, my hips felt busted, my feet had blisters. Can't wait to do it again
Originally Posted by Mercutio

For you guys who are personal trainers- how'd you guys get started? I've checked it out online, but I was just wondering about how each of you guys got started personally. I've learned about the different certifications out there and the different programs that you can enroll in to get started. Any tips?
A friend of mine pointed me in the direction of an opening for a personal trainer in a nearby town.  I applied, went for the interview and got hired.  Hopefully ill be leaving in August for grad school.
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