Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

? All I need to do is prove things to myself (and my family). Nobody else.
I dont know why you gettin all sentimental

We talking about creatine and 185lb DBs here.
Dude, im sorry but your stories seem a bit fabricated to me.
But you can be who ever you want on the internet cant you
I'm not getting sentimental.

I'm just asking why do I have to prove things to you or anyone? You don't have to prove things to me. I've come across strong lifters who werecomplete fools ( not directed at you btw) and relatively weak lifters who were extremely knowledgeable about weight training.

Like I've said before. My lifts aren't that impressive for someone who has trained competitively (I do have an NAS "pro" card for the 200lbclass--although that's not saying much really
One of the main reasons I don't compete anymore is that even at the 200lb "pro" strongman level there are a lot of juicers and that's not forme.
Strong when applied to BB and strong when applied to actual strength athletes are 2 completely different worlds. I'm not braggign ebcause it's nothignspecial. With the correct training, diet, and dedication most anyone can succeed in weight training.

I';m not even the strongest in my family. My father was in the olympic weightlifting program in the Soviet union and I his lifts exceeded my best lifts.
Thanks for the info wawa, it got me thinking about changing my routine.

I found that I can squat/DL heavy on the same day, but whenever I add another lift (cleans, military press or Bench press), my lifts lag a ton.

I never really gave much thought into splitting up these lifts until recently when I found myself struggling after about 30 mins of weight training.

I'm not a competitive lifter by any means but I enjoy heavy lifting because it improves sports performance and its more interesting.

I think I'm gonna start splitting up my compounds and hopefully I'll start feeling much better. Probably have a squat day, deadlift day, military pressday.

BTW, I think I'm starting to buy into the school of thought that says front squats are better than back squats. I've recently started doing frontsquats again and I find that it works my abs, lower back, quads much more than normal squats. Only thing that sucks is that my thumbs feel weird 2-3 dayslater

Did you do any cardio? I'm guessing it was counter productive to your goals.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Thanks for the info wawa, it got me thinking about changing my routine.

I found that I can squat/DL heavy on the same day, but whenever I add another lift (cleans, military press or Bench press), my lifts lag a ton.

I never really gave much thought into splitting up these lifts until recently when I found myself struggling after about 30 mins of weight training.

I'm not a competitive lifter by any means but I enjoy heavy lifting because it improves sports performance and its more interesting.

I think I'm gonna start splitting up my compounds and hopefully I'll start feeling much better. Probably have a squat day, deadlift day, military press day.

BTW, I think I'm starting to buy into the school of thought that says front squats are better than back squats. I've recently started doing front squats again and I find that it works my abs, lower back, quads much more than normal squats. Only thing that sucks is that my thumbs feel weird 2-3 days later

Did you do any cardio? I'm guessing it was counter productive to your goals.

Na, no cardio except for pushing a Nissan Pathfinder (that was in neutral) for about 3 sets of 150 yards or so a week back in the day. First time I did it Ithought it was gonna be easy but I was dying midway through the 2nd set.

If you're having a hard time with wrist flexibility while doign front squats just use this method. It works just as well. Just concentrate on keeping yourelbows up and you should be fine.

Yeh, doing any 2 bigcompound lifts heavy in the same session is tough and you won't have much strentgh for secondary exercises. Not because of your endurance level but mainlybecause your CNS will be fried and your brain just "doesn't feel" like doing much more. If you have the time it's better to split it up or do1 compound for heavy work and the other for speed work and just switch from session to session.

If you ever hit a plateau in the dead lift, just drop dl's from your routine and concentrate on improving your front squat for 3-4 weeks and you'realmost guaranteed to break through your dl plateu.
Random fact:

One of the great perks about being an avid member of team fitness is that you're rocking an ice-breaker.

I.E. roll up on a party, or any social situation and have a member of the opposite sex initiate a conversation regarding your physique.
Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

wawa has been keeping his incredible hulk strength a secret?

Don't be so modest. POST THOSE VIDS MAN.
Dude does all these comps,super impressive lifts yet has no vids to back up the trash talking

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Durden7

IICE is on one of his roid rampages again......
nah iice should post here more

dude gets too much $%%* for no reason but w/e hes cool in my book
I cant even mess with this thread. Dudes in here get insecure when I appear, then start having ego trips cause they think they know it all.
I drop some real knowledge and back it up, they try pump up their chests and talk about imaginary lifts or how their buddies can bench more than me

Im thinking we talking about creatine,. Dude gets *****y saying he can DB 1.5x more than me..........then switches it to "in 6 months"

all drama aside it'd be good to have you post more.....i'm sure even people who are down your throat would rather see your posts than the "heyguys i want to gain some muscle and lose fat how do i do it?" ones.
Is there a fitness plan to look like cristinao ronaldo or chew toy.? hahaha

Moving apts so the punching bag must be put on hold for 4-5 days.

Still going to P90X it up. I'm going about this pretty basic.
Recap of my progress over the years...

I first started lifting @ around 16 just because I was always fascinated by it. I remember at the gym in my HS, at the end of the school year (june), I couldntbench 180 on the bench machine. Not even the bench press but the machine with cables
... During that summer I didnt train, just rode my bike and played ball. When school rolled back around I was surprised I threw up the 180 like itwas nothing. After that it was a wrap. I guess thats when the test started flowing in my body. That whole school year I just kept getting stronger and bigger(what I thought was big back then anyway). But my training wasnt consistent and my eating was sub-par.

I experimented with creatine, ephedra and meal replacements with some good results but I really started putting on size when I began to eat and beingconsistant with my training instead of training for a month then taking months off with out lifting any weight. That beat any supplement I could ever take. Igot wider, denser and just plain fuller looking. And it was easier to keep my gains than with powders and what not. I never weighed myself back in the day so Icant say how my weight progress was, but all I can say to you guys looking to "fill out"...Eat. Especially if your still in your teens. This is thebest time to take advantage of what you got brewing inside.

16yo (pay no attention to the string over my head)
Edit....this is actually@17


26yo my most current

Being a skinny kid means nothing, dont think you can never be a certain way because of what you look like now. Potential is always there, you just gotta keeppushn

"The Iron never lies to you. You can walk outside and listen to all kinds of talk, get told that you're a god or a total bastard. The Iron will always kick you the realdeal. The Iron is the great reference point, the all-knowing perspective giver. Always there like a beacon in the pitch black. I have found the Iron to bemy greatest friend. It never freaks out on me, never runs. Friends may come and go. But two hundred pounds is always two hundred pounds."
Damn.. nice progress.... so 10 years huh? Hopefully i'll look something 10% of that in 10 years. ICE did you ever do cardio?
Originally Posted by I3

Damn.. nice progress.... so 10 years huh? Hopefully i'll look something 10% of that in 10 years. ICE did you ever do cardio?
I really wouldnt count it as " I got like this is 10 years" cause I never got serious untill 2 years ago. This progress is attainable inless time if the individual puts their mind to it. I only do cardio when when im cutting down just to see what I can achieve. Buts thats not often. Same withbulking.
wow, that is nice progress.

if there's one problem with me, it's finding the right workout routine
anybody use the bing + oneday25 promotion+ free shipping at gnc? only today I just purchased pure pro, casien, vitimans, fish oil, creatine
Thanks for the background IICE. 10 years, or even the 2 years of being serious is a lot longer than I've been lifting. It was a good post though becausesometimes I forgot I've only been at this since mid June, and I get frustrated that I'm not as big as you and some of the other guys on here yet.
. I think this is definitely something I'm gonna stick with. I wasjust reminded too: when I started in June, I was doing negative reps on the bench at only 135, after a while off the bench, my old partner and I decided to dothe negatives again and I was hitting it at 185
last week was the first time i broke 300 on deadlifts... got 305. today i got 335. feels good man
yeah iice is yoked up, lookin huge man

had a killer shoulders workout yesterday, destroyed the military press but i m too burnt out from the weekend to lift today
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Thanks for the background IICE. 10 years, or even the 2 years of being serious is a lot longer than I've been lifting. It was a good post though because sometimes I forgot I've only been at this since mid June, and I get frustrated that I'm not as big as you and some of the other guys on here yet.
. I think this is definitely something I'm gonna stick with. I was just reminded too: when I started in June, I was doing negative reps on the bench at only 135, after a while off the bench, my old partner and I decided to do the negatives again and I was hitting it at 185

Im in the same boat, have only been serious about lifting for about 2 months. What are negatives? is that the same as 1x10, 1x8, 1x6 etc.. increasing theweight?
Interesting you should ask. Negative reps are really effective for hypertrophy...I think you'll like em. I start off with 4-6 regular reps on the bench,after the last rep I keep it up. Then I let the bar down as slowly as I can until it touches my chest. Then my partner yanks it all the way up for me, and Irepeat (4-5 reps on the usual). The tearing sensation with this exercise is unparalleled. You absolutely need a partner though, because on the 3rd set or so,the last rep hurts so badly you are essentially helpless and the bar will crush you if your partner doesn't yank it up and rack it for you.
Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Thanks for the background IICE. 10 years, or even the 2 years of being serious is a lot longer than I've been lifting. It was a good post though because sometimes I forgot I've only been at this since mid June, and I get frustrated that I'm not as big as you and some of the other guys on here yet.
. I think this is definitely something I'm gonna stick with. I was just reminded too: when I started in June, I was doing negative reps on the bench at only 135, after a while off the bench, my old partner and I decided to do the negatives again and I was hitting it at 185

Im in the same boat, have only been serious about lifting for about 2 months. What are negatives? is that the same as 1x10, 1x8, 1x6 etc.. increasing the weight?
Negatives are having a spotter and focusing on the negative portion of the rep.

On bench for example, you'd have somebody help you lift the weight, then lower it slowly.

I been havin' a hard time gettin' back in the gym. Ever since some personal issues in August, I lost my streak and now I can't seem to stayconsistent.
So that's what negatives are. I had a fellow gym rat help me with those on my preacher curls, very effective. I usually work out alone but wish I had asteady gym partner.
Y'all suckas got nothin' on me! You can come see me at the gym, deadlifting 1 ton and fist-pumpin' like a champ!


Ah,winter break boredom......
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