Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

I think I'm gonna take the next week off. It's been three weeks to the day since I hurt my back deadlifting, and it's still pretty damn sore.I'm just gonna finish the week, then take it easy for Christmas week to rest, stretch and rehab, I think. I haven't taken a week off since Marchanyway. I would not wish a back injury onto my worst enemy. Most debilitating thing ever.
chewtoy, you ever done the back bridge or wrestler's bridge? It's a great stretch for your spine and back that emphasizes good posture. Might helpalleviate some soreness
Originally Posted by nealraj006

chewtoy, you ever done the back bridge or wrestler's bridge? It's a great stretch for your spine and back that emphasizes good posture. Might help alleviate some soreness
Hmm, haven't tried those yet for the rehab, but I've done them before. I'll give them a try next time I stretch out. I've mostlybeen doing pelvic tilts, supermans, back extensions, plows, etc. I should also be stretching my glutes/hams/calves more, too. Last time I hurt my back, I didthe p90x yoga, and I felt great afterwards. I want to do it again because I'm pretty sure it'll help (tons of hamstring stretches, bridge/wheel, plow,involved), but it's too painful to try to do it right now. Weird thing is, I played ball yesterday and I was ripping it up and I actually jumped andgrabbed rim for the hell of it between games, and I'm pretty sure I got up higher than I ever have before

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

chewtoy, was it the amount of reps or the sheer weight that caused your injury?
It wasn't much weight at all, or reps. It was 205x8, but it was at the end of the workout, so fatigue could have been a factor, I guess. Butit could've been my form, too. A trainer at the gym told me to do deads like a squat on the ground, which was one of the mistakes that the guy pointed outin that deadlift video a couple pages back.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

chewtoy, you ever done the back bridge or wrestler's bridge? It's a great stretch for your spine and back that emphasizes good posture. Might help alleviate some soreness
Word, that article by rusty on this got me using it on my stretch days/ab days. Good stuff.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

nealraj006 wrote:

chewtoy, you ever done the back bridge or wrestler's bridge? It's a great stretch for your spine and back that emphasizes good posture. Might help alleviate some soreness
Word, that article by rusty on this got me using it on my stretch days/ab days. Good stuff.

Yeah. I was lazy about it for a while, doing it sporadically. Rusty got me doing them religiously.
Down 37 lbs from July 1 hell yeah! And I gained some muscle as well. But I know if I wasn't losing weight I would be a lot bigger and would be able to lifta lot more. Thanks for all the advice guys !
Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Down 37 lbs from July 1 hell yeah! And I gained some muscle as well. But I know if I wasn't losing weight I would be a lot bigger and would be able to lift a lot more. Thanks for all the advice guys !

Keep up the progress
Originally Posted by gatorad3

anyone done carb cycling here?
During the summer. Def works.

The carb up days you catch a mean pump the for the whole day. Best thing is you get to handle peanut butter like magic handles HIV. I love peanut butter. Justmake sure your ratios are good in meeting your goals.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

nealraj006 wrote:

chewtoy, you ever done the back bridge or wrestler's bridge? It's a great stretch for your spine and back that emphasizes good posture. Might help alleviate some soreness
Word, that article by rusty on this got me using it on my stretch days/ab days. Good stuff.
Yeah. I was lazy about it for a while, doing it sporadically. Rusty got me doing them religiously.

in kung-fu we do this...but we call it "iron-bridge".
going to start my "training" for my half marathon not going to do individual muscle excercise anymore other than my legs and core since imgoing to be doing a lot of cardio...anyway i can prevent losing too much body mass? oh by the way here's my workout schedule for the next 8 weeks i gotthis from a running website:
monday: legs/abs/back - Sprint cardio 100 meters, 400 meters, 1200 meters (stamina)
tuesday: rest
wednesday: Upper body (Circuit Training) - Long distance Cardio 5 miles
thursday: rest
friday: Legs/abs/back - sprint cardio
Sat: Upper Body (circuit training) - long distance Cardio 5 miles
Sun: Rest

the training pattern im trying to use is emphasize resting A LOT and a gradual increase in miles per week till i hit my goal which is 14 miles which is a halfmarathon distance

has anyone gone through a kind of training like this? any food i should be eating constantly?
Originally Posted by ricerocket1

going to start my "training" for my half marathon not going to do individual muscle excercise anymore other than my legs and core since im going to be doing a lot of cardio...anyway i can prevent losing too much body mass? oh by the way here's my workout schedule for the next 8 weeks i got this from a running website:
monday: legs/abs/back - Sprint cardio 100 meters, 400 meters, 1200 meters (stamina)
tuesday: rest
wednesday: Upper body (Circuit Training) - Long distance Cardio 5 miles
thursday: rest
friday: Legs/abs/back - sprint cardio
Sat: Upper Body (circuit training) - long distance Cardio 5 miles
Sun: Rest

the training pattern im trying to use is emphasize resting A LOT and a gradual increase in miles per week till i hit my goal which is 14 miles which is a half marathon distance

has anyone gone through a kind of training like this? any food i should be eating constantly?
What site did you use for your half-marathon?

Im doing a half in April. I havent ran a straight mile in YEARSSSS. The last time I ran a mile my time was 5:55 and made the decision at that moment that Iwas never going to run a faster time so I "retired". (I was a freshman in high school by the way

Ill start training mid Jan, late Jan, Early Feb. I wont need too much time to get prepared for it.
i have a dumb question....i take protein (just the little powder from wallys world) and i am trying to just tone up and slim down. Like my arms are kinda bufffor a girl
and i feel like they are getting bigger because i lift. But when lifting i do more reps of smaller weights and i do cardio like running and jumproping etc...but basically i feel like the protein is making me gain mass which is not what i really want to do. i want to lose the weight and just betoned...does that make sense?

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