Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by LESGodSonC0

How much is too much protein? Just many scoops do you guys usually take?

For a novice like myself who has been looking to lose weight but also tone up, I take 2 scoops. Lately it seems like a bit much so I've dropped it down to one. Any thoughts?

P.S. Currently taking ON Whey.

Depends on how much you weight/body fat etc. 
Damn haven't lifted for the longest time. Just started the Starting Strength Program this morning. Any people with tips/comments about this program?
Yo, so I got really bad knees from years of bball and vball.  Like after a few laps of running, pain starts to build in my knees.  Would Glucosamine pills actually help?

Any other suggestions?
Originally Posted by Dr FONClBrICS

Damn haven't lifted for the longest time. Just started the Starting Strength Program this morning. Any people with tips/comments about this program?

Id did a starting strength program when I first started lifting for a few months and it gave me a good base to build onto...
did a P90x work out for the hell of it today, felt like doing somethin different, and good god am i beat 
Originally Posted by rhester

Originally Posted by Dr FONClBrICS

Damn haven't lifted for the longest time. Just started the Starting Strength Program this morning. Any people with tips/comments about this program?

Id did a starting strength program when I first started lifting for a few months and it gave me a good base to build onto...
Cool, that's what I'm hoping for as well. It seems like the hardest part is going to be eating more.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

MrDoeBoI wrote:
I still wouldn't recommend it for a beginner. You don't get to learn a lot of the fundamental moves that a beginner should learn(squat, deadlift, pull ups, dips, etc.) and you might develop bad habits in the gym.
Here's what I'd look for in a gym:

Price - more than $40 a month is usually too much

Location - make sure it's not too far from home, otherwise you might become inconsistent
Equipment - should atleast have a squat/power rack, somewhere to do pull ups/dips, and a good selection of (heavy) dumbbells

But before you join a gym, atleast have an idea of your goals and how you intend to achieve those goals.

Theres pull up bars and dip stations in PF. You could also squat via a Smith Machine.
For a beginner its fine. You only develop bad habits if you dont know what you are doing, if you can work with what youve got you can still get a good workout at PF. Atleast if yours has a Smith Machine.
My gym has a Smith Machine. Can I use that?
No, no, no, no, no. NO!

Smith Machines are the devil.

For one thing they completely remove the stabilization aspect of the squat. But go ahead, get up to 300 on a smith machine and then try it with a barbell and see how long you can keep from falling on your $++.

For another thing it restricts the natural range of motion. See each of us has our own biomechanics (the mechanisms that distinctly tie our individual bones and muscles together) and hence we have an individual movement pattern (range of motion) when doing the squat, or anything else for that matter. For example a guy with a long torso and stocky legs will not squat remotely close to how guy with a short torso and long legs does. The smith machine has only one range of motion for either of these individuals because the bar runs on rails in a fixed path (straight up and down or a slight diagonal). Every individual must conform to no matter their distinct movement pattern. This can be devastating to your skeletal system over time. Just like having your feet bound or slumping severely in your chair, as time passes the smith machine will turn you into a sideshow freak. And children will weep when they look upon you and mothers will shield their eyes from your abnormal freakishness. Your story will become a cautionary tale for newb weightlifter for years to come... "Don't use the smith machine or you'll end up just like John Spinalcase." Turn back now, it's not too late.
"Squatting" in a Smith machine is a oxymoron. A squat cannot be performed on a Smith machine, as should be obvious from all previous discussion. Sorry. There is a gigantic difference between a machine that makes the bar path vertical, and a squat that is excecuted correctly enough to have a vertical bar path. Muscle and skeleton should do the job of keeping the bar path vertical, not grease fittings and floor bolts.
– Mark Rippetoe

From SS FAQ. 
Originally Posted by rhester

Originally Posted by Dr FONClBrICS

Damn haven't lifted for the longest time. Just started the Starting Strength Program this morning. Any people with tips/comments about this program?

Id did a starting strength program when I first started lifting for a few months and it gave me a good base to build onto...

 that scale was at my moms house. i think she bought the faulty scale to see lower numbers?? 

Hypercutter, how is YOUR **** holding up. From all that *!%%* thrown at you from those aesthetics! 
Man I hurt my lower back doin Squats today... fell on my back 220lbs. Now I'm in the hospital waiting for my xrays
Originally Posted by gatorad3

Man I hurt my lower back doin Squats today... fell on my back 220lbs. Now I'm in the hospital waiting for my xrays

Aww damn, hope you aight.

I only use smith machine for reverse rows and shrugs.

How's everybody's **** while we're at it?

A starting strength program (stronglift) was the best thing i did.  I only stopped due to tendinitis in the ankle area, this you squat 3 times a wk.  Gained a nice solid base and a grasp on fundamentals.
Started using Oxy Elite Pro today and I must say, I felt like running 3 Miles afterwards! Had tons of energy for like 4hrs! No rapid heart beat and no jitters! The appetite suppressant part didn't really work though but I'm suppose to switch to 2 a day on Thurs so we'll see how it goes then...
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by gatorad3

Man I hurt my lower back doin Squats today... fell on my back 220lbs. Now I'm in the hospital waiting for my xrays

Damn. Sorry to hear that
Word... I've yet to reach the point of effort that I fail a squat rep.
... and I'm going for 220lbs tomorrow 
Originally Posted by LESGodSonC0

Weight: 210

For body fat, honestly couldn't tell you.

well you need to find out your lean body mass, then your activity level. Just search amount of protein per day and you'll find a lot of useful information. When you find all that out you'll multiply your lean body mass by .7-whatever depending on activity level.
So im 5'8 and weigh about 145.
I am trying to gain weight but at the same time i dont want to gain weight eating the wrong things.
What should i eat?
Originally Posted by Chico Cummings

Started using Oxy Elite Pro today and I must say, I felt like running 3 Miles afterwards! Had tons of energy for like 4hrs! No rapid heart beat and no jitters! The appetite suppressant part didn't really work though but I'm suppose to switch to 2 a day on Thurs so we'll see how it goes then...

Don't run while on oxy, just jog/bicycle...but even then i would just recommend a calorie deficit. It makes you sweat so much, so make sure youre taking enough fluids.

Daaaaamn, that sucks gatorade. I usually have a little seat/chair thing in back of me to stop me from falling back+some sort of stability. The time off is going to suck.
Can someone give me some info on veggies.

How crucial are they?
What is going to happen if I continue to not eat any?
How often/how much should I be consuming in a week/day?
What are the most beneficial veggies?
its not gonna affect your lifting/physique but they are important for overall nutrition/health. eat leafy vegetables, iceberg lettuce doesn't count as it's mostly water, and get a whole range of colors in your, orange, green, etc.

I eat probably 1-2 salads a day, usually "spring mix" (mixed greens), matchstick carrots, shredded red cabbage, avocado, almonds, balsamic vinegar+extra virgin olive oil. sometimes chicken and other stuff thrown in there too.

they have a lot of nutrients you're not gonna get in sufficient quantities from other food sources. 
Originally Posted by gatorad3

Man I hurt my lower back doin Squats today... fell on my back 220lbs. Now I'm in the hospital waiting for my xrays
Damn son sorry to hear of my biggest fears when I lift but i honestly don't ever really think about. Hoping you have a speedy recovery
Is there a problem doing maintenance lifts?

Like for example, im pretty comfortable squatting 100kg, my max is 115kg - but my form began to suffer and i felt a bit of pain in my knee. So my physio said 100kg max is fine, just focus on technique and form.

I am training for sport - so I guess its ok?

And when training comes in 2x a week - im definitely going to have to cut down on heavy squats as well
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

its not gonna affect your lifting/physique but they are important for overall nutrition/health. eat leafy vegetables, iceberg lettuce doesn't count as it's mostly water, and get a whole range of colors in your, orange, green, etc.

I eat probably 1-2 salads a day, usually "spring mix" (mixed greens), matchstick carrots, shredded red cabbage, avocado, almonds, balsamic vinegar+extra virgin olive oil. sometimes chicken and other stuff thrown in there too.

they have a lot of nutrients you're not gonna get in sufficient quantities from other food sources. 
the salads i make always suck.

I eat alot of broccoli and spinach though.

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