Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

However, I do agree with whoever said that many guys try to get in shape to impress other guys. It doesnt mean that their gay or anything but it seems like men are more impressed when they see other guys in excellent shape than women are. Men appreciate how much work, patience and effort it takes to have a really nice physique where as women see a nice body as just a nice body and they dont consider what it took for the guy to get it. I think the dudes on the forums are genuinely impressed when people with nice physiques post pics of themselves, not just because they have above average bodies but mostly because it takes a #%%%*+%* of effort to have nice size with under 10% BF.
I was reading a book recently that discussed something like this. The book was "Manthropology" and in one of the chapters, it discusses why younger males do stupid feats like train riding(outside of the train) and the like. I'm not saying that exercise is stupid, but you can usually tell when someone works out by their build. The conclusion was that it's more to show your characteristics to other males that share similar beliefs. So when a guy that works out sees another guy with similar beliefs, it's easier for them to befriend each other because they already know they share similar interests. It's for camaraderie more than to attract females.
brettTHEjett wrote:
BTW anyone notice a total FLOOD of fatgripz ads everywhere online lately??

I want a set... but not for $40

I got a set for around $30 a few months back. I don't use them a whole lot, just for random pull ups throughout the day. It's hard to use them for pulling exercises with normal weights, and grip strength is more than just fatbar training. I'd imagine that for pushing exercises it wouldn't really affect strength, but I can't remember how I did with pressing with them. I only tried deadlifting, pressing, and pull ups with them.
never been to a bally's but it's gotta better than planet fitness

go to a gym that actually encourages weight-lifting and self-improvement

pf is a joke
I admire the guys physique but his arms are too small for my liking..meaning mines are bigger. I'm def going to be extra shredded this year...girls hate vascularity but I love it. PLEASE CAN WE SET A DATE FOR PICTURES MAYBE BEGINNING OF SUMMER WE CAN MOTIVATE EACH OTHER PEOPLE.
Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

Whats some of you guys thoughts and views on planet fitness compare to bally's ?
Planet Fitness doesn't really care about people that want to get stronger/bigger. They don't have squat/power racks. You're not allowed to deadlift, squat, etc. Dumbbells don't go past 60 lbs. The one I went to briefly even got rid of their pull up bars. Half their gym is comprised of various cardio machines. They have bosu balls and other stuff to work on abs, but no real strength training equipment aside from a few benches. Like Joe said, it's a joke.
I'd rather go to a gym that actually has a few power/squat racks, has heavier dumbbells, pull ups bars, dip stations, etc. and would allow you to make some real progress
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

I think a lot of us started working out to look better and to attract girls, etc but eventually many of us came to the point where we became obsessed and we exercised more for self gratification than anything else. When I first started I wanted to be huge with 3d abs but about 2-years ago I realized I actually enjoyed working out and wasnt doing it for girls.

However, I do agree with whoever said that many guys try to get in shape to impress other guys. It doesnt mean that their gay or anything but it seems like men are more impressed when they see other guys in excellent shape than women are. Men appreciate how much work, patience and effort it takes to have a really nice physique where as women see a nice body as just a nice body and they dont consider what it took for the guy to get it. I think the dudes on the forums are genuinely impressed when people with nice physiques post pics of themselves, not just because they have above average bodies but mostly because it takes a #%%%*+%* of effort to have nice size with under 10% BF.

It's kind of funny how many people under-estimate what kind of effort it takes to have a nice physique. On the one hand you have people who "dont want to get big", even though they dont understand that getting big takes months/years and you have to eat a ton to do so. Then you have the people who want to lose weight but they dont understand the discipline it takes to get the weight off. 

I would agree with this.

Its kind of like how girls dress up and such to impress other girls.

Because they know we really dont care too much what they're wearing

One female at the gym I go to wears those lulu lemon shorts that go right up to her !%# cheek.

She was doing SL DL today... bending over right in front of me. Absolutely PERFECT !%#/legs.

I was legitimately offended. If your going to be doing exercises that display your goods at least wear some damn pants. How the *$$% am I supposed to focus on my workout when that is going on??? not to mention ever guy there was blatantly STARING at her and not paying attention to what they were doing. It was seriously a potential cause for injury.
those lululemon pants on chicks that are in shape are

it's like they mold onto every curve on their body

edit: also, had a bad chest day this morning due to lack of energy from not eating properly

I only had 4 egg whites and a bowl of cereal this morning, then an hour later 2 scoops of protein before I went to the gym. I had to use lighter weights than what I did last week and I couldn't even finish my last set on incline bench...

Hurt my lower back today on squats. Last rep of last set on a PR, guess my core wasn't tight enough and I got a real sharp pain on the way up.

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

Whats some of you guys thoughts and views on planet fitness compare to bally's ?
Planet Fitness doesn't really care about people that want to get stronger/bigger. They don't have squat/power racks. You're not allowed to deadlift, squat, etc. Dumbbells don't go past 60 lbs. The one I went to briefly even got rid of their pull up bars. Half their gym is comprised of various cardio machines. They have bosu balls and other stuff to work on abs, but no real strength training equipment aside from a few benches. Like Joe said, it's a joke.
I'd rather go to a gym that actually has a few power/squat racks, has heavier dumbbells, pull ups bars, dip stations, etc. and would allow you to make some real progress
Its a beginners gym.
The one I used to go to has Smith machines though so you could squat and deadlift (sorta, I guess). Good enough to bench on if you dont mind benching on a Smith.
Im trying to revamp my workout routine. Once upon a time it was a cross country lifting routine, but I've revamped it over the years with so much random stuff I don't even know if it's good for any purpose in it's current form. All exercises are 3x10 (except calf raises, which are 3x15). What would you add/change about this to make it a muscle building routine?



calf raises

leg extensions

hamstring curls

leg press


weighted bench dip

dumbell kickback

dumbell curl

dumbell concentration curl

Shoulder press

dumbelll lateral raise


dumbell bench press

dumbell incline bench press

pec fly

lat pull down

seated row
I feel like i strive for a low bf % because I love how it feels.

Everything is tight, no loose/flabby areas, just feelsgoodman 
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

Whats some of you guys thoughts and views on planet fitness compare to bally's ?
Planet Fitness doesn't really care about people that want to get stronger/bigger. They don't have squat/power racks. You're not allowed to deadlift, squat, etc. Dumbbells don't go past 60 lbs. The one I went to briefly even got rid of their pull up bars. Half their gym is comprised of various cardio machines. They have bosu balls and other stuff to work on abs, but no real strength training equipment aside from a few benches. Like Joe said, it's a joke.
I'd rather go to a gym that actually has a few power/squat racks, has heavier dumbbells, pull ups bars, dip stations, etc. and would allow you to make some real progress
Its a beginners gym.
The one I used to go to has Smith machines though so you could squat and deadlift (sorta, I guess). Good enough to bench on if you dont mind benching on a Smith.

Alright I see but from a beginners view would you recommend it I mean I have no Gym experience at all and pf would be closer to me than a ballys but ballys would cost more .
Originally Posted by 40inchBoost

I feel like i strive for a low bf % because I love how it feels.

Everything is tight, no loose/flabby areas, just feelsgoodman 

I'm in the process of getting back to this.
Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

Whats some of you guys thoughts and views on planet fitness compare to bally's ?
Planet Fitness doesn't really care about people that want to get stronger/bigger. They don't have squat/power racks. You're not allowed to deadlift, squat, etc. Dumbbells don't go past 60 lbs. The one I went to briefly even got rid of their pull up bars. Half their gym is comprised of various cardio machines. They have bosu balls and other stuff to work on abs, but no real strength training equipment aside from a few benches. Like Joe said, it's a joke.
I'd rather go to a gym that actually has a few power/squat racks, has heavier dumbbells, pull ups bars, dip stations, etc. and would allow you to make some real progress
Its a beginners gym.
The one I used to go to has Smith machines though so you could squat and deadlift (sorta, I guess). Good enough to bench on if you dont mind benching on a Smith.
Alright I see but from a beginners view would you recommend it I mean I have no Gym experience at all and pf would be closer to me than a ballys but ballys would cost more .
I still wouldn't recommend it for a beginner. You don't get to learn a lot of the fundamental moves that a beginner should learn(squat, deadlift, pull ups, dips, etc.) and you might develop bad habits in the gym.
Here's what I'd look for in a gym:

Price - more than $40 a month is usually too much

Location - make sure it's not too far from home, otherwise you might become inconsistent
Equipment - should atleast have a squat/power rack, somewhere to do pull ups/dips, and a good selection of (heavy) dumbbells

But before you join a gym, atleast have an idea of your goals and how you intend to achieve those goals.
How much is too much protein? Just many scoops do you guys usually take?

For a novice like myself who has been looking to lose weight but also tone up, I take 2 scoops. Lately it seems like a bit much so I've dropped it down to one. Any thoughts?

P.S. Currently taking ON Whey.
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