Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Tuna+yogurt+oatmeal+Sierra Nevada Torpedo= Post workout meal of champions

I messed up....
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by gatorad3

Man I hurt my lower back doin Squats today... fell on my back 220lbs. Now I'm in the hospital waiting for my xrays

Damn. Sorry to hear that

I wish you a speeding and healthy recovery gatorad3
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Can someone give me some info on veggies.

How crucial are they?
What is going to happen if I continue to not eat any?
How often/how much should I be consuming in a week/day?
What are the most beneficial veggies?
Veggies are mainly for nutritional value.  They are just plain healthy for you, and they provide your body with tons of fiber (ie no constipation).

Have a serving of veggies with every meal if you can!

It's odd how working out just becomes a habit. I've gone more to the gym now than I ever did in my life. I used to have a gym basically 5-10 minutes from me at any of the places I've lived in my life. Now, I have to take a bus in -18 weather, walk 20 minutes from the bus stop to get to the gym. Walk back to the bus stop and wait 20 minutes for the bus. Yet, I've been doing this no problem everyday. My workouts are still kind of weak tho =/ It is hard to push yourself when you don't have a workout partner.
Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

Originally Posted by rhester

Got told I had to take off my Nike skully at the gym today....Planet Fitness ftl.
My planet fitness is chill as hell..they dont really care what we do
Mine too, the owner was there so dude asked me to take it off so he didn't have to catch any flack....
Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

Originally Posted by rhester

Got told I had to take off my Nike skully at the gym today....Planet Fitness ftl.

My planet fitness is chill as hell..they dont really care what we do

I heard PF doesn't have power racks and they don't allow people to deadlift??
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Theres pull up bars and dip stations in PF. You could also squat via a Smith Machine.
For a beginner its fine. You only develop bad habits if you dont know what you are doing, if you can work with what youve got you can still get a good workout at PF. Atleast if yours has a Smith Machine.

I was a member briefly and right before I quit, they got rid of their power towers, so there were no pull ups bars or dip bars at all in the gym. Smith machine squatting is nowhere near the same as free weight squats.
A beginner can outgrow the gym very quickly. If your'e going more for conditioning, I could see the light weights being useful, but for those who want to get significantly stronger in lifts other than the bench press, planet fitness is not for you. I remember seeing notes saying that deadlifts, cleans, etc. are all not allowed at PF.

brettTHEjett wrote:
Can someone give me some info on veggies.

How crucial are they?
What is going to happen if I continue to not eat any?
How often/how much should I be consuming in a week/day?
What are the most beneficial veggies?

Nutrition is more than just calories and macronutrient ratios. Fiber, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, etc. are all crucial to overall health and can certainly aid in recovery. They are very crucial. If you don't eat any, recovery may suffer, immune function might be somewhat suppressed, and other symptoms of vitamin/mineral deficiency. I try to eat a salad daily. That, plus some cooked brocolli, mushrooms, onions, garlic, bell peppers, etc. whenever I feel like it. Like Joe said, aim for a variety.
Dr FONClBrICS wrote:
Damn haven't lifted for the longest time. Just started the Starting Strength Program this morning. Any people with tips/comments about this program?

Stick with it. Don't quit because you get bored. Make sure you eat enough. It's a solid program and you should see great gains.
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

Originally Posted by rhester

Got told I had to take off my Nike skully at the gym today....Planet Fitness ftl.

My planet fitness is chill as hell..they dont really care what we do

I heard PF doesn't have power racks and they don't allow people to deadlift??
Correct, but I still deadlift. im like the only dude that actually does that in the gym
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

What exactly does deadlifting work out on?
Im guessing your core and legs? 

Posterior chain and core.

Hoist actually makes a smith machine that has vertical tracks and horizontal tracks.  Its a pretty smart idea.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

What exactly does deadlifting work out on?
Im guessing your core and legs? 

Posterior chain and core.

Hoist actually makes a smith machine that has vertical tracks and horizontal tracks.  Its a pretty smart idea.

theres a smith machine like that at the gym i go to. cant deadlift on it though. plates dont reach the floor and the bar slides all over the place. maybe the one you are specifically talking about is better.
Took two weeks to figure out my routine/get my meal right and today was my first day back in the gym .

at how weak I've become.

Dumb question but can you just drink V8 instead of eating vegetables?

And does it really matter what type of multivitamin you take?
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

i prefer to do front squats on the Smiths Machine when I'm sweaty the bar slips out of my arms free weight

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

i prefer to do front squats on the Smiths Machine when I'm sweaty the bar slips out of my arms free weight

I think it's about time I mixed my routine up. I saw some solid gains doing my current workout, but I'm starting to plateau so I'm going to change it up a little.

Going from:
-DB Incline press
-DB Shoulder press, neutral grip
-Underhand rows
-Extended weighted arm circles

-DB bench press
-Arnold press
-Overhand rows

Let's see how far this gets me. Next plateau, I'm going to go straight for fat loss.
Haven't been in here in a while. Good to see it's still going strong!

I hurt my AC joint about a month ago, and it's still bothering me...super hard to find the motivation to workout now since so many exercises aggravate it and I can't train like I want to.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Took two weeks to figure out my routine/get my meal right and today was my first day back in the gym .

at how weak I've become.

Dumb question but can you just drink V8 instead of eating vegetables?

And does it really matter what type of multivitamin you take?


+%$#%# hate veggies
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