Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Two questions for the crowd:

1) What is your current squat maximum, and what is your current leg press maximum

2) Fill in the blank: I eat ___ tbs of peanut butter per day and I am ___(bulking/cutting/healthy/don't care)

Just curious.


Every time I deadlift, my legs end up shaking like a @*@#%$$!#+%#. Like one time it shook so much I almost rolled my ankle
I'm not even lifting heavy and even lowered the weight. Any way to stop this?
Originally Posted by Julian Wright

Every time I deadlift, my legs end up shaking like a @*@#%$$!#+%#. Like one time it shook so much I almost rolled my ankle
I'm not even lifting heavy and even lowered the weight. Any way to stop this?
Originally Posted by Julian Wright

Every time I deadlift, my legs end up shaking like a @*@#%$$!#+%#. Like one time it shook so much I almost rolled my ankle
I'm not even lifting heavy and even lowered the weight. Any way to stop this?

are your knees kinda buckling inwards? 
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Julian Wright

Every time I deadlift, my legs end up shaking like a @*@#%$$!#+%#. Like one time it shook so much I almost rolled my ankle
I'm not even lifting heavy and even lowered the weight. Any way to stop this?

are your knees kinda buckling inwards? 

Nah not at all. But my legs are weird though. They're kinda pointed slightly outwards at the knee (like <   > if I'm facing you). I don't know if that could have something to do with it.
I havent worked out much this month, since there was no school. Finally got back into the gym.

#Fields good man
Originally Posted by BangDak

I havent worked out much this month, since there was no school. Finally got back into the gym.

#Fields good man

Anyways, to dude with the bowed legs {
}. Just keep doing leg exercises. They will straighten you out I'm sure
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by BangDak

I havent worked out much this month, since there was no school. Finally got back into the gym.

#Fields good man

Anyways, to dude with the bowed legs {
}. Just keep doing leg exercises. They will straighten you out I'm sure
I was sitting there for like 30 minutes trying to remember the name and said *+!% it. Thanks fam
So if I'm just trying to work on my posture and just getting in shape not necessarily stronger would you guys say planet fitness is alright? I'd like to gain strength but it's not my main goal
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Two questions for the crowd:

1) What is your current squat maximum, and what is your current leg press maximum

2) Fill in the blank: I eat ___ tbs of peanut butter per day and I am ___(bulking/cutting/healthy/don't care)

Just curious.



i have a 405 max squat at 195 lbs, and I can leg press around 630

I dont eat peanut butter much, im still in the middle of a strict cut.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Two questions for the crowd:

1) What is your current squat maximum, and what is your current leg press maximum

2) Fill in the blank: I eat ___ tbs of peanut butter per day and I am ___(bulking/cutting/healthy/don't care)

Just curious.

At 190 my squat max is 515, only do leg press for high reps so I don't know

I eat no peanut butter and im trying to stay right where i'm at
Originally Posted by ATLfootballer

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Two questions for the crowd:

1) What is your current squat maximum, and what is your current leg press maximum

2) Fill in the blank: I eat ___ tbs of peanut butter per day and I am ___(bulking/cutting/healthy/don't care)

Just curious.

At 190 my squat max is 515, only do leg press for high reps so I don't know

I eat no peanut butter and im trying to stay right where i'm at

At 200lbs and 6'4 , i squat max around 375 parallel thighs, and eat maybe 1 pb&j every 2 days

Originally Posted by ATLfootballer

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Two questions for the crowd:

1) What is your current squat maximum, and what is your current leg press maximum

2) Fill in the blank: I eat ___ tbs of peanut butter per day and I am ___(bulking/cutting/healthy/don't care)

Just curious.

at 143 my max is 253... leg press - never done a set in my life.  Should I do 'em?

I eat maybe 2 tablespoons of PB per day and I am currently lean bulking with food + mutant mass.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Took two weeks to figure out my routine/get my meal right and today was my first day back in the gym .

at how weak I've become.

Dumb question but can you just drink V8 instead of eating vegetables?

And does it really matter what type of multivitamin you take?

+%$#%# hate veggies
Seriously, do you guys know how to cook? You don't have to eat vegetables plain. Use a little creativity. Cook them with eggs, mongolian style, stuffed peppers, etc.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Took two weeks to figure out my routine/get my meal right and today was my first day back in the gym .

at how weak I've become.

Dumb question but can you just drink V8 instead of eating vegetables?

And does it really matter what type of multivitamin you take?

+%$#%# hate veggies
Seriously, do you guys know how to cook? You don't have to eat vegetables plain. Use a little creativity. Cook them with eggs, mongolian style, stuffed peppers, etc.
Thanks for answering the question brah.

But anyways Brett looked it up and you can drink V8 instead of eating actual vegetables. Vegetables provide fiber though, so you might have to take a benofiber or some $%@$ like that.
Also said you should drink a lot of water because V8 might be loaded with sodium
this is what im working with right now.


i swear i'm not that bird-chested. the tattoo gives that illusion.

being a frail dude is hard.
ectomorphs ftl

this is after going from 144 to around 160... still a lil ninja. lol
Okay... deload week.
From my understanding deloading is very important to give your CNS recovery time and get prepared for another month of heavy lifting.

Here is what it looks like

I do two assistance exercises for 5 sets of 10 reps each workout.
Is it wise to cut those weights in half like I do for the main lift???
I was thinking I could do the main lift and then do some high intensity resistance training to aide with fat loss (since there isn't a need for caloric surplus during a deload)
Doing really low volume main lift AND assistance lift is almost a waste of time... but is it vital to sufficient 'deloading'?
Im right with you dgk. I am 143 and i want to get up to 160. I have been going to gym a lot past two months but basically same weight. i need some tips. I dont use any type of supplements and i would prefer not to. I do however drink Whey after every workout. I want to focus on upper body right now i know when i work on my legs i can gain weight faster there..

Usually what i do
tuesday and sunday: back and bicep
Rows, lat pull down, dumbell rows.
seated dumbell curls, barbell curls, bicep machine

Thursday and saturday : chest and tricep
Bench, dumbell incline press, flys, free motion chest
tricep pull down, tricep machine.

Any tips on different exercises or how many reps/weight i should be using??
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