Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

you can eat all the carbs you want if you follow a basic caloric deficit diet

but very low carb or carb cycling or keto (either ckd or tkd) will help you drop fat at a much faster pace

it depends on what your goals are. i would personally advocate some sort of controlled carb diet because it gets the cut over with quicker. maybe try limiting yourself to one serving of any of those carb sources a day and see how that goes (all 3 are great carb sources). if that works stick with it, if it doesn't or if you hit a plateau try keto or carb cycling to break it.
Thanks man. Ill try that I guess and no fruit or carbs postworkout either right? Have you tried oxy elite pro?
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

you can eat all the carbs you want if you follow a basic caloric deficit diet

but very low carb or carb cycling or keto (either ckd or tkd) will help you drop fat at a much faster pace

it depends on what your goals are. i would personally advocate some sort of controlled carb diet because it gets the cut over with quicker. maybe try limiting yourself to one serving of any of those carb sources a day and see how that goes (all 3 are great carb sources). if that works stick with it, if it doesn't or if you hit a plateau try keto or carb cycling to break it.
Thanks man. Ill try that I guess and no fruit or carbs postworkout either right? Have you tried oxy elite pro?
i have not i dont do diet pills. id try ec stack over anything on the market.

i do one serving of carbs preworkout so yeah nothing post. you could split it up or have it all postworkout if you want but i prefer pre so i have some energy for the gym.

also on my off days i have been doing some HIIT type cardio (intervals but not as intense as HIIT sprinting) and skipping carbs altogether
its working great so far. im smaller because carbs help with muscle "fullness" but i still feel 97.5% as strong as i normally am in the gym ( this prob wont last) and i look leaner already.
Originally Posted by nikestreetdotcom

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

im gonna call bs on the 4% bf right now. that's bodybuilder contest level
I'm not sure how accurate the reading was, but I was shredded.  Here is a picture below circa late 2009:


youre lean but thats DEF not 4%

not at all.
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Originally Posted by hotshots24

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by hotshots24

how is 45 minutes strength training and 1 hour gym work (that 5-6 hours of shooting around is what i LIKE to do, i dont see it as work) OD?

some of you guys pull off two a days and 2 hours in the gym

so are you a pro player? if not how do you have that much time? You can't have a job or be in school with that type of schedule.  I'm not calling you a liar but....
Well, im training to play professionally here in the philippines, and i make a living off of the "stupid" youtube videos that i sometimes post on here. Making money from basically talking to the camera has given me the opportunity to live out my dream of playing basketball professionally.
How old are you?
If you need to practice free throws for 5 hours maybe basketball isnt your thing...
21, and its not JUST free throws 
 its more of a shoot around, and working on my handles, but NOT sweating. so its relaxed.
Originally Posted by hotshots24

Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Originally Posted by hotshots24

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by hotshots24

how is 45 minutes strength training and 1 hour gym work (that 5-6 hours of shooting around is what i LIKE to do, i dont see it as work) OD?

some of you guys pull off two a days and 2 hours in the gym

so are you a pro player? if not how do you have that much time? You can't have a job or be in school with that type of schedule.  I'm not calling you a liar but....
Well, im training to play professionally here in the philippines, and i make a living off of the "stupid" youtube videos that i sometimes post on here. Making money from basically talking to the camera has given me the opportunity to live out my dream of playing basketball professionally.
How old are you?
If you need to practice free throws for 5 hours maybe basketball isnt your thing...
21, and its not JUST free throws 
 its more of a shoot around, and working on my handles, but NOT sweating. so its relaxed.
Do you have a plan B? Sorry to pry but this is all pretty interesting
Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Good stuff, how long have you been doing it? Im afraid to loose all my gains and strength lol
not long maybe 4 or 5 days?
you will lose strength and size but a lot of that is because carbs/glycogen increase muscle fullness and strength

eat enough protein and lift hard and you'll bounce right back when your cut is over, dont let the weakness get to you
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by hotshots24

Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Originally Posted by hotshots24

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by hotshots24

how is 45 minutes strength training and 1 hour gym work (that 5-6 hours of shooting around is what i LIKE to do, i dont see it as work) OD?

some of you guys pull off two a days and 2 hours in the gym

so are you a pro player? if not how do you have that much time? You can't have a job or be in school with that type of schedule.  I'm not calling you a liar but....
Well, im training to play professionally here in the philippines, and i make a living off of the "stupid" youtube videos that i sometimes post on here. Making money from basically talking to the camera has given me the opportunity to live out my dream of playing basketball professionally.
How old are you?
If you need to practice free throws for 5 hours maybe basketball isnt your thing...
21, and its not JUST free throws 
 its more of a shoot around, and working on my handles, but NOT sweating. so its relaxed.
Do you have a plan B? Sorry to pry but this is all pretty interesting
No worries 
plan b? not really, i don't think like that (which is probably stupid to most of you) but i truly believe in myself & in God's plan (uh oh...) and if it doesn't work out, at least i know i tried and i'll continue living my simple life 
 (ps. i grew up in california, so i never really "wanted" to make friends here in the philippines, so its easier to focus on what im girl problems, no family problems, literally just me and my basketball, hours upon hours)
Dude, I know of a guy who's doing that same thing. Trying to make it out in the Philippines playing ball. I don't think he works either.
(Not hating but I guess a lot of you guys here in the states try to make it over there.)

Can you even make money out there? Serious question.

Also, links to your youtube channel? Wouldn't mind checking it out.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Dude, I know of a guy who's doing that same thing. Trying to make it out in the Philippines playing ball. I don't think he works either.
(Not hating but I guess a lot of you guys here in the states try to make it over there.)

Can you even make money out there? Serious question.

Also, links to your youtube channel? Wouldn't mind checking it out.
it's "corny" to NT, but i have a few people who watch 
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Good stuff, how long have you been doing it? Im afraid to loose all my gains and strength lol
not long maybe 4 or 5 days?
you will lose strength and size but a lot of that is because carbs/glycogen increase muscle fullness and strength

eat enough protein and lift hard and you'll bounce right back when your cut is over, dont let the weakness get to you
Thanks Man! Yeah the weakness is a lot but I could even get past that. I just dont want to feel like a wuss in the gym. Hopefully I can maintain my current lifts and ill be happy.
A nice carb serving and 1 preworkout/coffee should do it! Good luck you too. 8% Sounds tough
Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Good stuff, how long have you been doing it? Im afraid to loose all my gains and strength lol
not long maybe 4 or 5 days?
you will lose strength and size but a lot of that is because carbs/glycogen increase muscle fullness and strength

eat enough protein and lift hard and you'll bounce right back when your cut is over, dont let the weakness get to you
Thanks Man! Yeah the weakness is a lot but I could even get past that. I just dont want to feel like a wuss in the gym. Hopefully I can maintain my current lifts and ill be happy.
A nice carb serving and 1 preworkout/coffee should do it! Good luck you too. 8% Sounds tough

your lifts probably will drop a little and it will make you feel bad/discouraged at first, just know its temporary 
so random

do they make bootleg underwear?

i was gonna cop some calvin kleins on ebay in bulk. they all chinese/hong kong sellers though. maybe direct from the factory?
Originally Posted by bigjohn46581

looks good man. what seasoning?

chicken breast, cajun seasoning cooked in olive oil and tomatoes!

is there much difference between brown and white rice? im talking night and day difference..
Originally Posted by Al Audi

so random

do they make bootleg underwear?

i was gonna cop some calvin kleins on ebay in bulk. they all chinese/hong kong sellers though. maybe direct from the factory?
yea they do, they got fake everything
Originally Posted by Al Audi

so random

do they make bootleg underwear?

i was gonna cop some calvin kleins on ebay in bulk. they all chinese/hong kong sellers though. maybe direct from the factory?

 You are better than this. Of course there is bootleg underwear.  

Here's a quick guide for future endeavors:

Is Item A part of a recognizable brand and often bought due to its perceived quality? Does it have a design that can be EASILY duplicated? If yes to any of these questions, bootlegable!!!

The hell have you been the past 10+ years? 
Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by Al Audi

so random

do they make bootleg underwear?

i was gonna cop some calvin kleins on ebay in bulk. they all chinese/hong kong sellers though. maybe direct from the factory?

 You are better than this. Of course there is bootleg underwear.  

Here's a quick guide for future endeavors:

Is Item A part of a recognizable brand and often bought due to its perceived quality? Does it have a design that can be EASILY duplicated? If yes to any of these questions, bootlegable!!!

The hell have you been the past 10+ years? 
yea i know

i just figured........"because they are just underwear"

Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by bigjohn46581

looks good man. what seasoning?

chicken breast, cajun seasoning cooked in olive oil and tomatoes!

is there much difference between brown and white rice? im talking night and day difference..
here is the glycemic difference

[table][tr][td]White rice, boiled*[/td][td]73±4[/td][/tr][tr][td]Brown rice, boiled[/td][td]68±4[/td][/tr][/table]
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