Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by I3

looks good as hell
Can master chefs help us entry chefs out with making some healthy and delicious meals?
Post your recipes and end product please!
Very much appreciated.
Why is he always making that face?

On some perma-down syndrome stuff

I want to look like him.... but add about 5% body fat.
Comfortable living > having your own website/online admirers
BTW anyone notice a total FLOOD of fatgripz ads everywhere online lately??

I want a set... but not for $40

  • Meal 1: 5:30am 1/2 cup oats w/one scoop whey, one scoop whey shake
  • Meal 2: 8:30am 12 egg whites
  • Meal 3: 10:30am 35g whey shake
  • Meal 4: 12pm 6oz chicken breast 1 tbsp acv
  • Meal 5: 3pm :nerd:z skinless boneless chicken thighs 1tbsp acv
  • Meal 6: 4pm 1/2cup oats w/one scoop whey
  • Meal 8: 7pm 54g whey shake
  • Meal 9: 8:30pm :nerd:z chicken breast


What's that? 300+g protein, 60g of carb PER DAY? NO FAT?
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Why is he always making that face?

On some perma-down syndrome stuff

I want to look like him.... but add about 5% body fat.
Comfortable living > having your own website/online admirers

i want to get that shredded and stay that way til im like 40

that guy's symmetry is nuts. he looks like an action figure.... abs/obliques/serratus look like theyre molded out of plastic
Originally Posted by Money Making A

Originally Posted by boyoboyo

just like i thought the legs dont match the upper body, espeically conditioning wise.
whats ur diet like brah? any cardio?
After i cut ill get leg pics and show shreddedness, diet is pizza everyday (srs), i dont do any cardio. I only add in cardio at the end of my cut IF need be.

not sure if he's really srs


just checked that out

i think its safe to assume when you get a real nice physique with ppl respectin it, you cant help but come off as a d-bag

guy just seems full of (#&$ with his responses


Time to cut, and take these aesthetics BEYOND shredded.
he said this after he posted those new pics

edit: is funny, that thread is funny.
People REALLY place too much emphasis on physique.
I've found that females don't even care... and I'm dead serious.

I'm glad I can happily stick to a healthy lifestyle and not get trapped in this aesthetics battle.

In fact... I've concluded that 90% striving for sub 8% are only doing it for the guys. Really. To get the props
I think physique is for self more than anything. Cuz really, how long do you spend looking in the mirror the closer you get to your goal?
no youre right if youre lean enough to have abs cut and visible (like 12% give or take depending on how much mass you have) thats like the ultimate for women

any lower and you look smaller which is not great unless youre huge and the more strirations/cuts you get past that point are probably more on the "gross out" side of things than the "turn on" side for most women. no girl is gonna admire how vascular your quads are lol

but then again a lot of pics people who bodybuild take are after diuretics, with a pump, with optimal lighting, etc. your physique wont look that freakish under normal circumstances

but again not to sound arrogant but i already have a physique most women find very attractive and i have no prob getting this point i tweak how my body looks for me and nobody else. i like the super shredded look so thats wat i will strive for.
Originally Posted by hotshots24

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by hotshots24

Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Originally Posted by hotshots24

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by hotshots24

how is 45 minutes strength training and 1 hour gym work (that 5-6 hours of shooting around is what i LIKE to do, i dont see it as work) OD?

some of you guys pull off two a days and 2 hours in the gym

so are you a pro player? if not how do you have that much time? You can't have a job or be in school with that type of schedule.  I'm not calling you a liar but....
Well, im training to play professionally here in the philippines, and i make a living off of the "stupid" youtube videos that i sometimes post on here. Making money from basically talking to the camera has given me the opportunity to live out my dream of playing basketball professionally.
How old are you?
If you need to practice free throws for 5 hours maybe basketball isnt your thing...
21, and its not JUST free throws 
 its more of a shoot around, and working on my handles, but NOT sweating. so its relaxed.
Do you have a plan B? Sorry to pry but this is all pretty interesting
No worries 
plan b? not really, i don't think like that (which is probably stupid to most of you) but i truly believe in myself & in God's plan (uh oh...) and if it doesn't work out, at least i know i tried and i'll continue living my simple life 
 (ps. i grew up in california, so i never really "wanted" to make friends here in the philippines, so its easier to focus on what im girl problems, no family problems, literally just me and my basketball, hours upon hours)


Put me on with a team out there.  I need some international contacts
Three question for you BROS:

1) Has anyone actually used fatgripz? Worth the price? Did you use them on all bar exercises or only certain ones?

2) Is it natural to feel some pressure on your lower back during heavy deadlifts? Would a belt help with this? I have had several trainers watch my form and they all say it's solid, but the lower back strain worries me a bit.

3) What sort of stuff do you guys do to hit your obliques?
Again joe, feel the same. I've had several chicks tell me they like me bigger, I'm getting too lean. W/e.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

no youre right if youre lean enough to have abs cut and visible (like 12% give or take depending on how much mass you have) thats like the ultimate for women

any lower and you look smaller which is not great unless youre huge and the more strirations/cuts you get past that point are probably more on the "gross out" side of things than the "turn on" side for most women. no girl is gonna admire how vascular your quads are lol
I'd never let a female's opinion determine what I do with my body.

I wanna get to 6-7% for myself and couldn't care less whether or not they find it unappealing.
I think a lot of us started working out to look better and to attract girls, etc but eventually many of us came to the point where we became obsessed and we exercised more for self gratification than anything else. When I first started I wanted to be huge with 3d abs but about 2-years ago I realized I actually enjoyed working out and wasnt doing it for girls.

However, I do agree with whoever said that many guys try to get in shape to impress other guys. It doesnt mean that their gay or anything but it seems like men are more impressed when they see other guys in excellent shape than women are. Men appreciate how much work, patience and effort it takes to have a really nice physique where as women see a nice body as just a nice body and they dont consider what it took for the guy to get it. I think the dudes on the forums are genuinely impressed when people with nice physiques post pics of themselves, not just because they have above average bodies but mostly because it takes a #%%%*+%* of effort to have nice size with under 10% BF.

It's kind of funny how many people under-estimate what kind of effort it takes to have a nice physique. On the one hand you have people who "dont want to get big", even though they dont understand that getting big takes months/years and you have to eat a ton to do so. Then you have the people who want to lose weight but they dont understand the discipline it takes to get the weight off. 
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by bigjohn46581

looks good man. what seasoning?

chicken breast, cajun seasoning cooked in olive oil and tomatoes!

is there much difference between brown and white rice? im talking night and day difference..
here is the glycemic difference

[table][tr][td]White rice, boiled*[/td][td]73±4[/td][/tr][tr][td]Brown rice, boiled[/td][td]68±4[/td][/tr][/table]

But does it hold any significance? Im sure on the cut it would, but on a bulk..?

Its pretty easy to cook.. just get a pan, a bit of olive oil, drop in the chicken, and when its near done cut up a tomato and onion and chuck it in.  Then just add seasoning every time you give it a stir - prob a 10-15 min meal.. healthy and easy to eat.
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