Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

40-50 glasses might be a little OD unless they are shooters.

I don't know why the hell this made me
so hard.
Not to hate but do you really need 5 hours of free throw practice?
30 min and im bored of free throws, and 30 min is alot of time for free throw practice too. But 5 hours?!

I hope you are getting paid to play basketball, if not then you are wasting a whole lot of time.
6 Hours at the gym of basketball shooting drills???!?!?

10 hours of sleep?!?!?! that leaves you with 8 hours for school/work/eating/dating/etc
Originally Posted by nikestreetdotcom

I'm curious to find out what you're thoughts are on caffeine pre-workout.  For the past 2-3 months, I've been religiously taking caffeine approximately 20 minutes pre-workout.  One of my buddies told me that you should use caffeine sparingly pre-workout because your body grows tolerant of it and you start relying on it for all your workouts.  I've seen significant increases in strength overall and I attribute it to the mental focus/energy I get from the caffeine.

Your body does become tolerant but it can still remain a very potent tool if you increase the dosage. I used caffeine pre-workout a lot in the summer time and it definitely helped but I wanted to try and see how I'd react without it so I cut it out completely for 1 month back in September. I'm not going to lie, I felt terrible the first week and there were days where I was basically mentally ******ed by 3pm. However, the funny thing is after the 1st week my body adapted and I was completely fine. Energy levels were normal again and my workouts were great. Since October I've consumed caffeine basically every day but I'm gonna try to cycle off of it soon. It helps and it does have some health benefits but its also problematic if you use it too much.

Anyways, some dude asks me for a spot today so I say sure...I go over and this dude asks me to spot him doing preacher curls. What. the. $%*%? I didnt know what I was supposed to do so I just stood there watching him...on the last rep I just slightly touched the bar and watched as he squeezed out his last rep. I'll never understand why dudes get people to spot them doing curls and %@%+ like lat pulldowns

And does anyone have suggestions on how to reduce bodyfat when you're already pretty low? I think I've been in the 10-11% range for 3 weeks now but I havent been able to go any lower. Any workout + diet suggestions would be great.
He seems like a cool guy

These parts had me

SCHWARZENEGGER: I've torn pectoral muscles, fibers in my knee, in mythighs, and once I had to have an operation to repair torn cartilage.Generally you let muscles heal by themselves or get cortisone shots. Injurieshappen when your mind is beyond your body, largely when you think you're KingKong and lift weights heavier than the body can handle. At the same time,though, we generally manage to have a good time. Bodybuilders party a lot, andonce, in Gold's—the gym in Venice, California, where all the top guystrain—there was a black girl who came out naked. Everybody jumped onher and took her upstairs, where we all got together.

[font=Arial Black, Arial MT Black]oui[/font]: A gang bang?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Yes, but not everybody, just the guys who can @%!% infront of other guys. Not everybody can do that. Some think that they don'thave a big-enough @@+%, so they can't get a hard-on. Having chicks around isthe kind of thing that breaks up the intense training. It gives you relief,and then afterward you go back to the serious stuff.

[font=Arial Black, Arial MT Black]oui[/font]: So you believe in writingyour own rules?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Exactly. There are bodybuilders who are afraid ofindulging in sex or even of playing other sports for fear of harming theirbodies. I think that's silly. What's the use of building your body if youdon't use it? At the Mr. Olympia contest in 1972, we had girls backstagegiving head, then all of us went out and I won. It didn't bother me at all;in fact, I went out there feeling like King Kong.
how is 45 minutes strength training and 1 hour gym work (that 5-6 hours of shooting around is what i LIKE to do, i dont see it as work) OD?

some of you guys pull off two a days and 2 hours in the gym
Originally Posted by hotshots24

how is 45 minutes strength training and 1 hour gym work (that 5-6 hours of shooting around is what i LIKE to do, i dont see it as work) OD?

some of you guys pull off two a days and 2 hours in the gym

so are you a pro player? if not how do you have that much time? You can't have a job or be in school with that type of schedule.  I'm not calling you a liar but....
Originally Posted by hotshots24

how is 45 minutes strength training and 1 hour gym work (that 5-6 hours of shooting around is what i LIKE to do, i dont see it as work) OD?

some of you guys pull off two a days and 2 hours in the gym
Because 45 minutes strength training+ 1 hour gym work + 5-6 hours of shooting means you are spending up to 8 hours in a gym. That is a full days work
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

And does anyone have suggestions on how to reduce bodyfat when you're already pretty low? I think I've been in the 10-11% range for 3 weeks now but I havent been able to go any lower. Any workout + diet suggestions would be great.

isn't this when fat burners should be used?
browsing bb from time to time i see people talk about this
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

as for lateral raises......with straight arms it feels awful for my shoulder joints, so i do them with arms bent so the weight is out in front of me. feels great, ridiculous burn.
Same here. And I wasn't progressing in weight when I was doing them with my arms straight.

I started doing them with my arms bent after I saw Zyzz do them that way in a video.
That was the first time I saw them done that way.

lol but no im kinda the same way, always saw a bunch of people in the gym doin em that way, didnt even realize they hit the same areas as regular lateral raises. tried em one day and although the form is a little tricker than keeping your arms straight out it is sooo much better for me.
i decided what im doing for my serving of carbs a day, oatmeal (oats+water no milk) preworkout, because honestly my body cannot handle lifting with no carbs well enough for it to be worthwhile

very low gi carb source once a day about 1 hr preworkout should lean me out really well i presume. and it gives me the energy i need, i dont feel too tired like i do on no carbs.

been eating a lot of fats to make up for it.......salmon, eggs (with the yolks), extra virgin olive oil, some fat from lean meats, lots of avocado, etc.

i want a source of saturated fats as well though.....palm/coconut oil, something like that. i read that palm oil mimics some of the effects of trans fats and while it isn't as bad as like them its not a great thing to eat a lot of coconut oil better? 

Wont you loose a lot of muscle mass or barley progress? I want to go lower carb but I cant lift without them
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by hotshots24

how is 45 minutes strength training and 1 hour gym work (that 5-6 hours of shooting around is what i LIKE to do, i dont see it as work) OD?

some of you guys pull off two a days and 2 hours in the gym

so are you a pro player? if not how do you have that much time? You can't have a job or be in school with that type of schedule.  I'm not calling you a liar but....
Well, im training to play professionally here in the philippines, and i make a living off of the "stupid" youtube videos that i sometimes post on here. Making money from basically talking to the camera has given me the opportunity to live out my dream of playing basketball professionally.
Originally Posted by wanksta23

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

And does anyone have suggestions on how to reduce bodyfat when you're already pretty low? I think I've been in the 10-11% range for 3 weeks now but I havent been able to go any lower. Any workout + diet suggestions would be great.

isn't this when fat burners should be used?
browsing bb from time to time i see people talk about this
Not necessarily. This could mean that there's another factor that's inhibiting his fat loss. I'd rather know what I should avoid when "cutting" than just take a random pill daily(that might not work).
Carlos, you might want to cut out certain food groups for a week or 2 at a time, just to see if they're problematic for you. Dairy, grains, etc.
After years and years of research, THATS the workout you came up with?  Come on.

I dont even know where to begin with that workout.

5 hours of free throw shooting is quite possibly the biggest waste of time ive ever heard of.  Youd be better off sitting on the couch watching tv.
Originally Posted by hotshots24

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by hotshots24

how is 45 minutes strength training and 1 hour gym work (that 5-6 hours of shooting around is what i LIKE to do, i dont see it as work) OD?

some of you guys pull off two a days and 2 hours in the gym

so are you a pro player? if not how do you have that much time? You can't have a job or be in school with that type of schedule.  I'm not calling you a liar but....
Well, im training to play professionally here in the philippines, and i make a living off of the "stupid" youtube videos that i sometimes post on here. Making money from basically talking to the camera has given me the opportunity to live out my dream of playing basketball professionally.

this is so awesome and random as hell if true.
Damn I'm away from this thread for ONE day and this is what I come back to 

How are you comparing 2 hours in the gym a couple days a week to spending FIVE/CINCO/5/F-I-V-E HOURS shooting free throws?

To each his own, but damn. I've been working 15 hours a day to help open up a new Planet Fitness location (yes, I work for everybody's most hated gym) and my workouts have been suffering along with my sleep. Even the last couple days working normal hours, my body hasn't recovered. I broke out the 1MR today and
better than before. The PF I went to only had 20 45lb plates (
) and I had them all in use on the leg press. Great feeling
Lol damn, I didn't even come back in here after my post. Keyboard warrior do u even lift?

Off to the gym, hopefully empty.
Originally Posted by hotshots24

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by hotshots24

how is 45 minutes strength training and 1 hour gym work (that 5-6 hours of shooting around is what i LIKE to do, i dont see it as work) OD?

some of you guys pull off two a days and 2 hours in the gym

so are you a pro player? if not how do you have that much time? You can't have a job or be in school with that type of schedule.  I'm not calling you a liar but....
Well, im training to play professionally here in the philippines, and i make a living off of the "stupid" youtube videos that i sometimes post on here. Making money from basically talking to the camera has given me the opportunity to live out my dream of playing basketball professionally.
How old are you?
If you need to practice free throws for 5 hours maybe basketball isnt your thing...
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